200 years since the bombs fell

>200 years since the bombs fell
>Humans are still living a mad max style scavenging existence
>Nothing new has been made in 200 years


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What do you think the first 200 years of humanity was like?

It makes no sense that people have skeletons and shit laying around their houses, why wouldn't they just throw them out?

Thats just the East Coast, though. They were hit harder. West coast already has established governments and shit

Maybe they love skeletons and trash.

This drives me nuts.

I get raiders and druggies being dirty, but there's no reason for normal citizens to leave piles of garbage in their homes.

Kill yourself if this is your argument. Nothing new needed to be made, they were already living at the pinnacle of technology before the bombs dropped. The hard part was salvaging it and surviving. There's not enough people left to manufacture anything, and the novelty of invention is outweighed by the need for survival. You forget this was a global nuclear event, all trade was cut off. People had to create civilizations based on what was still here. Think about it the 1700's to the 1900's besides the car, telephones, train, and lightbulb, not much had been invented or really needed to be to survive.

Nothing like after the bombs fell

do you think people of Fallout have better technology than people in the 1800s did? I mean compared to what we had even 50 years ago to now it's like a whole different world now.

>2077 + 200+ years
>Not having at least some decent-sized towns

This is why Fallout 4 felt lifeless.

East Coast has

Restarted the Vault program
Robotics that exceed pre war capabilities
Has the industrial capacity to mass produce anything from food to ammo
Flying aircraft carriers
A giant stompy robot.

Is the west coast even trying?


They have super advanced robots and other technology though.

I don't think people in the 1800s had to deal with nuclear apocalypse

why give a shit about cleaning up when said raiders and druggies could come and rape your shit?

My big gripe is how in 200 years since the bombs fell is ghouls still being relevant, you'd think after being coated in radiation; you would more likely fall apart than live for almost 200 years with a slightly malnourished body.

Living in a post-apocalypse doesn't justify living in a fucking squalor. There are functioning friendly robots everywhere, they have working technology, food and water, and yet nobody can apparently be assed to sweep the damn floor.

but new things have to be made, there's an entire faction suffering from this and another trying to overcome it by making new shit. There's only an finite medical supply, eventually you'll run out but people still get sick and hurt.

Yeah I agree. TES has always been more interesting but if fall out tickles some peoples tackles then whatever.


You can always tell the retards apart when they try to justify this. The truth is there's no rationale behind it, the only reason it looks like that is because that's what most people would expect from a post-apocalyptic setting. In Fallout it never matters if the bombs dropped 50 or 500 years ago: it will always look as if it just happened and there will be lethal radiation everywhere. Even the things that should have biodegraded a long time ago, including food, or structures that should have collapsed will always be there.

nope they had it way worse - no electricity, rampant disease and malnutrition, muskets were the pinnacle of home defense, reliance on horses and oxen for transportation, subsistence farming in all but the most urban centers - which were even worse.

>TES has always been more interesting
that's because it doesn't pull any punches about being pure fantasy, rather than relying on a real-world scenario with completely unrealistic consequences

The Institute has advanced technology and human over 1000 years.

>two survival games in the top 5

Fallout 3 and 4 takes place both a generation after the bombs dropped and 200 years after the war. That's why you can find European immigrants in both games. The timeline is degrading.


Humanity survives based on need, we adjust and adapt our behavior based on out environments. Granted it may not be evolutionary on a 1 to 1 scale, but society as a whole evolves in order to move forward. They are past the point of trying to move forward. It's a cold harsh world and they just want to survive. Not to mention giant animal mutants make it hard to explore, build, and expand your territory. All america had to deal with was native americans. We are talking the complete destruction and reformatting of worldwide nations. Its like starting from the stone age, and its even worse given that there are mutated beings who daily threaten your existance and brutal gangs of criminals that are above the non-existant laws.

This is a house from the fucking STONE AGE

They've done nothing besides besides make worthless malfunctioning androids to do all their physical labour because they're lazy conceited retards on a high horse.

Meanwhile a fucking pre-war Miss Nanny proceeded to cure every known disease by itself on an outdated operating system.

Look at this high tech fucker.

If you side against the Institute you're no better than a Luddite.

Fallout 4 is not an RPG.

the existence of
completely refute your entire post

>tfw the next fallout is going to be even worse


looks like it's from the wood age to me

>There's raiders that want to rape my face and mutants everywhere
>Better live in a ruined shack in the middle of nowhere

The funniest thing is that Big MT managed to do literally everything better than the Institute. Teleportation. Robotics. Weapons.

