>Favourite artifact?
Legion Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing Diablo III remake
>after WoD
Legion will be shit.
MM Hunter / BM
Fire Mage
Xal'Atath - Thematically it's super awesome.
threads hitting bump limit so fast today.
no one can stop owl man
did they ever say if we were going to be able to transmog old legendaries onto our artifacts? I've got my Shadowmourne in my bags since Lich King and I want to just it instead so bad
That's because these fucks are all dirty casual animals whom the game was never intended for. Aside from the last patch always lasting too long, Mythic raiding kept you busy until maybe March.
>shadow priest
>not sure but some tank, maybe prot warrior or brewmaster
>Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire of course
After years of being average or in the dumpster shadow priests are the meme class
feels good
>Unholy/Blood dk
>Balance/Resto druid and Holy/Ret pally
>Scythe of Elune
Mog thread?
the uninstall wizard
private servers
>Favourite artifact?
my addons folder
They said no.
But hey, you can use it while BC or WOTLK timewalking.
That weapon looks like literal shit. SHIT!
lok'tar ogar! Victory or retreat.
Reminder that there's still people actually playing Horde which is now filled with Mary Sues and cowards.
>DK Frost (unless it's DPS is shit), then Unholy
who plays a faction for the storyline? are you a faggot?
probably mistweaver
alt - probably boomkin or fire mage.
>maining, BETA
>alting, Private Servers
>artifact, nostalrius
Fire Mage
Unholy DK
Skull of the Man'ari, if it would shut up a bit
Yeah, but I'm just getting ready for Legion so I mogged it to a really neutral looking weapon in the meantime.
what is this?
>mfw start playing Neverwinter
>mfw learn artifact weapons were another stolen idea by Blizzard
>mfw they were even lazier with it by giving everyone the same weapon per class with no real option to change it.
The more you learn about other MMOs the more you will realize WoW has been a hack all along. It seriously didn't innovate anything, just steals from everyone else and makes it more accessible to casuals.
There are no good private servers left.
>private servers
See you in a little while after it gets shut down and you come here to make multiple threads to scream and cry in
Which class should I roll that is fun and isn't paladin, warrior or priest?
not sure, probably a ranged dps
I don't know, but windwalker has the worst, BY FAR
>Fire Mage
>Assassin Rogue
Gonna main the warrior.
Rate my shitty taste in characters and armor.
You mean LotRO, you faggot
i bought from vendors/10
Draenei ladies are cute.
For strictly fun you want an outlaw rouge or DH I really have fun playing either of those
Balance Druid.
Survival Hunter Maybe.
No idea but Druid scythe looks awesome.
I'm also going to nearly only play PvP.
First I saw this concept was the first expansion to the Lord of the Rings Online, which came out in 2008. They wanted to bring in the idea that most of the characters had legendary weapons like Glamdring and Anduril.
Consider suicide
Aff lock
Ass rouge
WW monk
Demo lock
none. fuck em.
I see all noobs want balance and hunter - I no longer want to alt balance lmao, going fire mage.
Ret... because someone has to play it seriously, it brings too much utility to bench.
Enhancement, for mythic+ cheesing.
What's wrong with Kronos? Not even trying to start any shitposting.
I wish. I make a new character and I just lose all the urge to play them. I'll just stick to my main.
Feral druid
Probably shadow priest
reminder that Thrall cheated and if you play with Horde you are literal faggot
most casual, retard friendly class in the game m8
The horde is in a way more respectable place than the alliance with Genn suddenly being treated like the most loyal member when he was a literal traitor that caused a civil war because he was so against helping the alliance. And Anduin being made high king over literally any of the other leaders that all have 50 to ten thousand years more experience at leading
Prot Warrior
>Easiest tank, most fun tank, most useful tank
BM Hunter
>Hunters with pets, as it SHOULD be.
Demonology Warlock
>Heckling skull that's always floating with you is the best design.
>ww monk
>fire mage/fury warrior
Velen's experience at leading is 20,000+ years.
Well neither do I, played there for a while - it's not blizzlike at all, it's riddled with bugs.
Most friends quit it because of it being shit tier, it doesn't come close to decency.
Any EU players on Argent Dawn?
Also Disc priest
>Ret... because someone has to play it seriously, it brings too much utility to bench.
My nigga, unlike everyone else in the world I don't mind playing a ret pally
Yes, yes they are
Dont fucking know what to main yet, it's pissing me off. Have mage, warr, hunter, druid, dh and priest at 100.
I've only decided it's definitely not going to be hunter so far.
That would be hunter and frost dk
I mainly pvp anyway, and that would be an alt ( fire mage )
Haven't played mage since tbc so dunno what you talk about.
r8 my pally
I wish I had a draenei lady who was my girlfriend.
