In video games, women are always scantily clad eye candy compared to their male counterparts!

>In video games, women are always scantily clad eye candy compared to their male counterparts!

While this does sometime happen, it has never, ever, been prevalent or common. Where did this trope come from?

Did some people see a lot of fan art and assume it was official art?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because the majority of people that scream sexism and equality in video games don't actually play them

because all women are whores

>While this does sometime happen, it has never, ever, been prevalent or common
Hello, person who started playing videogames last year!

It's more that their male counterparts are usually overly clad. When was the last time you saw a male NPC under-equipped?

On a board that complains about yet also contains morons, you shouldn't be surprised to find out that they exist.

This, they only find baseline visual faults to be offended about rather than how shit the gameplay/story/etc is in every single weebshit game with degenerate bikini armor.
Also bikini armor exists in the first place because people enjoy fapping rather than playing videogames but they pretend like those """""games""""" are deep and engaging.

Raped by blue orcs.

hmm... I wonder

>While this does sometime happen, it has never, ever, been prevalent or common.

Pure bait

Grew up on video games, and while the whole "damsel in distress" trope was a lot more common in the past, games with sexy women not wearing much, also tended to have sexy men not wearing much. Rare was it that it would have none-sexualized men and hyper sexualized women.

Try playing some mmos, fighters, action adventure/rpg genres

Someone's never seen a J"RPG". Shit is literally a VN whyfoo sim.

Bikini armor isnt that common. And games with bikini armor, often have muscle bound men going topless, or trendy men looking pretty.

Examples of games with sexualized women and not sexualized men? MMO's do it, but many of them also have hyper sexual men too (like TERA)

I wondered this too. I vaguely remember it being a thing somewhere, but didn't know where exactly. WoW was an example that used to be pointed out, but I'm not sure. Korean MMOs most likely do this.

Shh, you'll make them angry if you don't call it a male power fantasy

Looks like a PC to me

Your post is shit
Your statements are shit
You're shit
...and an obligatory faggot

Usually have fairly skimpy armor for men or at least sexualized men too.
LOADED with sexualized men. Its not just women, both sides are brimming with sex appeal.
>Action adventure/RPG
Same as above. Both men and women in these games tend to be pretty sexual.

The "problem" arises when its just women. But its rare for it to be just women. Which is why they cling to Tomb Raider so much. It was as game staring a female and while in game she wasnt all that sexual aside from short shorts and big boobs, it was one of those rare examples where the game didnt also have men going around with bulging muscles and/or lack of clothes.

WoW had some sexy armor back in vanilla then it became an extreme rarity. The sexy armor was never the best though. Though the men in the game themselves tend to also be built for sex appeal, though their armor doesnt convey it. Though in the new expansion the Demon Hunter class is pretty much a collection of long eared strippers.

Korean MMO tend to have both men and women wearing stripper wear.

I suppose thats it. When men are sexualized its called a "power fantasy". Even though it builds them to look sexy, and the same can be said of sexy women "Its a female power fantasy". They had to make a term to bury the big glaring counter argument.

>male powerfantasy is being a musclehunk who lets his abs and balls hang out
>tfw my power fantasy is pic related

Only games that do it is Dragon Quest (only some) and obscure korean MMOs.

has it right.

>Examples of games with sexualized women and not sexualized men?

I'm playing PSO2 right now and the girls have like twice as many outfits as the guys, but if you don't want to play Panty Shots Online the number of available outfits drops down to less than a quarter of the guys.

Ofc JP has been particularly bad about this in recent years because of the moe otaku craze where they exclusively target horny whales with fat-ass wallets, but still.

>LOADED with sexualized men. Its not just women, both sides are brimming with sex appeal.

The fuck are you talking about. Have you LOOKED at SFV lately? EVERY female character is sexed up to hell and back, and what do the guys get? Arguably Vega (who went from completely topless to open shirt) and "sexy bearded Ryu". That's not a good track record.

Don't even try to argue with Zangief, that guy's appeal is exclusive to gay men and fujoshi that happen to be into bara.

It's not just the clothes, either. Look at the difference in how the animations are done:

> Even though it builds them to look sexy, and the same can be said of sexy women "Its a female power fantasy".

No, THIS is a female power fantasy. For some reason even in fighting games we're not allowed to have killer abs and visible musculature. Also ALWAYS have to have massive tits for some reason. SFV is way worse about this than SFIV was. Shit stinks.

