Invite friend over for some videogames

>invite friend over for some videogames
>he brings his gf

That's why I'm glad I don't have friends to begin with, yeah.

>invite two friends over for vidya
>they bring their gfs
>they make fun of me for being a kissless virgin

>Letting others insult you in your own home
That's precisely the moment where you kick them out of your house and cut all contact with them.

>Suck friends cock
>He's about to cum
>He finishes in my mouth
>I swallow and say 'No homo'
>My friend returns the favour
>I cum in his mouth
>He swallows
>He doesn't say no homo afterwards

Guys i think my friend is a faggot, i dont know how to deal with this.

Then I'd be a friendless kissless virgin

Wise men who lived nomadic lifestyles in ancient times didn't need fucking friends.

>then I'd be friendless
>they bring their gfs
>they make fun of me for being a kissless virgin
>then I'd be friendless
you already are though

>three best friends who i used to play video games with for years and years
>one is married with 2 children at the age of 26
>another works in New York as some kind of financial analyst or something
>another dropped off the radar completely, haven't heard from him in over 5 years
>meanwhile, I work part-time, still live at home, have no gf and spend all my time playing video games and watching anime

>wise me
>on Sup Forums

Then go pursue knowledge, you fool.

If you're gonna spend your time alone, at least try to invest some of it learning things. Do you want to be just a friendless kissless virgin or a dumb one at that?

this, they're not your friends

>invite gf over
>he brings the bull over


>go over to friends house for gamin
>doesn't mention his gf is over
>they fight and bicker with each other the whole time
my friend does this shit all the fucking time
worst part is
>hey you wanna come over to my place instead

Traditional method for curing homosexuality:
Corrective rape

>friend brings GF over
>the next week he gets fired from work, losses his car and wont get off his ass to better the situation
>girl comes over because she had a fight with the dude and didnt know where to go
>end up kissing her feet and sucking her pussy
>everytime friend comes over i wonder if he knows

>people who make fun of you aren't your friends
didn't know Sup Forums was a bunch of women

>live far away from friends, we talk all the time on discord
>they visit each other often and go camping in the summer, discussing it with me in the discord
>no big deal, I live far away
>move closer to both then they are to eachother
>friend say's he can't go camping because he's working
>other friend say's "oh too bad" and drops it, doesn't even think of asking me while I'm talking with both of them
Tbh I wouldn't want to go anyways because I haven't seen my friends in person in like 7 years anyways and I'm self conscious about my weight and acne problems.

Still would be nice to be invited.

Just tell him to get over it, that you're sick of hearing him and his gf fight while you're trying to kick it

I hope you've taught him that "bros before hoes" isn't just a meme.

>Invite friend for vidya
>He brings his bf
>He's a cool dude and it was a lot of fun

>lan party
>one dude brings her gf
>all she does is whine how we play all night

What the fuck did she expect? Didnt even come to sauna with us so she didnt see the bromance.

>friend got a new job
>doesn't want to play vidya ever anymore

Your response could vary depending on your friends' tones; if they're just smiling at you and saying those things with a lighthearted, facetious tone, then the right thing to do is respond back with a bit of banter. If they condescendingly smirk at you and their tone is inflammatory, then that's when you either deliver snide remarks or just threaten to kick them out for disrespect.

>one dude brings her gf

You can't go wrong with guys and vidya. This is why gay couples are the best for those kind of get-togethers.

Sup Forums is filled with women though. They like to gossip and talk shit about others.

Yeah, usually at least. But you still get
>That one gay guy who acts like a woman in the way of needing attention
>They're almost always slutty and a guaranteed handjob
Still beats a woman though

he was a fag and insisted on calling him her.

>friend brings girlfriend
>girlfriend brings girl
>we both play vidya while guyfriend and his girlfriend make out

>ask if anyone wants to do something on weekend
>next week hear they had a kickass lan

Time to make new friends.

Well I am a cute anime girl

>all your friends became normies
>you didn't

Name 1 (one) instance when this happened to you

What the hell is that?

>Invite friend over for gaming
>says he'll bring his gf
>sigh, fine
>shows up, no gf in sight
>tells me im his gf
>didn't even know I was gay...

Bad cgi.