Tfw you nano boost a roadhog

>tfw you nano boost a roadhog
Overwatch Thread

>tfw you need an actual healer and the last guy picks ana
>tfw you just know he's gonna try and do some mad snipes instead of healing teammates in need

Holy fuck this

Solo ana is almost always a guaranteed loss, especially on D

why would you ever nanoboost a roadhog
he will spend half of the duration reloading

>have OW on an SSD so I can instalock heroes
>pick ana
>everyone else goes for the 2 tank 2 dps meta
>last guy has yet to choose his hero
>mfw he chooses hanzo

>Critical Tracer finally stops jumping around long enough for me to shoot her with some medicine
>Genji runs in front of my right as a get the shot
>Tracer starts moving again
>just take one of my biotic grenades
>she pops away, still critical.

I sexually identify as Lucio. Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of pumping up the volume. People say to me that a person being Lucio is impossible and that I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, let's break it down. I'm growing out dreadlocks and becoming a sick DJ. From now on I want you guys to call me 'audio-medic' and respect my right to can't stop won't stop. If you can't accept me as Lucio you're a rhythmophobe and need to check your house music privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

yfw you go to and press "up up down down left right left right b a" on your keyboard.

>lock ana
>team complains
>tell them to stop crying in quickplay
>team complains
>spend entire match nanoboosting mercy

>nanoboosted the wrong dude

>it's a nanoboosted mei
>she fucking shits on everyone

>enemy nanoboosts Mercy

>hear ana ult
>little bit later hear bastion ult
>oh shid
>see boosted bastion in tank form coming from the back
>manage to boost and pin as rein
>drive into wall as soon as the ults end
>tfw saved the game
Rein is just too much fun

>get to a vantage point where i can see the choke point with no obstruction as ana
>team is holding it down with no sweat, until genji decides its time to 1v6 the other team
>runs out, gets to critical health
>hides inside a building without a health pack and endlessly spams "I Need Healing!"

>Genji shouts his ult is up
>hit Q just as Hanzo jumps in front

this is photoboming on a whole other level, and it has to stop

>try to heal as ana
>absolutely no one gets the back line harraser off my ass
>everyone goes off by themselves so I never have a clear line of sight to heal more than one guy
>winston dives into a pile of 4 enemies alone and asks why I didn't ult him
I'm shit, but teammates are shit too

>Play Ana
>Always Nana boost Tracer

Want to play reaper
> no healer
Cunt picks zenyata
> rage.jpg


>Playing Ana sending everyone to sleep
>Everytime I would sleep dart someone the Widowmaker on my team would headshot them outta nowhere
>mfw at this team synergy

>team gets picked apart at the objective
>try to run in to nanoboost anyone to maybe turn this around
>Pharah, awesome
>she dies before I can do it
>fuck it, see blue diamond, Nanoboost that bitch
>it's Symmetra
>die, feeling like I wasted my Nanoboost
>return through her teleporter to find her single handedly wiping the enemy team WTF

>playing with some friends in quick match
>3 of us go ana, 1 goes rein
>Wait for all of us to have ult
>3 anas healing 1 powered up rein for an ungodly amount of time
They never expect it.

>been playing a lot of Ana since she was released because I wanted to unlock her sprays
>got the nap time spray fairly quickly
>been struggling to get the 4 kill assist nanoboost spray
>finally got it last night on Offense Volskaya because the other team was retarded and literally had 5 Hanzo and a Junkrat
>nanoboosted S76 shat on them with Tactical Visor
>can finally stop playing Ana now
>end up actually enjoying playing Ana a lot and is now probably my favorite Support

Symmetra does massive damage with an autoaim gun

In retrospect, I shouldn't have been at all surprised, it was just nothing like I expected.

>Win rate has plummeted ~3% since Season 2 ended

Bravo Blizzard amazing matchmaking.


>get nana boost as hanzo on attack
>literally yell "WHYYY" over the mic
>end up winning the push for point A

>Don't be a good teammate
>Upset that other people are also bad teammates

ahahaahha dude epic trollin f2w :P gunna cap this and post it on /r/overwatch :D

>accidentally Nano boost a symmetra
>She cleaves the enemy team's assholes apart with the lock on laser
>Roadhogs dead in mere moments

Genji,76,Reaper and Reinhardt are the only characters worth boosting.

Please stop doing that, especially when I don't have my ult charged. Seriously, what do you expect my to do?

He can't heal for shit but he can he shit loads of kills

How're you liking those traps and concussion mines tossing you off the map?

>feels good being a shitposter with a grenade launcher

Ana seems almost better at close range than at far range.

Nothing says "getaway" like Jarate'ing the ground for insta-heals and fucking over the guy trying to fuck you up.

