Resident Evil 7

So are we getting a gothic love story like Silent hills 2?

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Let's get this out of the way.

>combat has been confirmed several times now
>including pistols, rifles, shotguns, grenades, flamethrowers
>a shift to first person doesn't mean it's a walking simulator or an Amneisa clone, there are tons of first person horror games
>so little information has been revealed that whining about what you think won't be in the game makes you a TORtanic fag

Now that that's settled, I think the game is gonna be fun.

Agreed though i wonder how there going to use the wife though that has story potential.

Yeah, sorry I didn't touch on the subject of the thread. I'm hoping for what you said, a dark love story with some twists and turns, and the classic RE camp. On that subject, people are buttmad that we've only seen new characters thus far.

It's Resident Evil, you know the regular cast will be involved in some way. I'm actually happy we have Ethan as a new character. There have been over 20 RE games, call me a fag but I don't want to play as the same four or five people for over 20 games.

The ghost in the demo is probably the wife.

Why call it RE7 if it won't have a connection with the all star cast from the previous games senpai?

This is what I was just talking about here. It's WAY too early to say they won't be in it. We just got combat confirmation. Stop being a retarded faggot, you know damn well there's no possible way to know the cast won't be there yet.

>hurr durr I wanna play as Chris/Leon/Jill/Claire for 20+ games!!!!

Post trailer screenshots, I saw driving segments, combat with "infected", and some black cop.

I think i know who getting the shovel.

Resident Evil is about playing as those faggots, none of the newly introduced queers in RE6 were any good, and they are surely not gonna get it right this time.

why call it RE2 if it won't have a connection with the all star cast from the previous game senpai?

>hey guys, let's never innovate our game series. Let's have the same gameplay, same storyline, and same characters for over 20 games!

One new character and you faggots begin frothing at the mouth. I'm keking hard right now.

>first person
>not a resident evil game

But user you would be passing up on what might be a good gothic love story please don't drop it.

Some series are better left as is, do you ever stop and think maybe that's what made them good?

>a simple shift in perspective and a new character means it isn't a Resident Evil game!!!!

fourteen year old Sup Forums shitter detected.

Speaking of RE2 has there been any news on the remake?

Looks like we're getting a boring as shit walking simulator.

>left as is
>any game post RE4 is a third person shooter with macabre elements
>any and all survival horror elements are gone
>5 and 6 are universally panned by fans
>6 added new characters

Listen to yourself. You don't even know what you're talking about. The series hasn't been RE for years, keeping it "as is" would be worse. You want another rooty tooty point and shooty: zombie edition? With the same characters we've played as since 1996? Even though with each new game that comes out you all shit on those characters? (Chris is too big now. Leon's a faggot now.)

You don't know what you want and you have a tenuous grasp on the series.

No you for you, also im 23 and grew up with the series child. Go back to playing cawadoodie and your unity 3D horror games. Theyre fucking up this series by making a completely unrelated title amd calling it resident evil. At least give it a different name instead of tarnishing the series with this shit.

RE2 had more connections through characters and locations.
RE7 just has a handwave mention to Umbrella at the moment.

nope it'll be a retarded pewdiepie running simulator with jump scares
hope capcom goes under because of this

there was a podcast with the voice actors of claire and sherry

they said capcom reached out to them for the remake, and they don't think it's fixed perspective

maybe ethan is related to somebody and searching for them

No, dummy. The female protagonist in the second trailer is the wife. You switch between her and the husband who is the male protagonist.

Considering were playing as here in a recording she could have been killed between then and the demo.

>all these people crying and making assumptions


It's just bait and shitposting don't let it get to you also Sup Forums tends to hate almost everything so there that also.

Any of you think the rev spinoffs are here to stay?

Thia is going to be the worst reaident evil game in existence, worse than 6, worse than umbrella corp., its going to be the end of the series. Fuck even 6 was a resident evil game this is nothing but another sad attempt to appeal to a younger generation thats enammered by walking simulators.

let's hope not

The wife probably still alive.

The ghost is the main villain. Remember the "she's back" from the main trailer + the lyrics.

I swear that shirt is probably telling us the entire story of the game.

I could see there being a Rev 3, to make it a trilogy.

People said the same thing about RE4

I hate you. I literally, actually, factually fucking hate you. I've never met you and I have nothing but bile and vitriol for you. You're a horrible person - a jaded, bitter, broken down cunt who thinks only what he likes is good and fun and anything outside of his little bubble, or safe space (ironic that you're more of an SJW than those you claim to hate) is immediately lambasted and hated.

You are literal human scum. What you're doing is being show the corner patch of a patchwork quilt and judging the entire quilt based on the patch - and the patch isn't bad, it's just not the color you thought it'd be. But that doesn't matter, the quilt is instantly garbage now.

I actually hope you die. I don't often wish for humans to die, but I actually hope you die. Yes I'm mad as fuck that I have to share a fanbase with cunts like you who wish every game to be the next TORtanic.


You're literally underaged. People hated RE4 for being a huge departure from the series. Many people still do.


You realize you're giving him what he wants right?

