Graphics thread?

graphics thread?

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its a ps3 game fampai

still looks almost as good as most new games


for example this shit looking game


they added first person in runescape?


A game doesn't need better graphics than this.




is it worth downloading this just to look at the graphics for a few hours?


dunno, i dont own the game. just posting things from my porn folder



No, only the interiors look decent

looks super comfy

Looks like Google Maps


and it runs like complete dogshit.
Why does ubisoft not understand decent porting



Is that fucking Fallout 4?
And if so can I get links to all the Mods or just a pastebin?
This is so fucking stalker like I must have it please


I don't know what mods are used in that webm I just saved because it looked nice

wat game?

Since this is a graphics thread I got a question for you all.
How should you make graphics pop?


Fallout 4




Still some of the best modern graphics, especially characters faces.

I'm still waiting for good-looking grass.
Holy shit, what game?

I love me some sexy grafiks



Looks like Ryse

what game

Welp, now I feel disappointed.

gta 5





thanks user



why does this look better than the actual game?


this gaem has nice particle effects but nothing else


Decent looking rain effect for 2006, what the fuck is this shit suppose to be?

because the actual game is generic as fuck with no personality


deus cuck doesnt look good



what the fuck are you suppose to be


Why's Jensen look so goddamn weird in the new game? He's like someone's attempt at making Adam in Saints Row or something.

>im too poor to buy new games therefore I will spout shit about everything because I am a fat loser

Holy shit. I wished school started earlier for you fucking underage basement dwellers.

>looks directly into the sun
>"oh god look at how shit this looks"

Silent Hill 3 came out 13 years ago.

>Picture not related

Move over PCkids, Uncharted 4 dominates these threads.

guess im just too poor to buy this ugly looking game

>released in 2007
>no game has ever even come close to how photorealistic it looks


breathtaking graphics

what is this? looks brilliant

Cartoon shit ages the best. That's why WoW chose their artstyle. It's not that pretty since they keep it playable on low end toasters, but it sure looks good for a 10 year old game with small upgrades

All this 1080p..

GT:OS if anyone is wondering. I think this pic is A E S T H E T I C af.

ya should get a 144hz monitor mate, wont regret it


Are you trying to imply that having a 1070 means you're not poor? You have a 400 ish dollar card and a 1080p monitor, congratulatorations.

This past decade has been so underwhelming compared to the decade before it.

what game?


it has the best designed city of the entire series, paris looks beautiful and each district feels unique.
syndicate is good too.

>Using a a pre-rendered cutscene as an example of Graphics

The only issue I have with the witcher 3 is how bad the LOD distance is if you have bokeh off

lol did you work on the fucking game or something?

nobody said shit about the design, it's just that ubisoft is absolute dog shit at porting games


what the fuck is this, babies first textures?

law of diminishing returns in action i guess, that rule will continue unless/until some new tech shifts the paradigm

>goes out of his way for a high resolution monitor and all the shit that comes with it
>takes boring screenshots

what the fuck are you


He most likely doesn't own any of those things, he literally just used Ansel. It's the new poorfag way of taking high res screenshots

free game not even on highest settings

A mediocre game trying to hide shitty textures behind effects from 2007

Literally Asscreed 2 quality

What the fuck, Ubisoft


free game on highest settings

That picture does not do it justice to be honest senpai. Crysis 3 is still the best looking game out their. Prove me wrong