>people complaining about senran kagura exposing skin and removing clothing when the character gets damaged as a mechanic
>male character did this first a whole 30 years ago

Women may be more highly sexualized no doubt.

But it still remains that its happening to both sides.

>implying SJWs actually play videogames

>No, THIS is a female power fantasy. For some reason even in fighting games we're not allowed to have killer abs and visible musculature. Also ALWAYS have to have massive tits for some reason.

My sister and cousin disagree with you. This is their favorite character they both play whenever we play Tekken together.

Their second favorite is Nina.

Women want to look sexy and pretty (while still being "strong"), anyone telling you otherwise is bullshiting, you included.

Anecdotes are not truth. Good for them if they like that. Too bad FGCs across the board are still massive sausage fests with 30:1 guy-girl ratios.

>Too bad FGCs across the board are still massive sausage fests with 30:1 guy-girl ratios
what does that have to do with female power fantasies

>compared to

Well, maybe late 90s through up till maybe '07, '08?

I remember for a long time it was pretty common, at least on western stuff, that everybody was doing that Conan the Barbarian thing when everybody just wore loinclothes and a few small slabs of metal on the shoulders or whatever.

Only one I'd really say ever did that was JRPGs. Guys get the armor, girls get pretty skirts and minidresses, but it wasn't really overly revealing and they were fucking sprites, you could barely tell the FF4/6 girls were in leotards.

Then once we got to 3D, JRPGs just gave up on armor and everybody dresses like Tetsuya Nomura. Not designed by Nomura, dresses like him.

It was really fucking common in MMOs and that's pretty much the most popular kind of "hobbyist"-level game women play. Also fighting games.

> Too bad FGCs across the board are still massive sausage fests with 30:1 guy-girl ratios.

Yeah I'm sure that's because there's not enough female power fantasies in the game. Has nothing to do with the competitive nature of the game, no sir. I mean the reason the best chess player is male is because of the patriarchy reinforcing the "king is most valuable" and "queen is disposable" propaganda meant to turn women away.

Shows they're doing a pretty shit job of making female power fantasies if they're not gravitating to their games at all.

Though this applies to gaming across the board and not just fighting games.

Part of the problem is that not EVERYONE wants to be generically sexy or have that as the only option. Like, shit, SFV has Birdie and Zangief and Dhalsim and the ladies never get anything like that. Shit stinks.

I pretty much exclusively play games with character creation now because it's the only time I get to play as characters I actually like.

> that .gif
> it's from that small story about the three adventurer's getting railed and impregnated by troll cock
> sprite animated

excellent taste

>if women don't play your game it's your fault

Want to hear about another 2 genres devoid of females? Strategy games and roguelikes.

Neither of them have power fantasies for anyone, in strategy games you don't even control a unit and in roguelikes you have no idea if it's male or what appearance it has.

Why don't women play those if you don't mind telling me?

Honestly, who gives a shit? It's targeted at men. If you want to sell something to horny teens then tits hanging out seems like a good way to do it.
The whole concept of "muh representation" is retarded because these are just products.
When some school textbook or unironic news outlet is teaching people that blacks are big lipped watermelon eating retards then sure you'll have a point but until then who gives a shit? It's fucking videogames.

>women being scantily clad eye candy
>has never, ever, been prevalent or common

You got me.


>implying women dont like sexy women too

Have you ever played games with women before? Ever notice what they always tend to pick?

game name?

There's a complex cocktail of reasons for why the gender split in each genre is the way it is. The point is that representation doesn't HELP if you're actively turning away customers by treating one half of the human race as sex dolls. It's one reason in a big list that includes advertising, hostile communities, socialization as children, etc., etc., etc.

How many women do you know?

Quit with this shitty anecdotal bullshit already. Not helping your case.

It's like they literally have 0 contact with females and their only knowledge about them is through tumblrerinas.

As someone who plays both MMOs and mobas with plenty of female friends in my in-group, they always make the sluttiest characters and always pick female or animal/mascot-like characters in LoL. (Always Leona or Janna for support, never Thresh or Braum)

You can cry all you want that it "those don't count", feel free to check it our yourself or do some studies.

Or even better, check the "all female teams" from LoL or the such.

Chijoku no Troll Busters

>polygon and friends bitch about Dragon's Crown
>shit all over the sorceress and amazon designs
>sorceress' english VA comes out and tells them to fuck off because she's a big-chested woman and thinks the character's great and they're a bunch of repressive prudes
Not to mention that the game's entire deal was exaggerated anatomy and also featured a dwarf that looked like a 4ft boulder made of abs and facial hair.