Rage is a helluva drug.

I prefer love myself.

Every RE had some disease.

RE7 will also have one, but instead of mutant creatures, it's probably going to be a more "realistic" disease, that makes people delirious, psychotic, unable to feel pain, and the extremely super obvious reason how disease reproduces, to infect as many people as possible, infest, mutate, become better, symptoms change, infect more and repeat process.

So just wondering here anybody know how much umbrella corps sold?

That's exactly how humanity has behaved for millions of years.

What if... what if we humans ARE a disease?

Go tell Aunt Rhody

We shall call the redneck disease spread through inbreeding.

Wesker i thought you were dead?

>Quick time events, on the other hand, will be entirely absent.

Oh thank fucking goodness.

Best news I've read so far

That her grey goose is dead?

That was some nice news.

There are FPS out there with QTEs? Thank fuck I can't remember any at the moment because that sounds awful.

about three fiddy

Goddammit thats still to dam much.

>Wesker i thought you were dead?

You still don't get it?

America's diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it. We need to pull it out by the roots, wipe the slate clean.


You couldn't kill a black chick and a guy on steroids how the hell am i suppose to believe you can take down america?

>how the hell am i suppose to believe you can take down america?

Alright but can you also destroy africa and england you know for just for shit and giggles?

Alright let's say resident evil 7 is out and it's a success do you guys think they will keep going with first person only or do you think there a chance they'll offer the option of third person for future main installments?

>The title of the game, which for the first time contains in it both the "Resident Evil" and "Biohazard" brand names of the series across all regions, is said to be a clue to what's behind the game's plot.

Resident evil doesnt have ghosts. Its been confirmed by capcom too, they said theres an explanation for the 'ghost' in the demo. Not an actual ghost yo. Resident evil is about bio weapons, virus's and parasites. No supernatural bullshit, thats fake and gay.

My guess is there was some really sinister shit happening beside umbrella watching them before the biohazard explaining the resident evil part of the title. The biohazard part is self explanatory.

Well ghost girl could be the wife turned into a bow.

So you guys think this game is going to be more like alien isolation or condemned criminal origins?

Physic powers.

Well that shit was in rev 2 so we can't blame re7 for that.

he never said that was a bad thing lol

yeah maybe, could be cool

bow that does what? ability to turn invisible?

Ahh, I kinda miss all the frantic threads trying to figure out that demo and more specifically the dummy finger. I think this will shape up to be a fine game and hopefully set RE back on track

Anybody hyped for resident evil vendetta?

I love how this game looks like, and I loved Resident Evil 6.

1-3 fans are crybabies that Capcom should just plain ignore.

They might be updating the demo soon so we can use the dam dummy finger so those threads might be starting back up.

That's probably a hallucination from the perspective of someone infected with the T-virus.


yeah, kinda. The Ada scenes + tyrant scenes in the last movie were cool.

Thinking more on the lines of teleporting.

The tryant scenes made me jump a little not gonna lie.

Not hyped, but I'll watch it.

>Ada was in the last movie
I really should keep up with these things. Now I want to watch it.

I hope. I was and still am genuinely curious about its use. I check every now and again online to see if somethings changed with it

So think capcom was smart and lowered the budget for this game?

Resident Evil: Degeneration is the movie your looking for. Its got Leon too

Have you try joining up for resident evil ambassador program that probably you best bet on getting new info.

to think faggots like this one said they were gonna "drop" metroid prime for being first person and thus not a metroid game

i know this doesn't automatically make re7 a good game, but still

I think it's lower than the RE6 budget, but it's clear that capcom has a lot riding on it.

You know thanks for reminding me about that. I'm pretty sure I have but I can't recall and I've never seen any emails from em

>gothic love story

^^ scratch that. Degeneration is the one with leon and claire.

The one your looking for is Resident evil: Damnation

Ohhh... I thought we were talking live action movies. I watched the first CG movie and it was cool as all fuck - I have no excuse for not watching Degeneration.
Fuck it, gonna catch up right now.

Actually, Damnation is the one with Ada.

>behind the back camera in RE4
Also, have you heard of RE Survivor? They're canon to the main RE lore, and were first person.

>Ghosts fake and gay shit
>bio weapons, virus's and parasites

Who's /liveactionresidentevilkino/ here?

The latest live action movie actually has Ada in it as well lol. Resident evil Retribution I believe

here hoping 2-3 million sales will be enough. I don't want RE to die.

I've seen all but the fifth one. is it even worth it?

After the success of the REmake remaster and Revelations 2, I think Capcom knows how to handle RE budget now

Why not you might get some enjoyment out of it.

You know exactly what I meant m8. Those things are based on science shit. Things created in labs by humans.

Having ghosts, you might as well add unicorns too

God i hope so i don't want another repeat of dead space.

>>The title of the game, which for the first time contains in it both the "Resident Evil" and "Biohazard" brand names of the series across all regions, is said to be a clue to what's behind the game's plot.

This makes me worried. What if there is no lab below the house?

Yes. They keep getting cheesier and stupider

Maybe his time it's in the attic.

This is exactly what I want to hear.