Is this the best ARPG ever created?

Is this the best ARPG ever created?
How will PoE and Diablo 3 fags ever recover?

idk, will let you know once it gets a console release

Never ever

It's not nearly as good as PoE but yeah, it's a good time.

Doesn't Path of Exile have some sort of desync issues?

It's alright, but the animations are pure discount bin shit and the lack of impact/flash for attacks makes it feel like your using the same 2-3 uninspired abilities over and over again. Plus, I dodn't think I've ever seen an arpg woth worse lookong loot - even all of the legendary max level shit looks like a levelling set in modern WoW ffs.

It wins in the world building/atmosphere department for sure though, I mean it isn't even a contest here. It blows D3 and PoE out of the water in this respect.

That was mostly taken care of quite a while ago when they hired a bunch of network engineers and completely revamped how the networking works. You can still use the old way as well if you prefer.

That sentence does not computer.

>Killing easy monsters and hoping they drop the shit you want so you can kill more easy monsters and hope they drop the shit you want
as bad as mmos

Its good, but I dont think any ARPG has been great yet.

You know damn well you could simplify every genre to make it sound retarded. Also hardcore mode (which is how you should play any ARPG if you aren't a faggot) shit's on your argument anyway. Doing hard end game bosses in PoE on hardcore gives an adrenaline rush that no other game has ever given me.

>Also hardcore mode (which is how you should play any ARPG if you aren't a faggot) shit's on your argument anyway.

No it doesn't. Now you're just grinding easy monsters with the possibility of losing dozens of hours of work because you slipped up once. That's not hard, it's just punishing and insane. Playing that crap makes you even more of an autistic freak.

>Also hardcore mode (which is how you should play any ARPG
>restarting from scratch every time you get unlucky

and let's not pretend there any real skill involved

this. wtf is up with the animations.
in a game about hacking enemies and using magic, the least you could do is upgrade the attack animation for something better

But that's bullshit. It's about game knowledge. If you know what kinds of situations to expect and how to play properly to avoid bad situations then you will succeed. I've made countless characters to end-game in poe because I've learned what has killed me before and I build my characters to account for it.

Please get characters past level 90 doing end game content in hardcore in PoE and tell me there's no skill involved. Your argument is shit m8.

>But that's bullshit
>he says talking about a game where literally thousands of people lost their accounts because of latency, bugs or other issues outside their control
Hardcore is for wanna be tough faggots who are too scared to admit their games are casual as shit and need the crappy mechanic of losing everything because the developers could never be fucked actually making the game both fair and challenging.

Kill yourself.

Stay mad you fucking pleb. There's a league of legends thread on /vg/ you should be in right now. Or is call of duty more of your thing?

Yeah, there has been times when desynch(which has mostly been taken care of) has killed some characters. It's mostly a non-issue now that they revamped their networking methods. Shit excuse to not play hardcore.

>yeah there are core issues with the game that mean at any moment you could lose everything
>but thats not a problem cos i say so im so tough and hardcore!
Grow up.

>Played PoE a few years ago
>Hardcore, blind run
>Breeze through the game
>Killed Piety (she was pretty much the last boss when I played)
>Can't actually think of a single time when I almost died besides on Vaal because lol desync
>Drop game

Fast forward to today

>Playing Grim Dawn
>Hardcore mode, blind playthrough as usual
>Kicking shit out of the warden
>He hits me once
>Almost die
>Go to the Chthon temple
>Boss of that area straight up kills me, didn't even get close to killing him
>Tons of rare monsters/mini bosses that almost kill me
>Some skeletal fire priest just killed me again

And people say PoE is harder.....why exactly? PoE was a fucking joke compared to this shit. Even with my new character who is strong as fuck, the amount of times I've almost 1 shotted myself due to reflect enemies is fucking ridiculous. Some of these boss enemies are just absurd, I got hit by some guy earlier who had a poison that would have basically killed me two times over if I hadn't spammed healing potions until the duration ended.

Shit is fucking absurd. I'm not even up to elite difficulty yet.

>using the same 2-3 uninspired abilities over and over again.
This is my biggest problem with the game. Leveling up feels inconsequential. Just a bunch of increased damage bullshit. Not enough impact in leveling up. Plus it's pretty easy. Doing my first run on veteran, and I have only died a couple of times. Nothing really feels like a challenge.

Because Piety is a chump change boss, and it sounds like you just played on normal. The game has progressed far passed piety and the end game mapping and final optional boss content is the best part of PoE. I found Grim Dawn personally pretty easy on my first playthrough.


because poe being hard is the biggest meme around.

First run in PoE is kinda easy nowadays, even the fourth chapter.
It starts getting hard at the fourth chapter on the second playthrough, or the labyrinth.
Also depends on your class imo, playing marauder is a lot easier than playing spellcaster witch.
Haven't played Grim Dawn yet tho

Go back and try Malaichai

inb4 triggered PoE shitters sperg out

You're too late buddy.


