Try to find a better samurai

Try to find a better samurai
Pro tip: YOU probably can

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Kenshin Himura

Does Vergil count?

>Sword faggot
Not even best Samurai in his own game

I guess kinda. He uses the Iai style and shows mastery in it. But he doesn't really have a samurai spirit. A great sword master, not a good samurai however.

Secretary Nagi

I am taking the samurai code into account here.
There are characters i like way more, but Kojuro just has the best morality and ideals. Oda is crazy for power, Yukimura is too reckless, Masamune is too care free, Motonari is a total dick and i am sure Ishida would listen to Linkin Park.

Kenshin is a great samurai... However.

>>>>> Sup Forums

>mfw there's no good Samurai X games.

>too reckless
Uesugi Kenshin, Yukimura Sanada, and Tadakatsu Honda are almost always portrayed as the best Samurai of the Sengoku era because they were the best Samurai of their era.

Now I want to play Basara and wreck shit with his yakuza mode.

>Implying he isn't reckless.

His story on Sengoku 3 was all about he being in need of thinking before acting and becoming a good general after Shingen's death.

About Honda and Kenshin, yeah they are cool. But Honda in Sengoku is a mute gundam. And, i always feel like Kenshin could just scream "fuck it" and betray everyone at any moment. He almost always has this sarcastic and condescending tone. I can't deny his skills, but he is pretty shaddy to me.

Kairo Seijuro would completely destroy him.

mitsrugi from soul calibur

Which Basara is the best(and on ps3)?
I only played Devil Kings if that counts.

I disconsidered him because it wouldn't be fair with other characters.

I guess on PS3 there's only Sengoku 3 and Utage.
Utage however is japan only.

Currently it's Sumeragi.

>Kenshin could just scream "fuck it" and betray everyone at any moment. He almost always has this sarcastic and condescending tone. I can't deny his skills, but he is pretty shaddy to me.
Did we play the same game? Kenshin is always chill as fuck.

>That Dante voice
>That move set
>That choreography
>That theme song

Kojuro is TOO good for Sengoku Basara. He deserves his own game.

Based Kojuro

>Dante voice

I got u senpai

I am currently playing Samurai Heroes on the Wii.
And didn't unlock Kenshin (If he is playable) but on Keiji Maeda's campaign, he always has this grin, and he always sounds almost like a villain, i almost feel like he is just playing with Keiji and will fuck him up on his first chance.

Oh, I totally forgot about localization. While dub is awesome Kenshin was unlucky and got really bad voice. They try to mimic his androgynous nature from original but instead he just sounds weird. In original he's completely different. And he's unplayable in Samurai Heroes.

He is as good as Masamune if not better.

Oh, so that's the problem. Damn, i should probably just learn japanese already. There are many japan only games that i wish to play but can't due to not being able to understand a single thing. Specially in Sengoku's case where i really enjoy and like those characters, so not understanding them, i kind of feel like i am losing a big part of the game.


While Basara has all those fun stories and dialogs you can still play it without knowing japanese. Utage barely has a story mode and Sumeragi is just banch of random stories which you still can sort of undestand if you watched few anime titles. I'd say game is worth for gameplay alone.

>Rules of meme shit.

OP's looking for samurai, not OW Metal Gear Weeb shit. Not that it matters, since OP also likes this samurai weeb shit.

kakatte koi, kisama

Yeah, i remember having lots of fun with Sengoku 2 Heroes on the PS2, me and my sis really enjoyed it even though we didn't understand a single thing. Perhaps i should just follow your tip and enjoy the game for it's gameplay.


The fuck are you on about?

Is that IRL Vergil?




>Do i fit in yet? The post

meh, the only good thing kojuro has is that mode when he fights like a madman, i prefer the 2fast4u kenshin or mitsunari

>confused because someone randomly spergs out
>>lol do I fit in yet guis

I never really cared much of the story of Basara myself. Gameplay is fun as fuck though

Also, Muneshige is the best.

Gomenasai, my name is William-Sama.

I’m a 36 year old English Anjin (Navigator for you gaijins). I plot courses on my charts, and spend my days perfecting my map-reading and playing superior Nipponese games. (Hanafuda, Mahjong, Janken)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my scroll of sword mastery two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Nipponese fluently, both Kanji and the Kyushu dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Nipponese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Nipponese Red Seal, I am moving to Edo to attend a prestigious Academy to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a vassal to the Shogun or a merchant!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Nippon, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Nipponese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Took long enough

tsk tsk



strongest swordsman
smartest scholar
kairo seijuro

Samurais with chainsaws...Never thought i would see anything like this in my life time.

Tell me about masamune, why does he wear the eye patch?

How about samurai-gundam?

I liked Muneshige, but to me he was way too nice.
That bitch (which i even freaking forgot the name) does not deserve his services.

Out of the way, fags.
You got it.

Cringey as fuck.

This is why Sengoku basara series will always be the best musou

No one gives a shit.

Samurai gundams, samurais with chainsaws, boxing samurais, gunslinger samurais.
There's no limit to the crazyness of Sengoku is there?



I'm a swordsman .....simple...I follow a very old blood way of things and have been most of my life and not to be ungrateful or rude but I'm only interested in meeting girls. I don't have or want an active accnt I wanna chat more on facebook or eventually meet ...I just want have fun and form a companionship ...or if its your intent even more...over all I really want is to not get led around on a " never going to happen" basis and be out and about...and enjoy it with another ph 6-0-2-5-8-6-7-3-4-9 Kairo Seijuro on fb

Super sentai samurais.

>Forgotten protagonist

Yeah, he is good just like Terry Bogard, Rock Howard and Kazuya.

The outfit the player put him in, the scene or the fact the player immediately went for the skell?

So glad I got Sumeragi, It's so fucking good.

Kinda like Nohime, but ten times
Better and sexier

Genji is a ninja, though.

The box reminds me of Western Samurai

I have not played a sengoku basara game for ages since utage. Is the new yukimura gaiden one any good?

Well at least it works on violent black men

>tfw they actually wanted to add Nohime into Sumeragi with new gun kata moveset but she never made it due to small budget

Sengoku Warriors Saika is better.

>you never get to lick her belly button

It looks interesting but it's obviously not as good as main games.

Her voice always makes me hard.

how could it not work when you train like that

>Mfw he won't come back because he is dead...

I want my awesome posing and ass kicking tokusatsu samurai back...

Nah, you're gay. It's not like I blame you though, he's one sexy motherfucker.

is this movie good


What do you mean? He's playable in Sumeragi.


>Liking a womanizer over a badass and powerful sexy woman which is probably into femdom

Are you gay or something?



You should be good enough to fight Sephiroth



Wow really? Didn't know that, thanks m8.

He was cool up until he revealed his true power, you know, killing people across space and time. Then he got a little bit shit.


I AM....etc etc.... THE END HAS COME!

>The character's only trait is that he is powerful as fuck.
>Reveal that he has a power that makes him powerful as fuck
>Suddendly he is bad


Called it.


He was powerful but never so powerful that he could deus ex machina his way out of a plot they couldn't figure out what to do with. Unless I've forgotten something.

>Implying swords like those wouldn't break on the first hit.

Try to say that to my sexy husband's face!
He is the BEST BASARA!

>Best Basara

Pick one.

I did!
KG is the best! The most amazing and beautiful in everything!

Musou thread?

Best girl