What does Sup Forums think Yordles?

What does Sup Forums think Yordles?

They're shit
Poppy is best and shouldn't be a yordle anyways, she was better as another race.

As a dota player I am incredibly attracted to them.

Poppy best yordle, too bad she's been shit ever since they removed the boomerang shield thing.

Cute, cuddly, totally fuckable race put in the wrong genre, wrong game, and in the hands of the wrong developers/publishers. Just like the draenei.

Wait they actually removed it? I thought they just nerfed it a bit.

they were made to be loved

By removed it, I mean that now when you kill someone with the shield, the shield doesn't bounce back to you, it just falls on the floor regularly now, which is bullshit.


yordles are for hug not fug

Yeah that's stupid as shit. They nerfed it what, 3 times consecutively for no real reason? First nerf was okay I guess, but after that was pointless.


I want to split Lulu in half with my cock, but I can tolerate this ship.


built for sex


at least we have threads on /aco/ or /d/ for them

i hate ASSFAGGOTS but shortstacks are my fetish

I think you should post every image you have or fuck off.


I want to fuck Bandlebro

Posting the best yordle.


Who cares if its bigger, what matters is if its portable.

Oh I hadn't seen that one before.

There's a bunch.

no vorefaggotry plz

good art wasted on a shit fetish

>Trist will never ride you until you cum inside her.

Why live?