Are these games any good?
I hear Sup Forums jerk off MGS and Theif, but I barely hear about this seried.
Are these games any good?
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Chaos Theory is the peak of stealth games.
Be sure to play PC or Xbox versions of 1-3 (don't know about HD versions for PS3, but you can download PS3 textures for PC)
In case of Double Agent get it either on PS2, GC or Xbox, preferably Xbox. Don't bother with PC, 360 and PS3 version.
Conviction is more of a stealthy action game, Blacklist is much better and I would call it second best game in the series.
Yes, unfortunately they never got as popular as MGS because they don't have as many memes.
The first is okay but a little dated, plenty of mechanics but pretty linear and scripted levels. PT is basically the first with some better levels. Chaos Theory is fucking amazing all around.
Chaos Theory is the tits. Friends and I used to spend entire nights just trying to do well in co-op.
One of us would generally be the asshole dick who tries to Rambo their way through, while another would be properly playing. Led to some hijinx. Good thing they removed multiplayer entirely from the HD port
Chaos Theory is very close to being the perfect game.
Don't bother with Conviction, it's a shitty Bourne Identity ripoff that shits all over the series.
what's wrong with the 360/PS3/PC version?
1-3 are great, DA 7th gen is eh, DA 6th gen is pretty good.
If you're going to play on PC google fixes for the lightning in the first 2 (1 usually works by default), best way to fix pandora tomorrow is to make it dx11 with dgVoodoo2
Convinction isn't worth playing unless you want to finish Sam's story. Blacklist has 4 good sidemissions otherwise its pretty much same as conviction and the story isn't even related anymore.
>Blacklist is much better and I would call it second best game in the series.
Thanks for keeping this thread alive, batman.
it removed most of the stuff chaos theory added, is paced differently and most of the missions are during the day and not as believable. Its still OK just not as good as the alternative
Also really buggy on PC
nobody even cares about that bait anymore, plus people who genuinely think blacklist is in the same vain as the previous games wont change his mind no matter what
Yes, very. The first three, at least.
It's a completely different game made by different developers.
For Chaos Theory those 360/PS3 "HD versions" are just buggy shit when compared to Xbox/PC originals, for Double Agent it's an different game altogether for some strange reason and the last gen version is better than the PC/PS3/360 version.
1 to 3 is very nice. Never played Double Agent.
Conviction and Blacklist are pretty stupid. Co-op can be fun though.
It's totally different game, made by Shanghai team that also made Pandora Tomorrow, while PS2/GC/Xbox was made by SC1 and Chaos Theory team. 7th gen version is not very good and was casualized (for example binary visibility). And PC port is fucking horrible, with lots of graphical glitches appearing through the game, crashing and it quite often damaged saves (at least for me).
Saves didn't work at all for me except for quicksaving/quickloading and continue from the main menu
Speaking of PC ports, not that I like it but why does Conviction not run on newer cards?
Chaos Theory co-op is the best multiplayer experience I've had in my life. As long as both you and your friend actually put the effort in and play on the hardest difficulty.
The game is genuinely amazing.
You sure its not a windows10 issue? I played it on 9xx series
Nope, I'm on Win7. Bought it on a sale but it said it couldn't run on my card so I refunded it. I think I remember looking up its compatible cards after as well.
what card phamalan
Double Agent is basically Chaos Theory with all the humor removed and with a hub area thrown in.
Versus is fun AF as well, even with random people.
R9 380
weird, could you not press launch or OK or whatever after that hardware checkup?
If Ubisoft made a standalone Spies Vs Mercs game I'd eat that shit right up.
they'd fuck it up tremendously.
what was up with DA's multiplayer? it was like some futuristic stuff but I never played it much myself
I enjoyed the fuck out of Chaos Theory, but at the same time I don't really feel like playing it again. I think it's because it doesn't have a lot of charm.
I mean, compare this series to MGS and Deus Ex and you'll quickly understand why no one talks about it.
Just to give at least one dissenting opinion, I played one of them when I was very young, rented it back from blockbuster when that was still a thing.
The thing that turned me off about it and made me return it early was the fact that it's incredibly linear. There's really only ONE way to tackle the missions, and that's about it. It's fun sort of to find that one way, but in the end it really was a turn off.