>There's a complex cocktail of reasons for why the gender split in each genre is the way it is. The point is that representation doesn't HELP if you're actively turning away customers by treating one half of the human race as sex dolls. It's one reason in a big list that includes advertising, hostile communities, socialization as children, etc., etc., etc.

You literally did not answer any of my questions. You started with "there's a lot of complex reasons but...let me get back to fighting games anyway".

Tell me Norman, why do women don't play roguelikes or strategy games when there's no "sex doll characters" in there? I'll keep waiting here until you decide to stop backpedaling.

>actively turning away customers by treating one half of the human race as sex dolls
oh you're one of those people
nevermind then

Normal women were never the problem. It's the landwhales (who are jealous and don't look good) and their beta white knight orbiters like complaining.

From Nu-Japan, where else?

Selling with sex is typical, but that can be the problem
You are no longer appealed by the typical


>you're actively turning away customers by treating one half of the human race as sex dolls
You must realize that the developer's target customer base is NOT representative of human demographics.

The target customer base is male, and various age demographics under 36.

If the developers of the next MMORPG or MOBA geared the entirety of the game exclusively at the female audience, they would go out of business.

Girls buy and play video games at a much lower rate than that of boys.

Same reasons you don't see a lot of women in STEM careers. Socialization plays a big role in all of this.

>beta white knight orbiters
Who the fuck are you talking about, and why are you making stupid assumptions like this when you don't know the first thing about me and never will unless I tell you?

Using games like LoL or WoW defeats the point, considering the options that are available.

Also lumping in female characters and animal/mascot characters as one monolithic group when there's a HUGE difference between champions like Janna and Taliyah is disingenuous as fuck.

Escapist fiction, as video games are, have never primarily been about representation. People simply don't want to play as the people they are, they want to play as the person they wish they could be.

Nobody chooses to play an ugly character unless there's irony at play and there's some kind of humorous intent. I've known several women who pick attractive female characters in games, and at least proportionately so to guys who pick attractive males to play. Again, people want to play as an ideal, not a boring ugly NEET who complains about shit on the internet all day, whether that be anime or gender politics.

>still no skintight nanomachine armor with visible vulva, labia minora and majora and clitoris, hard erect nipples and goosebumps when excited
>tfw no razor sharp hairs hardened by nanomachines
>tfw no super powerful nanomachine hair that can whip a star in half at the speed of turbolight
>tfw no Nanomachine Goddess to worship to gain Nanomachines

Literally extreme turbo kill me so hard that I become atoms

Also not to mention that I literally would never have found out about possibly one of the most fun games I've played in years if they hadn't given it so much free publicity.

who are you quoting?

>women in STEM careers
go on, mention the wage gap next
I know you want to

Really makes you think

>Same reasons you don't see a lot of women in STEM careers. Socialization plays a big role in all of this.

So you dodge the issue yet again by giving the most vague answer humanely possible.
Tell me what part of socialization is stopping women from taking careers there, especially when there are multiple support groups for women in these fields?

Did it ever occur to you that men and women like different things? Probably not. If you're not gonna answer properly next time then don't even bother, I wasted enough of my time with some idiot whose opinion will thankfully never influence the industry.

good taste

>metal gear solid: 22:78 f:m
I'd love to know what the ratio of heterosexual males to homosexual males is among the MGS fanbase.

That animation is shit actually. It's that generic up and down animation that amateurs do to try and give characters life, when they can't think of anything else. I mean, what the fuck is that motion anyway? Why is she moving like that? The boobs don't even bounce with convincing weight. Shit's retarded.

>If the developers of the next MMORPG or MOBA geared the entirety of the game exclusively at the female audience, they would go out of business.

>Girls buy and play video games at a much lower rate than that of boys.

[citation needed]

When did I say we should be making more ugly/unattractive characters? There's a HUGE range of attractiveness that doesn't only include generically sexy bombshells with hourglass figures.

Again, it's one factor among many. It's not the ONLY factor. Just one thing that doesn't help.

See image. Advertising is a huge part. Advertise exclusively to boys, you get more boys. Tell girls that they're not good at math or that programming isn't for them, you get fewer girls. It's pretty obvious shit, m8.

Bikini armor = YEHWAHEH tier protection

>Where did this trope come from?

