
MLP audience, bro.

But this was before mlp took off.

Terrakion is god-tier

we want the fujo audience

Nintendo is always ahead of the curve, man.

Personally I like Virizion, but that's because I find the name slightly hilarious.

Keldeo is the only one I think looks like shit
I don't mind the rest


Whose Pokemon dick would you suck?


None, that's not my thing.

>you ask that about most gen V pokemon

>mustachiod bird

How are these not amazing


I don't understand? You circled all the best pokemon from that gen. Was that the point?

Better post the updated version, user.

Get out of my face.

>hey we have this region with too many legendaries
>lets add in 3 samefags and call it a legendary trio
>even though their lore was already done before
>lets give them alt forms that make them look even worse AND makes them even more cancerous

People unrightfully shit on Vanillite when this trash is way more deserving of it

they are fine except for that crappy pony


>more than half the circled pokemon are awesome or cute
>this guy thinks they are shit
You have genuinely shit taste.

How many pokemon would you take to the bone zone? I would take 338 of them to it, apparently.

>hating trashbeast
>hating jelly baby
>hating ice cream
>hating statler and waldorf
shit taste desusenpai

Every single one famicom.

i forgot these things existed until just now
jesus christ what were they thinking

I would not fuck those gears desu

Are there retards that actually think Friendship Is Magic had anything to do with Keldeo's creation?

>Objectively shit taste


vgc 2014 was fun as fuck then vgc 15 and 16 came up.
Hope vgc2017 isnt a clusterfuck.

what animal is the blue one supposed to be?

Thanks doc

>Hating Reuniclus and the fossil pokemon
Kill yourself my dude

>not hating the knight pokemons
>not hating that blue thing next to one of the knights

>hating on the blue turtle and the bird next to it

Other than that, spot on.

>absolutely trash green snake
lmao'd at your life.

What exactly is wrong with the musketeers?

>a literal anus rock

I kinda like these guys though.

They really overdo it with legendaries in the later gens though. Seems weird that 5% of the pokedex is Legendaries/Mythics.

tepig could still be ok, but that bara shit afterwards is inexcusable
osawott's line makes no sense whatsoever, none of them look like they're in the same evolution line
watchog looks uncanny
lillipup is just stupid
purrlion is ugly af, the ears stretch out the head too much, evolution has terrible color combination (a theme in gen V btw, so let me abbreviate it to CC)
ok we need more additions to the roster if we want to get to gen 1 numbers... how about just 3 almost identical monkeys with starter types and they have evolutions too! brilliant!
lazy af, wow evolution is sleeping now
what the fuck does the roggenrola line even represent, just draw boulders and leave a few holes between them for eyes, don't forget the spikes
gurdurr is probably the worst designed pokemon ever, I really hope I don't need argue why his design sucks
tympole line is ugly as fuck (b-but that's the point) it's still ugly
ok, why does almost every fucking gen need a completely pointless water pokemon? there's already an overabundance of water types, yet still they made qwilfish, luvdisc and now basculin
this isn't yokai watch, damura doll just doesn't work for a pokemon
body armor turtle has shitty proportions and looks like the weight is going to make him collapse
another ugly af pokemon
the problem here is that it doesn't even look like a garbage bag, why does gamefreak associate pink with trash? (see burmy)
edgy furry shit
probably the laziest mascot pokemon, giving his evolution just a scarf doesn't help
do I need to comment on gothgirl here?
lazy again, nothing inside it's membrane even looks like cel organs
ice cream pokemon wouldn't have been so bad if every evolution was at least a different type of ice cream, like a popcycle to a full restaurant sorbet
it's like the lazy voltorb line except it fails at actually looking like a pokeball
see: basculin

They are literally so shit they basically kill themselves at half HP

I actually think there are


Goddamn this is some shit taste

>He wouldn't fuck a Liepard or Zoroark

>they're all shiny

what fags

qt cat desu

>can't tell that any of them are fighting type.
>one of two legendary trios in Unova that don't even seem like they belong in Poke-america
>Virizion looks alright, but doesn't look like a very unified design on its own.
>Terrakion looks alright but when put together with the rest of the Muskateers looks like the typical fat side-character in anime.
>Cobalion's hindlegs are a mistake
>Keldeo is a mistake

I love how unovababbies always give magnemite shit but this is ok. it's just a mess of gears added to one gear that actually looks alive
cubchoo is cute, but beartic just looks stupid
cryogonal doesn't even look like a pokemon
fuck, do we still need more? ok ok how about a flat fish? like paper thin? funny right??? yeah ok, I'm really running out of ideas here, just roll with it
it's a dragon with a red head, I seriously don't get the concept behind him. it just looks like he's flustered all the time
dude, diapers! dude like looney tunes 'n shit
all of these legendaries don't fucking represent anything and have horrible horrible color combinations. 3 musketeers? sorry, I don't see it.at least keldeo actually looks like a MLP


Keldeo's the only one that really bothers me, and Keldeo is the only one in OU.

much better...

