Do you play vidya with your big sister Sup Forums?

Do you play vidya with your big sister Sup Forums?

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I don't have a big sister. I have little brother who is a shittier version of me though.

I don't have big sister. I have little sister who is only into "game" like candy crush and farmville.

Same. They use to love watching me play weirdly enough. Hell one loves saying MGS is her favorite series since she watched every moment of it watching me play every game.

This is porn, right

This is however


So nah, I just play games by myself.

Growing up with two big sisters each a decade older than me was like growing up with three mothers. I developed a hardcore big sister complex as a side effect and I don't mind.

Oh my.

I gotta have the source.

A little sister that liked playing Silent Hill and Dragon Age. Now she is more focused on reading books and shit.

If it's not /ss/ I don't want it

I used to. She's the one that got me really into games. She had an N64 and I had an NES with only mario bros/ duck hunt(which I had played to death) so every weekend morning I used to sneak into her room and play mischief makers or bomberman hero. Half the time she'd wake up and make me play Mario Party with her.
>Wanting pure boys with corrupting females

Used to, quite a lot. Played a lot of co-op 3rd person shooters with her, and I would watch when she played New Vegas.

Thank you very much user.

We used to but she grew out of them. Couple of years ago after we spent a bunch of time driving around as she was moving, I gave her my DS and she got into Phoenix Wright, but it didn't last.

Nowadays we only get to play on some family occassions and even then I try to avoid it because it's not fun for me winning without effort. Feels bad, 15 years ago we would be competing on equal levels and had a blast every time.

I had to get my older sister to beat this guy because I was too scared as a kid, she didn't even play video games.

Would she say "a deal's a deal" afterwards?

Are you sexually attracted to your sister or another family member Sup Forums?

Used to frequently. We do play Ace Attonrey together and smash bros once in a while.

Right now she's playing Bravely Second

>60 onee-chan doujins
I know what I'm doing tonight. Thank you, lucky user.

I think its just the fact that its taboo is what makes it hot.

No, I think it's disgusting. But I am into MILFs.

Oh man, I wasn't expecting it to contain peeing.

This is so much better

not really my sister isnt much into games she enjoys shopping more so we do shopping because i want that people are not bored or doing stuff i only like when theyre with me

>Only male family members are near senior age or so distant relative that even if we were opposite sex our kids wouldn't be retarded
I always wished I had a brother to be butt buddies with

My oldest sister is pretty much the one that got me into a lot of RPGs. My first experience with Final Fantasy was watching her play through FF7 when I was like 5.

Glad I could be of service.

>it's a "The Hero's actions are villainized" episode
I'm baffled how Namco went this route

No. I was homeschooled and she was the only person i saw more than once or twice a week for the first 14 or so years of my life. She abused the hell out of me. I lie to my family about it because I don't think my parents would want to know the truth. I'd rather them just think I'm an asshole for not talking to her, but I think my dad knows some of it.

We used to play Sunset riders and Goof troop together. And pokemon red/blue. I got her to play heroes of might and magic 2 and warcraft 2 with me on lan once, but she didn't like it.

this is a shitty meme.

>tfw no big sister to molest me
being a single child is hell, especially when you were neglected 90% of the time


> uncensored belly button


He should drink more water.

tfw no onee-san whose cute feet I can play with while she plays vidya

>mfw "Lord of Calamity" is just some chuuni term Velvet came up with to scare civilians and nothing else
I liked that.

>tfw Laphicet is the real main character of the game
>He just wants to protect big sister's smile

I thought about it, and after having played through the main story of Berseria, I think I have an apt comparison.

Zestiria was like Tales of Graces on xanax

Berseria was like Tales of Graces on cocaine

>mfw Phi follows a character development similar Sophie
>but because he is a boy and surrounded by manly men like Rokurou, Eizen and Zaveid he becomes alpha as fuck instead

>Velvet runs to attack Artorius
>Laphi tries to follow her
>Eizen grabs him and holds him back
>Laphi tutns around and punches Eizen to get out of grip