Videogames kinda inherited from previous fiction platforms: Pulp novels, comics, b-movies...

Bikini armor or just plain flesh revealing simple fabric clothes is a real prominent thing in sword and sorcery stuff. Nothing wrong with it tho.

Plenty of the ladies Conan saves in the original novels of Howard don't even wear top.

>Same reasons you don't see a lot of women in STEM careers. Socialization plays a big role in all of this.
Yet women in countries that are considered to be worse for women are more likely to have a career in STEM than women in more free countries. I wonder why that is. Could it be that women are biologically more predisposed to careers characterized by working with people rather than things? Nah, must be that they're told to do girly things when they were young.

And maybe, women don't like fighting games that much because the games are quite competitive in nature. Could it be that women are biologically less competitive, similarly how other female primates are less competitive than males? Nah, must be because boys are allowed to fight and girls aren't.

I fucking hate you people.

All this exposed skin

In no SERIOUS game is it like that. Most games are not serious though and sexy women (and men) are supposed to be taken in a tongue in cheek manner. If you play any game that features a woman with a ridiculous outfit, there's probably going to be a ton of characters commenting about it. Stuff like bikini armor and fanservice is just a joke. People need to stop taking it so seriously.


Newfag please go


Big muscular dudes is actually still a male fantasy
Women do not actually like big steroid muscle men
They want lean, pretty Sephiroths

Kill yourself

Funny thing, in one of the Howard Conans Conan is the Damsel thats saved by a woman.

Conan women tend to be competent as fuck. One of the most famous, Belit, was actually above Conan.

...but how does it stay on?

bro...wizards are /fit/ as fuck, if not by training because they make themselves so through magic.

It doesn't matter if it's a male fantasy. What's wrong with a dude wanting to pretend he's an unrealistically ripped beefcake for the length of a game?

Where's the male majors in the image you stupid bitch?

Oh right that'd invalidate your shitty argument.

>I fucking hate you people.

top kek

Of all the reasons to hate someone, you choose a simple disagreement on the nature of sex differences?


Now have a read, maybe you'll learn something:

Conan himself often doesn't wear a top.

Well where are the female power fantasies too then

I always wonder, what does amazonian warrior use for their armor? It always portrayed with bikini armor

This is a boy, isn't it.

Peach wore way more clothes than her male captor.

>but how does it stay on?

It's inserted

What do women want to pretend to be?

The real question is: "Does it matter?"

This is Sup Forums, so the answer is usually 'more plz'.

>sexualized women with unrealistic proportions in video games
>women throw a shitfit because they know they can't compare and feel threatened

>sexualized men with unrealistic proportions in video games
>men wish they could look like that and try to get fit in response

It has nothing to do with the medium and everything to do with different mentalities of men and women. And yes, just because you're a guy who doesn't see muscular as fuck men with exposed abs as something sexual, it is. I imagine a sideboob doesn't mean that much to women either.

In my head someone was whispering as they read this, with very long pauses between some words.

Barbarian in Dragon Crown

Now fuck off

ITT stupid niggers don't understand stats

Red Sonja has bikini armor

No one complains

Uh, what the fuck are you talking about? That doesn't change a goddamn thing. The trend was supposed to end in women hovering closer to the 15k part of that graph and not all the way down at 7k. But it's obvious you can't read trend lines, so why are you even arguing with me? Dumb question, Dunning Kruger in full effect here.

According to SJW, women want to be pudgy and muscular. And no women really wants to be skinny, good looking, and/or fit. Thats just what mean want them to be.

I don't know, I don't have a vagina

Respected? I dunno, I have a penis. Still, women are still human beings so it wholly depends on the woman. Some relish being lusted over, some want to be treated like they're more than t&a, some don't give a fuck, and so on. It varies just as wildly as it does for guys because we're people at the end of the day, and each individual one wants what it wants.

That's because A) virtually nobody has read Red Sonja and B) those who have know she's a fucking badass.

Sigh... Let's get this over with. Post the sauce already.

Why has there still not been a Red Sonja game?

Nobody knows, or they don't like Red Sonja. Likely a combination of both.

Could start by letting me play as pic related.

>sexualized men with unrealistic proportions in video games
>men wish they could look like that and try to get fit in response

Um yeah, because those are actually builds that can be achieved (albiet often with the help of steroids).

Meanwhile the female character builds are usually just lots of botox and implants. No muscles to be found anywhere. No shit there's a difference.