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If I wanted a screensaver I would have gotten a screensaver
You're supposed to make videogames, Sean

Sounds like you just don't get it.

>it's SUPPOSED to have no content!
>it's INTENTIONALLY boring!
>plaease buy our existential crisis simulator!

why is the press so fucking desperate to project their "2deep4u art game" fantasies onto NMS? in reality it's simply bad and lacking in both gameplay and content. that's all there is to it.

Are you saying I need to become a numale to "get it"?

>It's ironically shit

He's being sarcasitc you dip





>Makes mad dosh
>Doesn't say anything and blows his money on hookers and coke
>Steam announces refunds
>Mad scramble to bullshit their game as much as possible

It really annoys me when people try to find deeper meaning in a game. The entire idea behind it was space exploration, failing at that wasn't intentional.

>the self-sustaining beauty of the system.

>fucking animals don't even need to eat
>planets reset themselves


Sony getting desperate

Subnautica does the whole "lack of purpose" thing and yet has plenty of shit to do
Also, lack of objectives isn't the only thing NMS is taking heat for, it's all the shit they've shown on footage that isn't actually possible to do or see in the game

Sounds more to me like Sean Murray missed what the point of a video game is

>>The difference is that No Man’s Sky does not attempt to disguise its nature.










>And yet — aren’t most video games ultimately pointless?
There already is games that are "pointless"
aka have no winstates
And they're fucking cool. NMS isn't. It's just empty and was sold as a game full of grand shit.

DORFORT does the whole "lack of purpose" thing and yet has plenty of shit to do

It really does sound like they're projecting.

literally a gunshow comic at this point.

So, why shouldn't I just play Space Engine again?

>Steam is now giving refunds to people regardless of play time, reports of people with as high as 27 hours play time getting refunded

>No Man's Sky has now joined the ranks of Colin McCrae Rally, The War Z, From Dust and Arkham Knight


we could have prevented this

Looks like the screensaver that is Destiny is finally better than another space game.


I'm so glad to have a videogame recycle the most meme crisis of all — the "existential crisis" — to excuse its lack of content and reinforce modern apathy towards life.

If your game can be summed up in a sentence, your game is trash. Here's No Man's Sky's sentence:

"My game is meaningless because life is meaningless"

Sean Murray should shoot himself then. Some people (Ian Hinck in particular of Easy Allies) describe this as an "art game". Art is not pointless.

This is shilling, it has to be.

There's no way these hacks lack even the smallest amount of self awareness and not realize how retarded that article is.

It makes them feel more like movie critics who get some form of respect from society

>people get paid to write shit like that

>existential crisis simulator
We already had one of those and it's free

its probably just bait to spawn the "video games are art" arguments but no ones biting.

In No Man's Sky, why is the temperature in space 0 degrees Celsius (the freezing point of water) rather than the proper -270.45 degrees Celsius?

It's an allegory.




they had to alter the universe's periodic table just so they could put a green skybox around planets, man

this simulation runs too deep for you to comprehend

No Man's Sky but I didnt believe is a whole game was marveling. My breath taking, and fun to millions of released. And no wordless hours strains because in a seriously as full fledged games change during their storage - it's a liar. Just one vague of the multiplayer memory. Hello Games has fine. But holy shit. I couldn't scrounge up a moon with the viability of Indie game in this game gives me for me so far across some of gameplayer fucking desperately thinks the whole universe should be explorable.

>he often likes to stop and just watch the world, to watch spaceships pass in and out of the game’s spaceports
I sit and watch shit all the time in XCX. It still has content when I get bored of flying.

>they had to alter the universe's periodic table just so they could put a green skybox around planets, man
What the fuck does that even mean?

why don't nu-males just get into real art and literature instead of constantly trying to overanalyze shitty video games?

Yes, (You). The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention.
Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.

this could not be making me more angry right now desu senpai. appologists said the same about jo blos latest creation, but that at least had some form of game underlying the meaninglessnes and was only 2/3ds the price. it's the idea that someone would charge me good money to tell me that everything is pointless that pisses me off so much. if that's the case- why don't you send me 60$ Sean? Huh? FUCKO?!

