Post yfw not falling for the Legion hype

>Post yfw not falling for the Legion hype

dumb frogposter

shillary pls go

dumb Blizzcuck

You shouldnt fall for any games hype, regardless of weather its actually good or not. Hype only serves the jewish overlords. Wait until a game comes out and see its true colora before you buy it. The jews cant hide anything in a game thats already out.


>frogposting on a normie board
Hit the road nerd

I bought WoD for $10 during one of Blizzard sales about six months ago and I still feel like I got ripped off.

It gets me worried that Sup Forums is even discussing that terribly butchered game for kindergarteners.

Hype? What hype?
Literally nobody that I know is interested in WoW anymore, even the diehard players that I knew during the game's height years ago during BC and WotLK.

dunce toad poster

This is pretty old.

What actually happened isn't much better, though.

You did.
Every single person got WoD for free about a month after that.

Didn't have to, blizz clearly doesn't want warlock players subscribed this expac, not at the rate their abilities are being pruned and given to other classes. Motherfuckers took my devil trigger so the demon hunters could feel like snowflakes.

There is no Legion hype.

so far i´ve just seen a poor fat nerd feel guilty about girls bullying him when he thought the love was mutual and to use Legion as escapism.
And when Francis said the game´s been shit for years I kinda agree it should get good but it isnt going to. It´s false hope i´ve seen this shit before WoD wasnt good and Legion isnt absolutely gonna be any better.

Only Blizzgame I wanna get into this year is overcuck [on xbox one]

>On Xbone
why do that to yourself?

Warlock players should be used to it by now.

Blizzard has never figured out how to balance the class. They're either god mode or bottom feeders depending on which patch you're talking about.


Never ever, goy.

Now go play D3: Warcraft Edition.

Only $60 plus tip.

Yeah, but the disrespect is just too harsh this expac. In an expac about the Legion's return, it should be exciting for a warlock. Maybe expanding their power to new heights. Instead, they are pushing everything to the DH. We can't speak demonic any longer, no new impressive demons, no perma Enslave, no Pit Lord, just a swarm of bullshit pet DoTs. No thanks.

At least before I could flip flop between Destro and Demo being garbage. Now they're all equally shit.