Institute teleport is matter de/rematerialization. Big MT teleport is spacial displacement.

Ya think they needed to be told twice?


I like your down to earth confrontation about this but..
>they had it way worse
Come on you don't actually believe that do you? From a realistic standpoint of course

B-but you get to build all these settlements user!

Just imagine what Bethesda could have added into Fallout 4 instead of the garbage settlement autism system.

What society needs to build and flourish:
- laws
- safety
- currency

The post apocalypse has thrown this into complete dissarray and its a bit difficult to arrest a gang of raiders without a bulletproof organized military force isn't it? The only option is to kill, there are no scholars anymore, the sword in this age is mightier than the pen once again. This is why the postapocalypse truly means the end of civilization as we know it. There's no truly coming back from what we've build up the past 6000 years. Because to be honest, there's too many of us. You can't start over with billions of people who can't communicate with each other across the continents. It's what we call a dead end. You'd have to literally wipe the planet clean and start over for everyone TO BE ON THE SAME PAGE.

>From a realistic standpoint of course
yes of course I mean it
realistically, 200-year-old dispersed fallout isn't going to hurt you anywhere near as much as an impacted wisdom tooth or appendicitis

The institute is a secret society who cant coexist successfully with the upper world. Which is why they have a plan to purge and replace the upper world with a new civilization. I'm still not incorrect, the insitute would soon be plundered and overrun if they were exposed to the upper world which is what happends in the endgame. 1 warring faction completely destroys 1000 uears worth of institue research and renders it useless. The majority of people on the outside are too savage to care about culture or scienceat this point. They only want the tech to sell for food and water or to use as weapondry.

Are we supposed to believe that 200 years after an apocalypse people would be less socially advanced than people living in the stone age?

Fucking cave men had towns, and laws, and currency and safety.


Yes because like i stated there is nobody to enforce true order, unless a faction like the brotherhood of steel or the ncr shows up. But they only have a small influence and arent on a national scale. The two factions cant even get along between themselves.

>No one knows how to wash their clothing
>There's fucking hotels where people are paying to stay that have trash and skeletons in them

That's why I sided with Mr. House. Society needs to stop holding onto relics of the past. and move forward.

A nuclear holocaust isnt as bad as the 18 hundreds.

Do you think neolithic peoples had nation wide enforcement of order?

You on point my man.

Nobody cares at this point, theres no decadence to society, its pure survival of the fittest. Sure theres a nice person here or there, but the majority of people dont give a shit about hygiene or looks anymore.

It's easier for the institute to synthesize plastics and polymers than it is for them to cast metal into guns?

Hi Todd.

Ever occured to you that people don' t wanna go back?

>Restarted the Vault program
Which conducts horrible amoral experiments and is pretty much useless now with no threat of nuclear war.

>Robotics that exceed pre war capabilities
The west coast has better cybernetics.

>Has the industrial capacity to mass produce anything from food to ammo
So does the West coast. In fact they can probably do it better since they have more settlements and better trade routes.

>Flying aircraft carriers
Literally one 1, and it can easily be destroyed by artillery.

>A giant stompy robot.
That has absurd energy consumption and probably does more harm than good since it's throwing nukes like footballs. Also, Archimedes could easily destroy Liberty Prime.

>fallout 3 Rivet City.
>Fallout 4
>The institute is shrouded in mystery.


Why would switch to bottle caps from pre-war money? That makes no sense.

>Because money would be worthless most apocalypse

So would fucking bottle caps.

>PC gamers falling for Toddout
You'd think they would know better.

most neolithic peoples were nomadic that followed game animals during their seasonal migrations - they had extremely strong social ties and rules in order to survive and out-compete other tribes/predators

Scrap everything mods are great, settlements should clean up after awhile like the csstle

based walshy

No but then again they only existed in a small part of the earth and then branched out to villages, towns, cities, countries, continents. Fuck the world was still savage after that until the trade system had gotten established. Think about it, until the 1800's chinamen were still using kungfu and swords to fight wars. Now they create cellphones and are considered one of the more intelligible races due to advancements in technology.

A world divided is not a world that can advance as a whole. If people see no reason to change they will stay stagnant. It is competition and who has the biggest gun, that propels that need.

>theres no decadence to society

Everyone here is bringing up food, water, technology, etc. without realizing a lot of things.

Food and water? Most of it is irradiated, and drugs aren't cheap. Sure, drugs and technology exist, but it isn't being manufactured by anyone anymore. A ton of technology ends up getting destroyed and scrapped by shithead raiders, too. When the majority of the population is more willing to kill and steal your things than cooperate (unless it's with other roving raiders), settlements become really hard to establish.

