All MMOs are shit

>all MMOs are shit

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Fuck you Sup Forums

coming from an animefag?
speaking of shit taste

>still subbed to FFXIV

>Sup Forums is shit

Make MMOs great again.

>Sup Forums
As expected from a frogposter.
Scum that should just die already.
Nice trips.

me hiding under the bed

Sauce pls

Me on the left

TF2 and Warframe are pretty fun.

wanted to post this, i fucked up

also source is waero, his artstyle is good but his doujins are shit

DCUO is good senpai

Good taste, OP

EVE online is great

I'm playing project gorgon and it's super fun.

Game has models that look like they're straight from a PS1 launch title but the game is free and actually a great way to waste time.

Yeah kinda, too bad it's an 'only for NEETs' game with a giant threshold for beginners.

Me taking selfies

mmo can die

>Old school runescape is going to shit.
>No good private servers.
End my suffering

Me taking pictures to lolis in sweet covered rooms.

Not all MMOs

helo i liek videa do u lik vidyo?

>massive color management of your frames
everyone is running around in super saturated colors or black and a neon color lighting of their chose
kinda sad

About time.
Now for the GW2 posters.

A game where skill training involves nothing more than inserting shit in a queue and walking away is 'only for NEETs'?



trips confirm

everyone go home

thanks doc

I'm so fucking glad I never got into MMO's or Multiplayer games in general.

I can go back and experience my favorite games just as they were no problem. Gotta suck being a fag that has affection for a dead game.

GW2 wishes it was half as fun as the greatest MMO ever made.

Whatever happened to that Korean MMO, black desert I think it was?

I like Mu Online.

fight me

>Trips confirm

me bottom second on the right.

You will never feel again this theme for first time.

downloading aion because bored as fuck
is it deader then tera or GW2?

>not even an MMO


Koreans doing what they do best, increase the grind and make it P2W. I really liked the aesthetic and combat though, along with a couple other systems.


They are though

Mainly because unsaturated and dark colors all show up as black and grey in the game's shitty lighting engine.
Even worse, the latest lighting update introduced ambient colored lights for certain tilesets, so you'll be cast in blues or greens the whole time you play, making whatever thoughtfully subtle color scheme you devised into a shitshow.

Go obnoxiously saturated or don't bother.

C'mon, hate it all you want,but calling it dead because you're not playing it? It's still one of the highest populated MMORPG's out there.

It's over, Sup Forums finally BTFO by dumb frogposter

That's nothing like Guts though

I want more bocchi


Gw2 is pretty fun, I enjoy it. Can't say that on Sup Forums though.

As someone who actually sunk shit load of time into it, I'm not sure how that is possible. They haven't added anything worthwhile to the game in forever. HoT was shit, and we're four years in with a single new traitline for each class and one new class. No new weapons, no new hundreds of skills, a couple new zones at most, and WvW is still neglected as fuck and/or being shit on by incompetent devs.






You seem upset.

I agree with this, but that doesn't mean they can't be much better than MMOs. The original Guild Wars is still one of my top 10 games of all time.

I played this for half an hour yesterday but it's blatantly unfinished. SFX were missing, transitions from one scene to the next were too swift and the scenes themselves were poorly written and animated, the chat box was tiny and also did not have a background unless I hovered over it, and it ran like shit. Is this what F2P MMOs are? My only experience is with XIV.

look up scaperune

I mean he is right.

Me not being able to resist the lewd bard to lily me.

>Is this what F2P MMOs are?



who /project 1999/ here

The problem with the game is the commitment it takes to just start up and get off your feet. Normies just don't have it in them.

>game where only like 10~ people max can be in the same "channel"
>only like 5 people max in an area where all the gameplay is
>call is Massively Mulltiplayer

I can't look away




>Vindictus fags still shilling for there dead game

Its generic Korean grind MMO fuck off.

Had a lot of fun back when I played with some friends

Every MMO is a Korean Grind now, kiddo.

>It's another "I've played 1 MMO and now I think every MMO is shit because it's not exactly like that one game" episode.

>tfw no one to play ESO with
It's pretty good, guys. Honest.

Just now figuring that out? There all grind fests by there very nature. No one would make one with out padding the hell out of it. There all too long.

WoW isn't a grind, but it is shit.

ded waifubait

>all these MMOs coming out nowadays
>they all suck compare to MapleStory

ill just stick with private servers

FFXIV exist.

One of my friends is still grinding for a weapon he's only going to use for the look. He said it has like 3% drop rate.

It's not awful, but it got old really quick. Are there any MMOs where even the open world needs to be tackled as a party? I'm fairly certain that's the second reason MMOs are all trash these days, allowing solo play at all in a genre designed around having lots of players. Behind the obvious most important reason of the internet and wikifags ruining any sense of discovery or immersion.

She's the cutest thing ever.
>the way she holds her bag

Do relic weapons still exist?

Aion is extremely dead. Stop the download.

>Lann is shit
>Karok is retarded autistic looking mutant muscle man of muscles and has a stupid weapon (totem)
>Hurk is literally infested with guts fanboys that WILL NOT SHUT UP about their faggot anime. Also hes freakishly lanky and tall.
>Only normal looking man is a dumb archer

As someone who doesn't play female characters, fuck vindictus.

is it true that mmos will get you a bf?

It was dead when it was still B2P. Maybe it's different now, but all the starter zones were empty.

SWTOR is pretty good.

>these anime faglords don't even know about Black Desert

>Lann is top tier
>Karok is literally a midget giant
>Hurk looks stupid you're rght about that
>Kai isn't dumb

>Now P2W
Vindictus is STILL better.

Why do publishers have to ruin their products by being greedy cunts with no foresight?

>Korean grindan


Bocchi anime when?

good user i hate reddit frog posters too

Guild Wars 2 is actually good

d-don't worry anons
revelations will fix everything!
please buy the founders pack


As a solo player, I'm happy to be killing the genre you love.

It's boring as fuck senpai


Archers are dumb, Kai isn't.
Also Lann is literally a fuccboi thats entirely outclassed by his female equivalent (at least when I played) Hint: THIS ALWAYS FUCKING HAPPENS IN KOREAN GAMES WHY ARE ALL THE MALE CLASSES ALWAYS UNDERPOWERED KOREA?

Albion Online soon