>And Anduin being made high king over literally any of the other leaders that all have 50 to ten thousand years more experience at leading
That could have been said about Varian also. I'm still mad about that MoP scenario were they showed Tyrande as incompetent and Varian as the superior tactician...even tho Tyrande is suppose to be a really great tactician with Thousands of years of experience.
Will Blizzard ever give the night elfs some love?
are the WoW character models still that ugly?
Gonna main a destro lock. I have a level 100 warrior and a 90 pally. Which are the better tanks atm? Was thanking of tanking with my pally.
As for my boost, I'm either gonna use it to make a shaman, dk, or Mage. Female Draenei I think.
At least the got butts.
Night elves are literally mutated trolls.
Just being immortal doesn't mean smart, memories also fade away when you live that long.
Thousands upon thousands of years of existence and still live in shit houses built into trees, even humans advance technologically exponentially with every passing patch.
Said the guy posting a tranny.
>final no content fantasy
>final polished korean mmo fantasy
>final "human, tall human, big human, cat cosplayer human, dragon cosplayer human, tiny human" fantasy
final hope you enjoy relic questing :^) fantasy
> no content
> coming from a WoW player
you got to be kidding me
Night elves are literally the children of Azeroth
>>DK Frost (unless it's DPS is shit), then Unholy
You better pick the right one user!
Well yea trolls are and Night elves are mutated trolls.
Unholy DK
Outlaw Rogue
Neither game is good or content rich, but you are fucking delusional if you think xiv has more.
They literally copied one of wow's worst fuck ups with the form of savages. Making the content SLIGHTLY different/harder is not new content.
wow pvp is bad, but xiv pvp could be removed and there would be little complaint.
sub rogue
7/10 isnt original. seen it too much
So happy this image exists. Finally relieved my worries about how I was going to manage to get points to stick into prot,
I don't understand this image.
How is it possible to have the same amount of man traits AND off traits. Based off this image where does sticking to one spec benefit?
Disc priest
Light's Wrath with the Tomeseeker skin
using judgement items when you arent using the full set is a sin
The disparity in life spans on Alliance side does make some of that stuff ridiculous. Why would a theoretically 10,000+ year old Draenei mage be just as skilled as some newly trained 20 year old mage? Why is a teenager's judgement trusted in a war against the Legion over a leader who has been waging a constant war with the Legion for 20,000 years or two leaders that have lead Azeroth in the previous two Legion invasions?
Varian was such a fucking Mary Sue and that scenario was particularly fucking awful. Cool, calm, collected Tyrande who has commanded troops time and time again in battle is like "We should just run at them with all we've got because that's a solid plan when they're in a defensive position" "No, Tyrande. I have learnt my ways against being brash. We should draw them out and bring them into a trap."
Blizzard "writers" should be shot.
nah m8 it's definitely mage
Full sets are boring.
Anduin was made high king of STORMWIND, not the alliance.
If I was smart I would go healing, but my warrior's been my main since vanilla and I refuse to switch.
Will I even be able to find a raid spot as Prot with all the tanks around these days?
You aren't supposed to go deeper than 35 points until after getting up all your offspecs. The last 19 points only exist so you are technically always progressing
you know, casuals keep this game alive
If subscriptions from raiders were meant to sustain the game they would have shut down the servers years ago.
Try not to be such an ungrateful bitch
Demon Hunter
Warswords of the Valarjar
Also, have this.
>Based off this image where does sticking to one spec benefit?
Mate, that's the point.
Best race/gender to roll a shaman on Horde side?
Male Troll
>Demon Hunter
I'm asking honestly.
Male Tauren
I don't really get it because I'm apparently fucking retarded, but I guess I can just save my AP since I won't be offspeccing anyime soon
I feel your pain, I want a qt draenei girl to wed and make half human half alien goat babies with
Fem Taur.
Main is going to be a spriest because I love them and I love that artifact.
Hate pets but have a urge to roll a Demo lock.
Posting my doggo moggo
High King is literally the war chief equivalent. Stormwind just has a king.
You can, and you'll get there fractionally faster than someone who is adding to their off-spec as well.
But that's it.
>Is it allowed to save, copy or share this guide? Yes. If you want to post it somewhere (forums, blogs, etc.), that's fine, but please let the original author know first.
I just wanna cuddle one, and nuzzle her neck, and play with her horns and laugh when she giggles.
Why are they so perfect?
Ok, so lets say I get 1000 artifact power a week.
If guy 1 spends all 1k in spec A, and guy 2 spends 800 in A 200 in B, how are they at the same point?
Is it saying that you'll never have enough AP to overtake a second point in A so you might as well put some in B?
I've been waiting for that class since BC.
Played the hell out of it on Beta, genuinely enjoy it.
It's a strong class. Our raid lead wanted some people to pick it up, and I showed interest early on.
T19, "secret" cat form, new Glyph for flying form and idk about the staff