I liked D3:RoS but didn't like PoE. Torchlight was okay but didn't keep me hooked.

Will I like Grim Dawn?

The secret to all of this is that grim dawn and poe are the most boring pieces of shit on the planet, people spend countless hours in them and have to rationalize their poor decisions so they pretend they're really good games

Cthonian guy you're talking about has an undodgable attack and is straight up bullshit, that's why you died to him.

Same with the Fire Priest, if it's Zarthuzellan that you're talking about. Steps of Torment boss, right?

GD is slower than PoE, so probably not

>find green item with +500 hp
>pump all points into health

It's a snorefest once you understand that all the nonweapon uniques suck and usually not worth placing over a chunk of physique or health early into the game.

it was fun and i really liked the exploration aspect
my only real complaint is the horrible performance issues because every interaction needs a million particle effects

>Best character building by far
>Worst story and sometimes feeling of action

>D3 w/ Expansion & patches
>Best and most smooth action combat and feeling of power
>Worst hand holding and too much funneling into one build in a class

Those are all I can really say about for right now, I played Grim Dawn but not enough to say about it.

You guys have to accept that this genre is one that people play very differently. There are people that will only play softcore because they don't understand what playing on hardcore adds to the game and there are people that play on hardcore that will always look down on people for playing softcore because they think they are missing out on aspects of the game you can't get in softcore.

There are people that want really streamlined characters like in D3 and people who want to put a lot of effort into developing their character properly like in PoE. There are people who want more simple crafting systems like in Grim Dawn and there are people who want to spend hours trying to craft the perfect equip like in PoE.

To each their own.

>Spend 80% of my points in PoE on life nodes

I pumped health in both games. The set of armor I have on now in GD has health enchantments on every single piece near enough. Doesn't stop me from getting 2 shotted by basically any boss at this point in the game.

Yep, it's those attacks that instantly hit you that cause issues, along with both of those bosses summoning shit to help them. Doesn't help that you have a TINY fucking room to fight them in either.

No, I will never accept that shit argument about the action. One thing I will admit is that PoE can start off pretty slow so it takes a while to make a character that feels good to play, but once you have progressed to that point it feels way better than the plasticy floaty shit that D3 is.

If you're running zero chaos and ethereal/nether resists then ofc the final bosses are gonna kick your ass. There's a weapon enchant aura that gives you almost capped resist making them cakewalks.

I've made high level end game characters in PoE.

It's pretty much just a focused build on maybe like 1 or 2 attack skills, it can be actiony but it feels stiff sometimes and using that few skills all the time gets a bit old.

I fell in love with the character building in PoE once I started making non-armor based builds and builds that convert damage types, i.e. fire to lightning to chaos, etc.

I love GD (400 hours and counting), haven't really felt motivated to try PoE yet but seems like there's a lot of content waiting for me when i do.
Did D3 ever recover? Last i heard about it was at launch when it was a fucking disaster.

GD is literally Titan Quest 0.5

it improves on titan quest in every single way though
well the classes are a bit dull i guess

I don't think Grim Dawn is anywhere near PoE but it was definitely better than Titan Quest.

It's come a long way since launch, it pretty much 180'd right at the release of the expansion.

That's cute considering the max level is 85.

What's the best ARPG for me? All I want is good customization and fun combat, don't really care that much about in-depth stats and builds and shit.

The loot system is terrible.

dragon's dogma

Speaking of PoE, what's everyone going to build next league? I was thinking of trying out animate weapon/guardian, or maybe try out that vortex or chaos damage over time build.

IMO, Grim Dawn is slightly below PoE in terms of quality for one reason. I think 6 classes isn't enough, it's just too limiting because of it. 8 classes would be perfect and would excel it above PoE.

In terms of difficulty it's GD =/= PoE > D3.

it's 100
if you play regularly you'll probably hit level 90 during a season
"true endgame" starts at 80

When I played PoE during the early days of open beta I hated how little the passive tree mattered. Good gears don't drop and currency drops at such a slow pace you need hundreds of hours before you can trade for anything decent. Not to mention having to fight with desync all the time. Somehow playing with desync is considered normal for some people.

I have at least 100 hours in each of these games and over 2000 in some of them

PoE > Diablo 2: LoD > Grim Dawn > Torchlight 2 > Titan Quest > D3

Switch Torchlight 2 and Titan Quest depending on preference, the rest are objective truths.

D3 when it came out had awful itemization and the auction house was shit but when they 'fixed' it to what it is now they went too far to the other side of the spectrum and it's just way too streamlined, no trading, way too easy to get the exact equips you need, it's a fucking joke.

There are 6 classes, but dozens of builds across those classes, not to mention only about a half of the games skills are acquired through the conventional skill tree. The other half are obtainable through epic and legendary items, runes, etc

But I already played that.

Flame Dash traps

Have you ever played SRS, trap builds or chaos build ?

PoE has drastically changed since the beta, desynch is no longer a problem as they've revamped the networking. You do not need hundreds of hours to trade for anything decent. Learn to play through the game efficiently to get to maps and make sure you sell good things you find.


