So seriously, why the hell did you people (addressing those of you who did) let yourself get hyped over this shit...

So seriously, why the hell did you people (addressing those of you who did) let yourself get hyped over this shit? Seriously, if you are disappointed by this it is literally 100% you're fault.

The first claim in that first trailer it was what "every atom is procedurally generated" -- that shit is Peter Molyneux levels of overpromising hype-y bullshit with a full on triple A budget with a triple A team. I don't give a damn what was promised, just a minute's worth of critical thinking would have told you that most of what was promised was entirely out of reach. It doesn't matter if he was being misleading on purpose or just was way too hopeful about what they could accomplish. What matters is that you should have fucking known.

For God's sake, be better consumers going forward. It's good for all of us.

Other urls found in this thread:

A very large amount of the population cant think critically and analyze information.

Did you get on the soapbox again, OP? I told you not to! Go in the corner and think it through, AGAIN

First post, best post.

someone post 'nu-male's sky'. Makes me chuckle.

I wasn't, but it's understandable.

E3 footage is absolute bullshit, but to show and tell many concepts which aren't in the game in any capacity is really abnormal.

It's not that I let myself get hyped. It really did look amazing, the features they described matched exactly what I saw in my dream game. And you know what? None of those features they mentioned are unbelievable or impossible to implement, hell they aren't even relatively difficult to put in a video game today.

But please, tell me more about the power of hindsight.

>E3 footage is absolute bullshit, but to show and tell many concepts which aren't in the game in any capacity is really abnormal.
Dude, no it's not. Video game history is the history of over hype and over promising.

>t. damage controlling fool who doesn't know the first thing about programming

I didn't. I was skeptical about the gameplay in this game. People would say, "but you can do X,Y, Z and more!" and guess what features were dropped from the game? They probably were not even in it in the first place.

Every atom is procedurally generated though. It pulls from a pool of items and variables. Nothing in the game world is placed by hand.

You not understanding what random generation is is not his fault. Diablo's dungeons have every atom randomly generated too.

It's a mediocre as fuck game but I haven't seen a lie or overblown hype the guy said yet. Just clever marketing and a bunch of retards eating it up.

Hey, this isn't first grade math class!

>Every atom is procedurally generated though. It pulls from a pool of items and variables. Nothing in the game world is placed by hand.
There isn't a single atom in the game.

>You not understanding what random generation is is not his fault.

It's awesome you're taking the time to argue a point I didn't make.
>Diablo's dungeons have every atom randomly generated too.
Nope. Shit's chunked.
>It's a mediocre as fuck game but I haven't seen a lie or overblown hype the guy said yet. Just clever marketing and a bunch of retards eating it up.
Did you not bother actually even reading the OP?

It is. It's reasonable to expect huge downgrades, worse physics, whatever, even dumbed down and simplified gameplay mechanics, but to have significant and noticeable removal of key concepts shown in interviews or "gameplay" footage is still abnormal.

this trailer

How old are you, seriously? It's somewhat abnormal these last handful of years, but that it, and in the kickstarter era it's becoming more the norm again. Hell, you're even describing in your first sentence how much it is the norm.

People are fucking retarded and get hype for whatever Mr Marketer tells them to get hyped for. This game was given a huge push by journalists and Sony.

And it will keep happening, because people never fucking learn.

Not entirely sure if you're addressing me with this, but I can tell why I got it and played about 50-ish hours so far.

> see game where you fly around and land on planets
> mite be cool
> decide to buy it and see how it is

That's all. There's no large narrative of squashed hopes or decades of hype building up to release of the game. I'm not the kind of person who religiously follows the weekly coverage (like Sup Forums does apparently) of the development process. I've started gaming in '87 and loved Elite and its successors to bits (yeah, I know how crummy E:D is), space sims are getting rarer these days, I got bored of playing Evochron, so I gave this one a shot.

It's alright. I'm towards the end of my motivational curve for the game, and while it's broken in places, I've played much worse.

Nah, you're a different class of user. I'm talking about those who bought into the marketing hype expecting all this craziness, then were disappointed.

