What happened Sup Forums?
What happened Sup Forums?
didn't bioshock 2 add a little complexity with the camera and such, or am I misremembering that.
It simplified hacking and nulified stealth at all. Granted the camera was something.
That camera was just a different version of the original's
System shock and bioshock are the same franchise?
System Shock 1 is a straight FPS while 2 has RPG mechanics
>number of colors indicates complexity
>gradient is exactly the same for each category
>specific examples only given at each extreme
Someone made this thinking they were being clever and poignant. Someone else viewed it, thought the same, and saved it. Someone else will likely see it and resave it from this thread. No matter how true the thesis statement might be, the lack of any actual information here is disguting.
>Sup Forums
Bioshock was supposed to be similar but using biological themes instead of techological
The original concepts call for actually mutating physically to get your plasmids, where you get a lot of plasmids and turn into a freakish nightmare creature, or have just one or two and look slightly fucked up.
But instead we got Bioshock, not bad by any means but, wow, did they loose sight of their goal or what.
>System Shock 1 is a straight FPS
you should at least play a game before shitposting about it on /vee/
this is the fag that writes those huge wall of text comic ain't it?
># of colors indicate complexity
wowsers thanks for adding that footnote otherwise I would have been completely lost
>Bioshock 2 less complex than Bioshock 1
> nulified stealth
What stealth?
It is not really stealth if the enemies are just completely short sighted.
Instead of setting an example of how games could have variety in mechanics, the Shock series overly simplified itself. Now it exists purely as a footnote in gaming history, discarded like trash.
And good god the SS1 remake looks off-point.
Console gamers happened.
The issue with this is that the complexity in System Shock 1 is pointless and futile.
In reality, in terms of gameplay dynamic, it goes ss2, bioshock, ss, bi, b2
focus group cancer.
Watch out, console kids will call you a lier and say that dark/demon souls its the hardest and most complex game ever made by humanity
Ten years ago it was thought that BioShock would be the natural successor to System Shock, since the latter was effectively dead and not likely to return.
Now with Night Dive's SS1 remake and OtherSide's System Shock 3 in development led by Warren Spector himself, it's clear that the BioShock series was a Ken Levine-owned spinoff rather than a successor.
Hahaha, those kids.
How can a game that makes u immortal be hard?
Why is shield of Artorias even in the game?
Why would I fall for the same boring ass tricks 2 times?
DS is a good game for a pass trough, but there have been far more harder games.. Myst and Dracula Point and Clicks are harder then anything FROM Software regurtitated for the 20th time.
Kids will always be mad not understanding why PS1 games were great and PS4 games are broken tech demos :D
> :D
Don't post on this board ever again.
>Using cuck lord Winston Rowntree
Kill yourself, faggot.
It is. No RPG mechanics.
Don't post on my wife's board ever again
>System Shock 1
>Character customization
>Player choice
>Every player's story is at least slightly different
>character customization
The original System Shock did not have character customization.
It didn't have a very flexible story either, in fact no Shock game has had one. It had large, sprawling levels with lots of exploration, but the story is the same every time you play through it (Blow up mining laser, jettison Beta Grove, destroy uplinks, kill SHODAN).
Please learn english grammar. I'm assuming you're german so I don't have to assume you're retarded.
thats the magic of living in 2016 with internet connection everywhere
easy way for retards to express themselves and post their opinions for everyone to see
like right now me, Im posting this while hanging upside down and being covered by my own feces because I dont want to piss off the poo poo fairy that lives in my basement
what a time to be alive
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
are u is madness?
Lmaoing@ur lyfe
please you have to stop now
Please understand that this is the interwebs. I don't need to learn grammer, I am just to lazee to caer.
Or else what?
You will call le 4chin police, bo0ss?
U funney :D
But SS1 is a lot less complex/hardcore than SS2 which is a good thing. Fuck locking weapons behind stats. Fuck degradation. And fuck those monkey hitboxes.
First-person shooters of mid-90s didn't feature non-linear interconnected Metroid-like environments, or immersive fully interactive detailed environments littered with items and furniture, or an inventory, or different ammo types, or various gadgets, or audio logs. They were linear, arcadey run-and-gun games.
System Shock was in a league of its own up until Half-Life opened the floodgates for narrative-driven shooters.
I never understood this picture, that's a black girl, meaning the guy cucked his wife and not vice versa.
The american flag behind Bioshock Call of Duty signals that this was drawn whatever pretentious douche is behind zen pencils.
Why does this guy always make the stupidest fucking charts?
Does someone have that one where he had a bunch of games and triangles and no one could figure out what it was even saying about video games?
was the baby adopted then?