Samurott will never make any fucking sense to me. What the fuck where they thinking?

Also why does everyone hate Vanilluxe but give Chandelure a free pass? Why is a chandelier pokemon any better than an icecream pokemon? Both are stupid.

Man does this gen have some crappy designs though.

jesus christ

Because a chandelier possessed by a ghost makes sense, an icicle that looks like an icecream cone does not.


You have shit taste, user.

uuh what about the ones you didn't cross?

Half of that are good

It's just ice with snow on its top, how does that not make sense? And since when do pokemon have to make sense in the first place?

Gen V bug pokemon were too based

they were thinking of good design, except the nigger

>He doesn't like these gen 4/5/6 designs so he must think every gen 1 design is amazing!
Why is this the only defense people can come up with? Vanilluxe is retarded and so is shit like Exeggcute. Every gen has good and bad designs.

Meh or neutral, I don't hate them but I don't love them either.


since gen 1

It's gonna be everyone using the same team again, vgc is trash for not banning certain stuff

>hating on necromantic seeds
shit taste

Okay, then how does a pink balloon that sings makes sense? Or a colorful mime, a savage monster with gloves or a belt, a ball with magnets, etc.?

They just do? they are creatures man. Wake the fuck up.

You are literally being so retarded you might as well have said "how does a mouse have electric powers?"

>makes them even more cancerous
The only Therian that improves upon the original is Tornadus-T, and regular Tornadus-T isn't even that strong, shut up.

Yeah you definitely haven't played PvP ever.

Why? That's not weird in the slightest.

Kyurem is easily the worst Pokemon of all time.


>Dissing on Wigglytuff
Hey fuck you.

>good design
No. Every Pokémon gen always had bad and good designs. That image user posted shows an example of bad designs one from first gen, except 1 or 2 of them.

Can you explain why do you think they are good?

Someone is nitpicky as fuck.

Yes, I said the nigger was bad. Stop shitposting and kill yourself already.

That was my point, hating a pokemon because "it doesn't make sense" it's stupid.

an icecream cone doesn't make sense you niggerian

Icicles, you mean.

if you took any (any) shit designs and drew them in the style of gen 1/2 sprites, they would not be shit.

Are all you people this uncultured? Must be Europeans...

you wut m8

the legendary 3 cloud things look absolutely retarded still. also what the fuck is that thing next to cybermewtwo insect type?

They are icicles, not ice cream. That's the joke. They are icicles brought to life the same way Grimer/Muk/etc were, and they simply look like ice cream cones because it's funny and cute.

>its funny and cute
literal cancer

and no I don't see how the pokemon came to be by toxic wastes ala Chernobyl.

Victini, Emolga and Minccino/Cinccino because I don't like blatant mascot pokemon/pikachu ripoffs
Pignite and Emboar because I'm sick of Fire/Fighting starters and these ones are ugly
Samurott because it makes no fucking sense coming from its previous evolutions
Patrat and Watchogg because their design annoys me for some reason.
Herdier is cool but Stoutland takes it too far.
Elemental monkeys all look gay as hell when they evolve.
Munna/Musharna is basically a complete copy of Drowzee (Psychic type Tapir based on dreams)
Gurdurr and Conkeldurr because they are offensively ugly.
Sawk and Throh because they're hopelessly boring and generic.
Trubbish and Garbodor because they're literally trash and I don't like object-based pokemon. Same goes for Vanilluxe, Klinklang and Chandelure lines.
Zorua/Zoruark because they're furry fapbait.
Vullaby because it looks like it's wearing a diaper and Mandibuzz because it has "fuck me" eyes.
All the rest because they either have crappy designs or just look plain ugly and retarded.

Rest are fine.

>likes the mime seal
opinion discarded

But Muk an Grimer were moon beams...

And besides that, since when has pokemon not been about cute or fun designs? Mr Mime looks nothing like a real mime. Diglet and Gugtrio are literally cute little whack-a-mole jokes. Hell most of the first 150 are just cutesy versions of plants, animals, or objects.

mr mime looks literally like a real pink mime.

at least they were good

Gimer's pokedex entry states:

>Sludge that was transformed when exposed to X-rays from the moon. Loves sludge, industrial waste and other refuse.

No it fucking doesn't, you complete retard. Goddamn, Genwunners have fucking brain cancer, man.

read the jp one

paint him pink, literally a pokemon

>at least they were good
>Mr Mime

And no Mr Mime looks nothing like a mime, nigga. No stripes, no face paint.








Throw the whole line in a bin.

Every litter has a runt.

At is what it says in Japanese, homie. Feel free to find something that proves me wrong.


>Funny and cute
>Literal cancer
Its a fucking kids game. What do you want? Edgelord Vanilluxe?

this looks good

ice cream gone wild gone