It's objectively abnormal. It's not the norm. It's not average for games to lie to that extreme concerning the content, not the appearance, which is normal.

I was hyped up on the first reveal, but i knew the game would go into the shitter when the studio got flooded.

nigga atoms don't even exist in the game
the closest thing i can think of is polygons which every game with 3d models has

not as bad as this
it still hurts

Asserting something and using the word "objectively" doesn't make you right.

The video game industry is on the same level of industry honesty as homeopathic medicine sellers and politicians. You're sadly delusional if you think this isn't the case.

>There's no large narrative of squashed hopes or decades of hype building up to release of the game.

You're so smart user how can the rest of us mere peons even live ?

I was talking about my own perspective, which I thought was obvious. I guess I should write my sentences in a more childproof way, especially for the young-uns on Sup Forums.

On the first trailer I knew the game would be 100% boring. Big open world with nothing to fucking do, seen it 100 times.

You are truly casual if you get hyped about upcoming games. It is all marketing shit, ignore it all until the game actually comes out.

NMS is the farthest thing from a sim.

It's not even that. This basic, common sense level stuff. There's not a sense of superiority, but one of disappointment. It's like watching a good friend fall in love with a stripper..

Number 1.
The game did not have a triple A budget. It was made by 10 people in a indie studio. Sony slapped it's name on it and paid for marketing and promotion to get the game exclusively on PS4 and get some cash and sell more PS4's.

Number 2.
Sean Murray never gave us any reason to think he was lying. The things he was promising, if given a procedurally generated universe and 3 or 4 years of development time, seemed feasible and well within the realms of possibility. Further more, it isn't illogical to think at least more than half of the things he was saying would make it into the game, or think, even if not EVERYTHING is as he says, at least some of it or most of it will be. What we got was literally 10% of what he promised, and everything else is radically different or not present in the game at all.

Number 3.
>just a minute's worth of critical thinking would have told you that most of what was promised was entirely out of reach

But I just gave you less than a minute's worth of critical thinking and it goes against what you're saying.

I think you're a fucking idiot who wants to try to feel superior without even knowing what the fuck you're talking about or even looking at the facts of the game's creation yourself.

Why don't you go fuck off and think critically about your life and why you posted this thread.

I only got hype in the first trailer because it looked like Spore done right and in space but with the gameplay and following trailers I hopped off. Looked pretty obviously bare

To the No Man's Sky Haters...

Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention.
Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.

>pic related gets posted
>people still defend sean
theres no hope for this world

Sup Forums level shitposters are here.
I fucking love Sup Forums. Such quality. It's not a waste of time to post here at all anymore, not at all.

Maybe that was thing that appealed to me in the beginning. No time needed to learn how to navigate your spaceship. No maps, little resource handling. It's a game where you can dive in within seconds - which I think is also its main problem. But you couldn't really target a large audience otherwise, so I assume that's the reason behind this specific design decision.

Sean didn't show off anything.
Sean created internally developed and scripted events to show off to the press. He specifically designed encounters with his procedural sandbox, all of which was set up and scripted to occur when filming or at specific points during filming. He literally just took his assets and created a dollhouse simulation that never actually happens in the game.

He created incredibly staged scenarios to show off. There was no real gameplay and when there was he lied out of his ass about it.

for the years of hype building happy games were saying there would be multiplayer. even a few days before the game came out there is an interview with sean saying there is indeed multiplayer but he would only dance around the subject by saying vague things like don't expect a multiplayer experience however because the game is so huge you will never see your friends. few days later the game came out and people found they were in the same spot but couldn't see eachother. at this point instead of admitting theres was no multiplayer he perpetuated the lies saying it was just a glitch while emphasizing how amazing two players actually met is on all social media without mentioning they didn't actually meet.

sure you can say it's the players fault if they got hyped into it but not 100%. sean lied to sell his game. this is fact.

For your sake I hope that's just a pasta.

Still can't believe how scummy Sean is.

>Release game
>Go on holiday to Ireland
>Let your team bug fix, receive death threats and deal with all the shit you left behind
>Somehow a fuck ton richer

This is terrible

How can this be defended?