She fucked a black dude and not him, hence the black baby. Thus he is a cuck. Do you have brain damage?
Most importantly, they didn't have leaning. (or a stamina system)
The entire point of the original System Shock was to retain Ultimate Underworld's immersive simulation qualities while also culling the non-immersive RPG elements like experience points and dialog trees.
then wouldn't the girl come out with lighter skin in that case?
Why would she?
Why would you assume that when it's more likely that they adopted?
>either bioshock
>elaborate inventory
>player choice
>different story
>I have no idea how genetics work
Hint: It's not a 50% mix. There are recessive and dominant genes.
I don't. Because I'm not a Sup Forums memster. But you wanted to know why the image calls him a cuck and I told you why.
>But you wanted to know why the image calls him a cuck and I told you why.
That's actually not me buddy, but thanks for teaching me about basic genetics
>but thanks for teaching me about basic genetics
Nigger, I learned that shit in 9th grade. Is American education THAT poor?
Winston is based.
No, i dropped out of school
Why is a Republican posting on a video game board? Did your pastor change his mind about video games being Satanic tools to teach kids evolution?
HeXen says hello. Also the two actual RPGs, Ultima Underworld 1 and 2 did it first.
His art is shit, his points are shit, he doesn't know jack shit about what he's talking about. He's a retarded version of the dead brainchild of Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
The beginning of Bioshock one is fucking amazing. I really wish the game went forward with a outside look towards Catholic/Baptist Revival Christianity...but instead it turned into your generic action game with an underlining of anti-racist shit with the Vox/Black side story.
What point is this even trying to make?
What's wrong with his picture?
Thank god. System Shock 2 is fucking garbage and anyone who says otherwise is a nostalgiafag with serious delusions
anyone else feel bad for vidya game developers?
media shits on them for making only white characters but they can't sell games otherwise
So... trump is an overhyped shitty Cod clone while Hillary is a pretentious walking simulator game?
Ss2 was more complex than ss1
Bs2 was more complex than 1 combat wise, but a little less storywise, but with better characters anyway.
The graph doesnt aknowledge minervas den.
I give is a 3/10 for the effort in shitting on infinite
I think it has something to do with the fact he thinks spec ops the line is the best game ever made and video games are for children.
The same thing that happened in every other medium: people want their satisfaction now, without fighting for it, without waiting, grinding or biulding a skill. They want the money shot and they are willing to pay for it.
And the companies are delivering. Simple supply and demand.
i know this pic is was made specifically to bash infinite but whoever made it didn't fucking play system shock 1 or bioshock 2 at all
I feel bad because it used to be my dream. I started some projects, even released a few games made in RPG Maker but the industry is so full of cancer now that I just drifted away.
If we are going by OP's chart, BS2 did streamline a lot of features like hacking and passive abilities, but it never felt like it took away from the experience, just made it less obtrusive and cumbersome.
It did, however, add the ability to have both a weapon and a plasmid active at the same time, a more complex melee ability complete with a rush attack, and more intricate ways to play a stealth build with traps and summons.
Fuck you I want to play Video Game now
Correct except that unlimited, any-point saving was always a flaw. It's just save states.
>bypass keypad/locked door
>nothing good inside
Trump is Konami, and Hillary is Zenimax
>Save your game at any point
>Implying this is a good thing
and also, BS2 should have more like 3 bars, not 2.
That said, mostly agree with it.
>save states are a flaw
Do millennials irrationally hate trial and error gameplay, or is it somehow justified?
There's no challenge in instantly reloading until you bypass an obstacle.
HeXen was released in 1995, over a year after System Shock.
Of course Ultima Underworld did it first, it's made by the same company. System Shock could as well be named Ultima Underworld 3: Sci-Fi Edition and it wouldn't be too far off.
System Shock has no RPG elements. It is a first person shooter. Interactivity and backtracking do not make it a roleplaying game.
Why did it have to have some "do good" story about rescuing people?
Holy shit I need to go back and play Bioshock 2, loved that game.
I didn't say that it was.
>can't even bean the interracial couple at the beginning because a depiction of such a scene is too mean for modern society
Now to be completely honest, and I am opening myself up to serious memeing here, but it is possible though extremely unlikely for a white couple to have a dark skinned shild
I'm not sure about african features mind you
>And fuck those monkey hitboxes.
SS1 "general direction and 2m range" melee>SS2 "swipe hits way off to left and down in a 10 centimeter range" melee
annelid egg bursting with slaughter.png
I think bioshock 2 has more complexity than 1.
nah cause everyone who actually matters doesn't give a shit
oh boo hoo tumblr keeps complaining that every character isnt a half black asian trans woman quadriplegic with aspergers
that shit dont matter