It means that Sean claimed that when one of his fuckbois wanted to have planets with green skies, he claimed they had to change the periodic table used by the game to create particles that would diffract the light in the correct way

What you guys fail to see is that No Man's Sky (2016) isn't a video game but a videospiel.

Stale pasta

because people who write professionally about games are invariably more interested in how they sound than the actual games

calm down now

Man if i wanted to stare pointlessly at pixels all day i'd launch space engine

Why not just make an "art" installation at a museum

>we made a game with no objective or purpose
>our total lack of effort or content is genius
Are you retarded? A lack of content isn't a good thing

Empty space doesn't have a temperature.

You are an idiot
Space is negative 240 degrees celsius

I heard rumors of Sony demanding lots of content to be cut at the last minute, explaining the recent delays. People say the first trailers and interviews looked like the game was more complex. Is there anything to it?

it does
it's 0K

are you sure that all space has the same temperature?

He's right though, and you're all gigantic turbo faggots.
It's a niche exploration game made to just fly around and look at shit. You're all the same tards that hyped it up thinking it was going to be some full space sim in the vein of X or Star Citizen or whatever. I guarantee you it wasn't planned to be $60 before you utter retards hyped it up either.

He's not trying to claim it's some genius that's just 2deep4u, he's trying to claim it's a niche game you fags don't fall under.

the Kelvin scale doesn't care about your NuMale philosophy of life


That's what they advertised it as, dipshit

>Is there anything to it?
Probably not.

No matter how crap a game is, you can find some retard to shill it on an online tabloid.

No, cuz space is huge, but it's a pretty good guess that it's all 270(typoed before) as there are no molecules to heat up

Niche games aren't exempt from lying developers jackass.

Space doesn't have a temperature because there are no molecules.

They didn't though. Third parties wished it was that and said it was that until that became seen as truth.

really makes you think

>niche exploration game

is a scam, that's what it is, they overhyped so gullible fools bought it and pre-ordered the game

Space /= perfect vacuum


>space doesn't have a temperature

because "game journalists" are desperate for someone to validate their "work" as art


They did and you can stop with the shitty bait

>It is an existential crisis simulator

It's good enough once you get away from the solar system(s).

that's on them to correct though

All those crisis's.. must be why its selling like hotcakes at my local Fry's.

As Horace once said, "Virginibus puerisque canto."

>be nihilistic
>existential crisis at every turn

Game is still shit

Good enough is not enough for there not to be a few particles moving around.

It's gonna drop down to $30 in about 2 months.



There's more non-matter than matter in an infinite universe so the matter that does exist doesn't matter in the cosmic scale

I'll probably grab it when it hits 10 in 3.
Used of course.

wouldn't there be radiation passing through either way? yeah you can say that hot means "radiates heat" but if you take a meassurement in empty space it'd still show temperature from radiation, no?

It's not though.
Caveat emptor you fucking baby

Ask me anything.

it's already on a 100% discount in certain websites

check out the brain on ken m over here

The particles in space aren't even close to 0k either, though.

Forgot image.

When will you kill yourself?

Yeah, but that doesn't mean they will hit the thermometer.

Oh yes, I forgot about he Cosmic microwave background. But would it really heat the thermometer?

Can I just be real for a second?

wow this guy knows latin guys he's the best argumentator there is

they're 100% responsible for that, seriously kill yourself m8

Say what you want about No Man's Sky.
But the soundtrack is really good.

128k Opus Master Race:

How does it feel knowing you'll never have the silky smooth fps of when you stare up into the sky in game?

Do you actually have a job ?

>Oh yes, I forgot about he Cosmic microwave background. But would it really heat the thermometer?
I dunno but it could be something

I'm quite content living thanks

I get 60 locked, the stutters annoy me though

Not right now no I paid for the game with steambucks from selling cards