Of course it was a fucking pasta, you fucking retarded teenager moron. Go back to Sup Forums.

>But I just gave you less than a minute's worth of critical thinking and it goes against what you're saying.
Heh, you're claiming to be thinking critically after stating this?
>The things he was promising, if given a procedurally generated universe and 3 or 4 years of development time, seemed feasible and well within the realms of possibility.
Negroid, if you learn the first thing about programming, you'll realize why this isn't true at all. There's a difference between just having an algorithm that spits shit out and one that spits shit out that makes some kind of sense and the parts function with each other. This is why most procedural games are made via something like chunking where you can take the constituent parts and test them out against each other.

>if you learn the first thing about programming, you'll realize why this isn't true at all.

t. Programming Expert who has worked on games for 4 years straight before

Op here, for the record, I'm not defending him. What I'm saying is that there was no reason for anyone to believe him on any of that shit, even if it all actually ended up in the game. This is literally the exact situation where you sit back and wait until you have independent gameplay footage to check out before you drop cash on it.

Sorry man, but shit like larger dinosaurs spawning, more varied environments, and stuff like multiplayer and "living as a trader" are all things very fucking feasible in the span of 4 years.

It has nothing to do with
>There's a difference between just having an algorithm that spits shit out and one that spits shit out that makes some kind of sense and the parts function with each other. This is why most procedural games are made via something like chunking where you can take the constituent parts and test them out against each other.

I'm talking about huge aspects missing from the game, not the generation algorithm.

You're a fucking idiot, just like OP. Fuck off.

The first walk through I watched look like shit because

A: there was nothing to do in that game
B: It was ugly
C: The game was glitching out like crazy
D: They memed procedural generation as if that was enough to sell the game
E: Their travel speed from entering orbit made it obvious that they still can't get planetary entry right. They just had some smoke and mirrors to get you from orbiting a planet to landing on the surface.

From that moment then I understood this game was based on a shitty gimmick and I no longer had to worry about it. I noticed some other threads making fun of the game in the meantime but I paid no attention because I didn't care about the game.

Now everyone is talking about how much of a letdown the game is (gee, so unusual for an industry like this) as if they are surprised.

I think this was one of the more obvious games to avoid, if it had all these amazing features their marketing company would have been showing them in the most open way possible. The fact that finding gameplay features for this title involved unprecedented levels of shadiness should have been apparent to everyone how much of a disaster was in the making.

>get hype
>all the shitposting about the game makes doubt levels skyrocket
>game comes out
>pirate it because of high doubt levels
>it's trash
>lose interest before even leaving starting planet
thanks Sup Forums, really saved me from making a mistake there

>None of those features they mentioned are unbelievable or impossible to implement
I remember something about Sean Murray saying they changed the atomic composition of the universe to make the planets' atmospheres have different colors.

If you think a game can be programmed down to the level of atoms, and also have the complexity to change the fucking color of things just with a change at the atomic level, all of this without killing your RAM and CPU in the process, you have some serious fucking problems to not understand the basics of programming and hardware in 2016. You live in the technological era, fucking educate yourself.

>Sorry man, but shit like larger dinosaurs spawning, more varied environments, and stuff like multiplayer and "living as a trader" are all things very fucking feasible in the span of 4 years.
Retard, every aspect about this except for the multiplayer part IS either a result of the generation algorithms or highly dependent upon them.

Holy hell, and you call other people idiots? I mean at the very least man, how can you seriously think that spawning and the variety of environments aren't a result of the fucking generation algorithms...

>Sean Murray never gave us any reason to think he was lying
>Sean Murray never gave us any reason to think he was lying
>Sean Murray never gave us any reason to think he was lying
>Sean Murray never gave us any reason to think he was lying

I don't quite know the contents about this interview or whatever, nor do I care, but I doubt they implied that all physics were taken care of on a molecular level.

I would assume they referred to the composition of atmospheres, which via Rayleigh scattering plus aerosol scattering can result in characteristic 'sky colours'. You don't need to simulate physics down to a molecular level to implement that - Rayleigh scattering is a simple analytic function and aerosol scattering can be approximated very easily for videogames. And if you want specific colours than you might need to adjust the dielectric constants of the aerosol material, hence the need for 'changing the atomic composition'.