Besides, the west coast does actually have full-on society and civilization and stuff. The east coast was hit a lot harder, what with having a lot more centers of population, the capital, federal government buildings, etc. On top of that, you get the idiot FEV mutants running around with no Vault Dweller to stop them.

Also, as easy as it would be to blame Bethesda for this, like a lot of people here are, Interplay did the exact same thing with Fallout 1. Fallout 1 was like 170 years after the bombs fell, too.

Pretty sure bottle caps did have some backing for a while. By the time they stopped having it, they'd already been adopted as the major currency, so people just went with it. Besides, the NCR and Caesar's Legion are already implementing their own forms of currency.

>and the novelty of invention is outweighed by the need for survival.
Whatever happened to 'necessity breeds ingenuity'?

So cannibals who eat people are decadent in nature? Or just savage under a false pretense of sophistication? Please enlighten me how besides high society dress, grooming, and horiculture how these savages are any better than raiders?

Which is why they have hotels in the first place right?

bottlecaps weren't because of the location at the time, and having to do with supplies of nuka-cola.

water was so irradiated and terrible, that people who were surviving outside of vaults with the water filters had very little clean water to drink, and would resort to drinking nuka-colas.

I forget the details, but it's all about the soda pops, and that little slips of paper are useless compared to food/water.

I'm still piss you can't date a robot Curie.

Prime was destroyed before in BS, it can be done again.

Are you implying that cannibals can't have a sense of luxury? Also, you realize that the very definition of decadence is a state of moral decline?

Again theres no trade, or manufacturing. Any pothead with an idea can't just mass produce things by himself and hope to sell anything unless it makes life noticeably more efficient. Fuck even vehicles on the side of the road havent been used. Not because they can't be but because its actually safer to walk then to drive those death traps after 200 years, the terrain is destroyed, you would need well over 100 years of repavaing the roads and government funding to do so (not to mention J.H.E, the last president, doesnt give a fuck about humans and was destroyed). You don't realize how bad this would impact society. Have you taken a look at chernobyl? Imagine that on a global scale.

And this is relevant how?
Fuck off and get fucking banned. You are literally the fucking barneefag of Fallout. Die.

They have hotels to try and bring in trade, and people need safe places to sleep if they are even going to begin to rebuild a somewhat stable place to live.

he's right tho

Well Fallout 3 did have way more feral ghouls than 2, so maybe intelligent ghouls are less relevant. I think in the first game it establishes how they just go feral after a while.


Doesn't matter. It has fucking absolutely fucking nothing to do with this fucking thread nor 90% of the fucking threads he fucking posts it in. It's fucking goddamn b4n3yfag-tier spamming and needs to be fucking stopped.

>Have you taken a look at chernobyl?
People still occupy Pripyat, it has a operational train station, and the city of Slavutych is only 45 km away with a population of over 25k

>Different people have conflicting facts about certain things

>Different people have conflicting facts about certain things
yes the writers do

They have fucking plasma rifles...

They also have a stable government that provides repairs and funding. In the fallout universe there is no country to ask for help.

are you autistic? it's not like the guy is making off-topic posts. the fact that you made that screencap tells me something is not right about you.

>New Vegas
>People have started farms and communities in order to survive

>Fallout 3
>build settlement on Radioactive lakes

>Fallout 4
>Build base on mirelurk filled island

>stable government
yeah ok


>200 years pass
>robot servant is still waiting outside your house
>hasn't been discovered by anyone else despite hundreds of raiders all over the map
>somehow has managed to stay powered-on despite being reliant on fuel

People building new buildings instead of living in bombed out slums looking like theyve been set up in less than 1 week after the bombs fell

LItterally what does Fallout 4 not being an RPG have to do with being a Barneyfag?

>bombs dropped in 2077
>for some reason they only have music from the early-mid 1900's
>no music was ever made past then

but that makes sense.

The USA has tons of prototypes being used heavily in secret all the time.

Look at the Bin Laden raid and the stealth Blackhawk.


>no tribals
>no prostitutes
how is this even a Fallout game?

>It clearly tells you that he have encountered group of raiders and they shot it.
>What is an alternative timeline where every focus on progress was nuclear energy.

You guys don't even try.

My head canon is that all recording technology got vaporized because reasons and only vinyls survived, thats why its mostly old music. Then someone figured out how to transfer them to holotape for distribution

There are places in the world right now that looked like bombed out slums