In retrospect, it was probably a mediocre experience, but was being compared to other titles at the time LIKE MGS, so it couldn't really stand a chance.
Couldn't be any worse than Siege
first 2 are very picky with the mission conditions (if your foot gets spotted you must restart the mission)
chaos theory is perfect
If you're talking about the first two then yeah that's true. Chaos Theory and Double Agent opened things up a lot more. Of course that was all fucked up again when Conviction turned it into a cover based shooter. And Blacklist isn't even worth talking about because why would you play a SC game without Ironside?
>hating Siege
why? Other then the shit tickrate it is a good game
I agree. If you have some self control you can play almost all of the game in full stealth mode. The guards AI is amazing.
Are you from the past? 60 tickrate has been live for half a year now
Don't bully me user, i'm looking forward to the release of The Division, it's gonna be awesome.
>the release of The Division,
Uh, user...
I couldn't launch it, it just gave me a popup saying I couldn't run it with my card.
Funnily enough all of a sudden now Chaos Theory is crashing when I load a mission.
Why are the Merc Fovs and shooting mechanics so shit compared to other Ubi fps games?
chaos theory is best stealth game ever
I like Siege but, let's be honest, the hit detection is still mega fucked.
the speedrun for SC1 is pretty funny
the original is fucking good. chaos theory brought multiplayer stealth gameplay before MGO did
I downloaded a pirated copy of Chaos Theory and whenever I try to run it it gives me a message saying it can run only in 95, 2000, or XP. I've ran it in every compatibility mode I could but it always does this. On 8.1 if it matters.
Speaking of stealth games, was there ever a stealth games rec chart?
Just a heads up, Pandora Tomorrow's graphics shader is pretty much universally incompatible with modern graphics cards, making shadows just straight up invisible and making the game unplayable. PT is not a huge part of the canon but if you want to play it play it on xbox.
Works cited
user who spent literal days trying to play this game on PC
There's a fix though, it should be on PC gaming wiki
Ill have to check that out then. This happened to me like a year ago and every single forum post I ever found said I was basically SOL.
So the og xbox version of Double Agent is a completely different game from the one released on the 360 / PS3 / PC?
Why didn't they just straight up port the damn thing?
That time Ubisoft tried to take advantage of platforms. Like PC/Xbox version was slightly different from GC/PS2 with Splinter Cell ganes. Or Ghost Recon AW and AW2 were completely different on PC (tactical FPS closer to original GR) and consoles (third person shooter)
I think they handled it rather well with the PS2 / GC versions, even though they were the inferior versions you ended up getting bonus content in the form of an additional tanker level.
Shame about Double Agent though, I'm not going through the hassle to find an original xbox for one game.
dgvoodoo2 m8
webm related
the interface looks fucking huge
I tried DA on PS2. Like 4 lengthy loading screens to continue game from boot up.
yeah I couldn't get the widescreen fix to work with dgvoodoo, so I used the old method of just editing the dll files, sadly no way to scale the UI
Yes, Early Splinter Cell, Hitman and the other 2 series are the big 4 of stealth games
Is there a way to play the PS2 version of Double Agent online for coop?
The coop was just an expanded Chaos Theory story and was really fucking good.
It's funny how SC, Hitman and MGS peaked around the same time
>I hear Sup Forums jerk off MGS and Theif, but I barely hear about this seried.
Chaos Theory is constantly circlejerked around here, fuck off back to your hugbox.
Double agent is better played on the OG xbox, the gamecube and PS2 versions are severely downgraded. The PC-360-PS3 game is an entirely different one, which should also be played. Not as good but still enjoyable.
also a guide if anyone is interested
is there any downside to just emulating ps2 version of double agent? I never got around to playing it and I'd rather not get an xboxhueg for it
Broken thermal visor, small halo around bright objects
other than that it supposedly runs fine at 55-60fps (in hardware mode)
Try to patch it or get a different copy, I've played it on 8.1 and 10.
Yes, the lighting isn't dynamic like in the xbox version, all shadows are pre-baked. Normally this shouldn't bother you that much, but in these games the lighting is a gameplay element. Also the levels are downsized for the weaker hardware.