But of course you all knew that..

>tfw didn't hype it at all and had some fun with it

>space engine is real
>x3 AP is real
why cant anyone mix these two together?!?!

Maybe making a good space sim game isn't a particularly easy task?

the game did not have AAA budget, but it sure had AAA price and promises

Anyone over the age of 21, and I'm being VERY generous here with that age, who got super hyped for this deserves the shit product they got. As a 28 year old with a job and somewhat of a fucking life, I can't imagine every shitting my pants over a game ever again. Not that I'm too old for games, it's just I have the ability to maintain my god damn emotions.

Some people seem to be completely devastated over this, which is sad considering a lot of them are probably 30+ virgins that browse reddit and damage control all day. I'm not too much better being 28 and browsing Sup Forums still, but jesus, why hype this game up like a fucking 9 year old waiting for his christmas presents?

>This game was given a huge push by journalists and Sony.
This is what I don't understand at all? The game was an indie game from the very beginning and was always pitched as Proteus in space - where you walking aimlessly in space. Sony only showed the game on E3. They didn't advertise it. Otherwise, would you consider every indie game Microsoft showed off at their E3's as "hype" or "advertisement" like that Tacoma game (made by Gone Home devs) at E3 2015?

Also, are the people that were excited for No Man's Sky redditors? Because I don't remember Sup Forums ever caring about this game until the past couple months with it plastered all over the board with reddit screenshots. Did Sup Forums even fcking talk about this game at E3 2015 or 2014? Didn't Sup Forums talk more about Bloodborne, Final Fantasy VII, GTA5, or Last Guardian? Where did this "hype" or "advertisement" for No Man's Sky come from? The dev team was what? 12 fucking people? I jus can't fathom this whole debacle. People treated this game as if it were triple a. Why?? People on my friends list bought this fucking game. But they don't care about indie games like Enter the Gungeon, N++, Inversus, Overcooked, Headlander, Armikrog, etc. Why did so many people care about THIS game?

>mfw People are still shilling this game
>mfw I was shit talking this game from the beginning

Well, you can't really put a simple explanation to Sony's involvement apart from 'Someone at Sony thought this could work well for us.'. It'll probably never be revealed what sort of creative and logistical influence Sony ever had in this game, could be none, could be all.

What I find more amusing is that Sup Forums was littered with NMS threads for weeks, but e.g. the AoT game, that is sold for like 50 quid, has about 2 hours of interesting gametime, doesn't get a mention.

It just means that Sup Forums buys into the hype just like any other interweb community.

The tl;dr is that it's almost perfectly designed game journalist bait:

If you look at it, it hops on literally every trendy thing that can be cramed in, especially the visuals. Combine that with huge promises, being an indy game, and how little was ever actually shown...perfect storm yo.

Space Engine exists, made by a single Russian and couple supporters.

It fully models the entire known Universe and procedurally generates the unknown using actual astrophysics as the basis for the celestial models and their movements.
It has day/night cycles, auroras, comets, asteroids, moons, planets, stars, neutron stars, and even supermassive blackholes (which by the way is accurately depicted to the best of the developer's ability).

You can import any ship model into this "game" from EVE to Star Trek, to Mass Effect, you can even create your own model to import from software like solidworks or use their creator. You have full reign over the controls of the ship (which despite being limited is still better than One Man's Lie). The ships behave differently in space, and on planets/moons accordingly to their atmospheric compostion. It has a databse for you to revisit old findings quickly and easily.

The best part? This "game" is Free. I can run it at 30 FPS on a 3 year old laptop.

I didn't buy Nu-male's sky, but for a group of "only 15 hardworking devs" that had AAA marketing, these faggots couldn't even deliver half of what they promised.

The apologists for this trash are the some of most sickening group of humans I have ever seen.

>It has a databse for you to revisit old findings quickly and easily.

Don't forget that the planets in SE are very similar to E:D. Barren rocks devoid of any vegetation. And there is the lack of deformable terrain.