Whatever happened to Torchlight 2 anyway, it just disappeared so quickly
Was it really that underwhelming?

PoE is dog shit.
D3 is decent
GD is decent

Yes, game just felt terrible, even with the mod support I just didn't feel like drudging through it.

Not to mention the multi threading they're finally adding in so it will majorly cut down on frame drops when a lot of particles are on the screen.

why isnt there a arpg with rts controls and you control a squad of people

After all of the stories I've heard about path of exile being difficult, I was so fucking disappointed when I experienced the game for myself.
Played GD when it first came out and it's a fair bit harder.
Diablo 3 is definitely the easier of the bunch though.

Dunno about RTS controls but Throne of Darkness let you control a squad of dudes.

most of the items look great, especially legendaries
exactly like the pic in OP

-t. guy who hasn't played PoE in 2 years

>PoE is dog shit.
t. booty blasted d3 fangay

Desync is no more with lockstep (kind of)
PoE has change much since then, back then you can spam 1 bution because of how CWDT work
Nowdays you have to cast EC manually unless u play a jug, or totam to distract enimies,....
There are more cry skill these day and they are much more stronger than back when they first introduced, make the cast less tedious and more rewarding

Seriously not that much skills and builds in the game that can cause you framte drop
But if you are going for thor/fakener/coc, you know what you are dealing with

Torchlight 2 was pretty freaking good gameplay-wise. I just wished they introduced a server so it actually felt like hardcore was worth something more than casual play. I also felt like mods helped separate the player base since you couldn't just hop into any game. Optimization was pretty ass now that I think about it too; devs were pretty incompetent when it came to updating their own game and lazily left it for others to clean up.

Having recently replayed titan quest I must say that grim dawn is superior in pretty much every point. The gameplay is just so much faster and more enjoyable, the story is a lot more creative and unique, also the fact that all damage types scale make for much more variety in the endgame (I'm looking at you bleeding/poison damge). The two things I think one can argue that are better in titan quest are art assets and game length, which mostly are due to the reduced financial assets crate have compared to the thq financed ironlore back then, and that there are less classes, although one has to consider that there are only like two usable core spells per class in titan quest, making me personally feel that you can do thrice as much with each grim dawn dual class compared to titan quests dual classes

Let's get this started
>Path of Life nodes
>"Huge customization"


Nu uh. Yo momma is a huge customization

yeah because mind controlling zombie aliens vs dimension traveling lovecraftian demons is bland as fuck

>Grim dawn
>The class that looks the most fun is the worst in the game

But Occultist is 10/10 m8

It has the same problem TQ had - too big maps. Still great fucking game.

has anyone here tried wolcen? I hear theyre adding multiplayer functionality sometime in the future.
not sure how it holds up to the likes of Grim Dawn

not really

titan quest was very very long, yeah, but it was almost entirely copypasted with nothing to see or do for the most part
egypt is a major fucking slog

after a certain point everything starts to feel the same
granted, that point is like 400 hours into the game, but still
also Z E R O viable true melee skills is pretty gay

Having a full hardon for customization is an eyesore. If it were so easily doable then you'd get more cunts who'd create builds to passively shoot out fifty fireballs out their asses, doing zero damage, and killing your fps by all the fucking sparkles that plague your screen.

The best builds at least has some consistency that goes along with it.

I enjoyed Titan Quest more, it was made by the same team I believe. Grim Dawn just feels like a reskin of TQ to me.

Ultimate Loghorrean > Merciless Malachai > Inferno Belial
Prove me wrong. You literally can't.

PoE is good but gets boring and tiring fast.
Meanwhile I could probably still boot up D2 and do some Meph runs just to see what will drop.

It literally is a reskin of you think about it.

But TQ doesn't let me be a super operator pistol+shield commando shooting people and chucking grenades.

So why is Diablo 3 considered bad?

the main thing GD has over TQ is the itemization
wearing the same boots from act 1 to the end of the game in TQ was really boring

Cyclone can be considered true melee skill user
But yeah, melee skills other than earthquake/reave feel underwhelming, mostly because skill gem is not restricted to any class, like how champion is intended for melee char are now 80% using bow skill
Interact between skill gem,nodes and unique make this game really hard to balance, thus making melee weaker to not make caster/ranger OP

casualization, shit game design compared to its prequel, lore rape

>spell damage is based off the weapons base damage

>Literally static Kaom with 1 side fireball shoot down instead of 3

I'm playing GD now on hardcore mode. I've just finished the steps of torment but I'd like to know if I should use the skeleton key to go to the optional lower levels? How much harder is it? I'm scared that I'm gonna get my shit pushed in, especially considering how hard the regular floors and the boss was.

What level is ideal for venturing in?

>Implying my hype boner is not girating wildly in anticipation for atlas of worlds
Grim dawn is good for a distraction, poe is bae

If you aren't shit you can do it as soon as you find it.

What's the most fun class in Torchlight 2?