Roadhog, Bastion and sometimes Pharah with with their ults are good, I've seen Tracer and Symmetra fuck shit up too

>mfw I get nano boosted

>try target reinhart for nano boost
>3 other people standing behind him

>Ult ready
>Rein right in front of me and we are almost done pushing payload
>Press Q while aimed at him
>I use ult but nothing happens
>Tracer runs up from behind with nano boost
>Tracer fucks off and does her own thing
Thanks blizzard

>everyone instalocks their favorite character leaving me last to choose
>gets mad when I at least choose what support I want to play

I just switch to attack or defense after some does that

>tfw I don't play trash games


Uh... nothing you said makes sense. If you want to play Reaper, it doesn't matter who the healer is, because you shouldn't need them.

fighting with ana is the worst thing ever. everyone just fearing they get nano boosted

And now next time they see Ana they're going to be even more hostile.
Good job from all us Ana mains, you did it.

You're charged, get in there!

>you need an actual healer
>last guy picks
Hey fucker, how about YOU actually consider being the healer for once?

I can't stand all these stupid fucking whiners who insist we NEED one character or another but refuse to change themselves.
If you're not prepared to do it don't expect someone else to.

You need to play for le team so I go with cheerio to pair with zenyata

>get boosted as Zarya


>tfw you get charged as 76 with your ult ready

>people always compliment me on my zarya plays
>never want to play zarya and only want to troll around with junkrat/mei/symm
maybe if comp is fixed in season 2 I'll join and get to roll as zarya.

>I get in there
>mfw no one is there except for one person I cant kill

I witnessed this once
> be me
> be road hog
> see nano genji
> oh shit.jpg
> hook and instakill
Mfw easiest shutdown ever
Mfw have no reaction images

>Pharah's tongue out


I have to admit, Offensive Heroes only was the most fun I've had with Overwatch in a while.

>no healers
>no people picking Roadhog for some asinine reason
>no people picking Hanzo for some asinine reason

>try to heal as ana
There is your problem with Ana

This shit is amazing

>need healer
>last pick locks zenyatta

>get boosted as zarya
>no charge
>no ult

>get nano boosted
>get no kills

Is there a worse feeling?

>play Lucio on a team with Ana
>get nanoboosted
This has happened a few times now. Is there are reason?

> pick junk rat for shits and giggles
> 4 gold medals
> play of the game
> one vote ( myself)

>play ana
>try to heal teamate calling for healing
>they won't stop moving even when out of line of site of enemies
STAND STILL YOU DINGUS. God it's TF2 all over again trying to arrow some fucking faggot and he keeps moving

get nanobooster and then die
i was at 20hp, what the fuck did yo expect?

Had 25 player kill streak to

gotta go fast

Her tongue's not out user

You get in the fucking way

why do guild wars skill icons make the best reaction images

>winning game
>enemy team switches to have a junkrat, mei and roadhog
Why do people switch to use such cancer characters when they're losing, why not just be a good sport and lose?

>Ana healer
>Misses me 4 times point blank STANDING STILL
>Throws grenade out of frustration

Fucking baddies man.

i love the edited ones even more

>tfw you nano boost yourself because genji reflects your shot

Some Anas will usually boost low HP players so they can become bait or scare the enemy team. I do that a lot. Always works.


>he carries the entire team with discord + headshots and perfect trances

I sometimes do it to help a teammate stay alive, myself

you were moving or jumping and now you're lying

>get boosted by Ana as Roadhog
>waste it every time

>boost a 76 who is spamming his Ult is ready
>pops ult and plays fucking CoD
>doesn't rush the point
>one fucking kill

I don't know what I expected

cute as fuck, would buy

>Say ult is at 81% or so
>Get powered up while walking back to capture the point
for what reason

>play rein
>Dòng zhù! Bùxǔ zǒu!
>Nano-boost administered!
>freeze a millisecond later

>nano-boosted as Winston

I want fug this GILF

>tfw your Ana nano boosts your Mei instead of you

>it's a 4 offense heroes instapicked and "need tank & heal" in chat episode

>nano-boosted as enraged Winston


I pick ana to heal from a safe distance not snipe.

Mercy suck and no one protects me well enough. Zenyetta is barely a healer. And Lucio is fucking boring.


Ana is a fantastic healer as long as your team is competent

That's why healing sucks in PvP games.

Somebody always has to get stuck with the unfun role.

>Don't even want to spend time explaining it

Started playing today. I main Mercy. I want to support my buddies but I'm shit with all the tanks in this game so healer it is.


Just pick zen

I hate Ana because she's a fucking old bitch. Girls should be cute and young, when they age they lose all their value and should be disposed.

Fucking SJWs.

As a tank player, I don't understand why people don't get that tanks can both damage and boost the survivability of others. But no, we need another useless DPS because all of them die like flies when fights begin
Season 2 can't come soon enough

>I main mercy
fucking stop. put an hour into each fucking hero and then choose your "main"
really, you shouldn't have a main at all because it's fucking stupid. you should just play what the team needs. mercy is one of the worst support, even in the new patches.

Mercy is much better in the PTR, her beam outheals Winston completely and heals a crazy amount against everyone else. Her survivability has skyrocketed since now your healing target nearly always survives. Almost all of my recent games have reached 20K healing easily.