If you list and compare, at least try to be as complete as you can.

My peak hype was the first trailer.

Then I played space engineers, impyrion galactic survival, starboard, 7 days to die, and a few other survival crafting games, and got bored of the genre.

>Riley Potter (3 weeks ago)
>I actually feel bad for people back in 2013. I'm so pumped for its release next week.

Superior game right here.

This actually looks solid already and will deliver.

I saw the words "procedurally generated" and knew the game was going to blow. I swear every few years a game comes out that does this and people are shocked that it sucks every time.

>mfw I was shit talking this game from the beginning

You were in the vasy majority on Sup Forums, fampai. Any shilling here is probably trolling.

There has been life with vegetation added already. While you can't click on shit to gather resources like a shoddy knockoff of minecraft, you can fly over the "barren rocks" (which have more diversity) unlike in Tell Me Lies.

>you can fly over the "barren rocks"
I don't quite follow. I'm almost certain you can fly around the planet in NMS.

At no point was I ever interested in this game. The guy saw the beginning of Star Trek Into Dorkness and thought that "red" planet was cool, so all the promotions for the game was that.

El Oh EL

SE planets has more variety than NMS

>mfw I didn't preorder No Man's Sky
>mfw I wasted hours in Everspace instead

Wow. Those planets don't look barren at all! Look at all those lush grassland. Thanks user!

Keep defending $60 shitfest. I'm sure Sean will let you suck his cock.

Please. Grow up. There's no point in reverting to infantile bickering like a Romanian with hairy soles.

>Jupiter has more variety than any planet of No Man's Sky
Fixed that for you

I was kind of interested in the game, but I knew that with everything procedural it starts out amazing, but then you notice how shallow it is.

I still thought that the game would have everything they said it would have in it though, but it really makes sense because they're a small indie developer.

I think the biggest crime is not lying about what was in the game, but selling it for full price.

You're gonna need take that dick out your ass before you can be taken seriously.


Weren't you the one suggesting me to fellate someone in the first place?

Forgive me for thinking that it was well within the realm of possibility for a team of ex-Criterion devs could make a technically impressive survival game.

What I didn't consider was that small team was spending most of their time mocking up cool shots for trailers.

I didn't expect more than a walking simulator, but I was expecting the full game to have AT LEAST the variety of structures and dynamic NPC events shown in the trailer. Even with my low expectations I got fucking burned.

What does nu-male mean?

Does it mean hipster? Because Sup Forums are hipsters, but Sup Forums are hipster weebs.

I just don't see why Sup Forums dislikes hipsters. They're very intelligent, cultured people. Isn't Sup Forums a bunch of nerds that hate dudebros and "normals"?

I had lowered my expectations to a level I thought was reasonable, expecting only things I had been shown in trailers or overtly promised by the developers.
I was still disappointed.

it sure isnt if you are incompetent

Do you know how to code? What's a game you made?Make a better one than No Man's Sky

Imagine how empty your life must be to fall for this hype

It doesn't even have a defined definition other than "guys with qualities and thoughts that I disapprove of".

yeah i know how to program network applications, its hard af, you can believe me or not but that doesnt change that hello games are full of incompetent people that released pile of shit

How are they incompetent?

Have YOU made a game before?

Nah, nigga. That was educational. Good post.

Lmao I got the game and had my fun with it and now I'm able to refund it regardless of hours.

Where were you when the buyfags finally won?

I thought it was pretty good. I liked traveling to other worlds and solar systems. While there isn't quite a story to it yet you are given missions which take a while to accomplish. Plus advancing in ones character (extra slots, better ships, and better multi tool) are things i and some other people long for. And while there are indeed some things that aren't in it yet they will be soon because the game just came out. Like I know you can't play with other people as promised but it's still online and other people can see the stuff you found. Like las week I saw someone visit one of my solar systems. So if you were disappointed that sucks. But you really probably should have researched it more. But I rather enjoy it.

Where's the proof that you can refund it?
I'd like to smear it in my stupid friend's face.

>reticulating splines: the game

>100% you're fault.


It's more Vaporwave: The Game