But if you just want to go through it, it's essentially the same game so you won't be missing much in terms of the story.
I remember there was working crack, if this thread is still up when I got home, I might upload the one from Steam or at least the one I have.
So MGS1-3, Thief 1-2, Hitman: Blood Money and Chaos Theory are the essential stealth games?
try reloaded crack, should be up on gamecopyworld
also normally I'd tell you to buy it because of how good it is but >ubisoft
Yes. Although I personally don't really agree with adding MGS 1 and 2 (or at the very least 1) to that list as their stealth is very barebones compared to the other games.
And Hitman Contracts. It perfected early Hitman formula. And then Blood Money made it even better
splinter cell 1/pandora and 6th gen DA are good as well.
gameplaywise the stealth in mgsv5 is good
also first 3 hitman games aren't bad either, they just have a lot more traditional stealth rather than just hiding in plan sight, 1 aged like absolute shit though but I still like
I think C47 is a fine game too, though its stealth system is very "all-or-nothing".
yeah I like it as well but people who only played bloodmoney might find it too rugged
and fuck, the hotel mission in contracts doesn't do the one in c47 justice
i just find it stupid as fuck how in chaos theory you can just punch everyone to sleep. its overpowered as fuck. at least he should fight them for a while like in metal gear
game becomes trivial as fuck with that melee
Yeah taking everyone out is trivial, just ghost through instead
Although some of the interrogations are good
If you want a challenge just try to avoid all the enemies completely, SC in general gives you a lot of ways to incapacitate enemies
>the hotel mission
best mission the entire series, it alone makes the original worth replaying
They're the best and last of the stealth genre.
Chaos Theory is one of the greatest stealth games ever made.
What was wrong with DA for 360/PS3? I only ever tried it for original Xbox
made by secondary team and it basically wasn't as good
I remember just running around in it for weeks trying out everything. It was such a long time ago though that I barely even remember anything at this point, bit longer and could replay the game as a fresh experience
Anyone else replaying CT find some of the levels are more linear than they remember?
Should I add the 1st Deus Ex in the essential stealth games list as well?
Any recommended version for these , besides Xbox Double Agent?
What about other stealth series, like Tenchu and Mark of the Ninja?
They tried to simplify the gameplay to make it more action oriented. For example, the sound meter is gone, and the light meter turned into a 2 step mechanic. Instead of there being steps of "seen/unseen" you're either completely invisible or completely visible, which makes a ton of bait and switch stuff not work. The levels aren't as good and it has too many action setpieces. It laid the groundwork for conviction and blacklist, which weren't horrible but were completely different gameplay wise.
No. DX may have a lot of stealthing but the quality of its stealth isn't on par with the rest.
Besides, we already have a big Stealth Games chart, I think.
>Instead of there being steps of "seen/unseen" you're either completely invisible or completely visible, which makes a ton of bait and switch stuff not work
Holy shit. Fucking why
I wish they'd add Xinput control to Chaos Theory. I own it but I'll never get around to playing it since Xinput isn't supported.
I'm pretty sure there is on Steam
Wouldn't a Xinput-to-DInput converter like XInputPlus do the trick?
I don't know why that mission in particular sticks out for me, it was just so relaxing
use xpadder or key2joy
though it should work right out the box, much older games work fine with xinput controllers (Silent Hill 2 for example)
I'm gonna need it for uh, research.
I very much wish I had it. I know it exists but I never bothered saving it.
sp 1-3 work well with mouse wheel though
Chaos theory is one of the best stealth games ever made
See this
It's wierd, I want to hate Conviction and Blacklist, but they are fun, they just are a wierder more casual and larger take on the idea of the franchise
and man is it fun to be aggressive as fuck and knife niggas all day
pandora should be good tier imho
MGS is the definitive stealth game for consolebabbies.
Thief is definitive stealth game for mustards
SC occupies a weird space in between. It's not worse than the other two, but no one thinks of it as THE stealth game.
This is the one I was talking about
Thanks. Tier lists are flamebaits, but it's something I could work with.
I remember playing splinter cell, and pandora tomorrow when i was 12-13 or so. The games are so good. I loved the train mission in pandora tomorrow. SC was good too of course. Massive splinter cell fan, apparently Ironside is back for the next game.