>999 >>>>>>>> VLR > ZTD
can we all agree?
>999 >>>>>>>> VLR > ZTD
can we all agree?
I never got my watch from amazon for ZTD. Anybody else?
Just finished it
I actually liked it a bit more than VLR despite the ending being much weaker and the random shit with the alien
The atmosphere was handled much better than the silliness of VLR's setting and even though the destination wasnt worth it the journey was quite a ride
Bullshit. VLR had a much better journey, like 5 great moments during the end, and an actual final boss puzzle room instead of just ending the game on a 3 hour cutscene.
Nice atmosphere in ZTD where you just kill yourself over and over with no idea what the fuck is going on and no stakes in anything.
999 | VLR > ZTD
i don't like compraing 999 with the others because of the great difference in the writing and becuase it has less bullshit than the other
I liked VLR the most, though admittedly I just started ZTD. I liked the flow of VLR and the characters. The flow of ZTD right now is confusing me
No, supposedly amazon will contact us, and they will ship them out, I guess they got the watches already. Oh and the bonus they promised is some digital book or something.
Calm down autismo
VLR really didn't have much going on outside of the characters endings and the main path, lots of dead end to talk about schrodinger
Also in term of atmosphere VLR felt alien from the start which instantly dulls the immersion but felt much less bleak with all the offscreen quiet deaths with poison
>felt alien from the start which instantly dulls the immersion
Really have no idea wtf you're trying to say. You get tons of background info on what each of the characters were doing before ending up there, compared to ZTD just saying "hey guys, escape room again, all your favorite characters in the series just HAPPEN to be here!" and then not even providing the background info.
I cant even imagine playing this at 240p
how did 3ds users cope?
>No idea what you mean
Phi doing moon jumps, K's suit design,the design of the facility , zéro Jr being a fully fledge AI , the moon situation, radical 6....
it has darker coloring so they use that as a reason to claim it's the superior version.
I agree with you 100%.
>Hey uchi the 3ds version of this game is 98% jaggis
>hide it in darkness, they cant complain about what they cant see now excuse me I have retconning to do
And you have the characters accurately respond to those moments and go "WTF, this is fucked, what is going on here". It's not like that shit is just there and ignored, it's supposed to add to the mystery of the setting.
At least it had interesting stuff going on, what did you like so much about ZTD's setting because to me it was recycled from the last two games with nothing unique added on it's own.
Haven't finished ZTD because I have to take big breaks from it but I don't know why everyone prefers VLR to it.
VLR forces you to see the same shit over and over again.
You'll know by the end why everyone prefers a competently made videogame to ZTD.
I dont care about the reactions the characters have to it, I care about my reaction which was thinking the game dropped its pants a little way too soon during our first date and made it feel weird from the get go
ESPECIALLY next to the tame ambiance 999 had until the end
ZTD doubled down on the dumb shit but paced it a thousand time better and more appropriately
VLR >> 999 >>>>>>> DR >> ZTD
999 >> VLR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ZTD
>but paced it a thousand time better and more appropriately
Yeah I loved not even having a proper final puzzle room and watching cutscene after cutscene as the game just ends. Appropriate pacing for a videogame.
What did you like so much about ZTD's story? All I have so far is it felt "bleak" watching everyone die again and again for you when I had no attachment at all or any reason to care what the fuck their motivations were in the entire game.
Are you being dumb on purpose ? I tell you something about the pacing of the ridiculous plot happenings and you go off on the pacing of puzzles ?
999 = VLR >> ZTD
I'm looking at the entire game and I mentioned one puzzle, or the lack of it. It's not good pacing for a videogame to just read off 3 hours of bullshit to you instead of not even giving you a proper conclusion dictated by the gameplay.
I think you just suck ass at reading and that's why VLR's atmosphere felt awful to you yet your mind was able to somehow enjoy the cinematic experience of ZTD.
What the fuck are you even on about ?
NONE of the point you brought up have anything to do with the points I made in the first post
Nowhere did I mention puzzles or cutscenes because they are garbage that's something I didnt feel was up to par so i didnt mention it when I posted about why I liked the game you genius
You're arguing on your own
>999 > VLR > Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ZTD
You're a dumb illiterate spic who needs to learn to write in English, basically.
>Yeah I loved not even having a proper final puzzle room and watching cutscene after cutscene as the game just ends. Appropriate pacing for a videogame.
This is something that bothered me with ZTD too. It kind of forgets that it's a game halfway through... but it isn't a good movie nor a visual novel at that point either.
Calm down Junpei you're gonna pop a blood vessel again
Wait are we pretending the last puzzle of VLR brought anything to the table aside from an arbitrary "welp better put something here to cut from all the dialogue "
ZTD fucked up hugely but VLR really didn't win the race by just stopping mid-explanation
999 had the perfect ending path
Just started playing 999 on my android phone. Just got out the 1st room and meet a bunch of weird anime characters.
Does the game have some nonsense anime bullshit story? I don't mind the art, but dont want to play it, if its some irrational BS.
The twist is bullshit but the atmosphere is pretty realistic
What exactly is anime about it just because the art happens to be in that style? They act like people who have been kidnapped and placed in a torture room, not whatever stereotypes you're bringing in from other anime material.
99% of the game is grounded
The ending and the rest of the series is standard animu nonsense taken to 11
Guess I gonna continue playing it, if this is the case. tnx for the info.
Yes. Even Danganronpa is better than the shitfest known as ZTD. What a horrible way to end the series. Who do I blame for this?
>Tried to get a friend into 999
>He didn't make it past the part where you met the other characters because he found the dialogue stupid
>His 2013 GOTY is Bioshock Infinite and his 2015 GOTY is SOMA
A snail.
Don't worry senpai DR3 is slowly becoming ZTD
>GOTY 2015
I mean, it was a pretty good walking simulator. But while we're on the topic of shitty endings, holy shit what a wet fart SOMA's was.
Let me guess, he thought the 100% straightlaced brain scan plot was "really deep"? heh, DEEP
Zero Time Dilemma is the best game in the series, and Delta is the best game character of all time.
Since we all know Eric and Mira went back in time to birth Eric, Delta has to know about this. Right? He's a mindhacker, he knows surely. So part of his complex motives were ensuring that Eric and Mira would come to this conclusion. That's the only possible reason that he could possibly allow them to steal his alien fax machine from him, is that it was all a part of his plan. He used Sean to send them further back than they intended, hell, Delta probably used Sean to pitch the idea to E&M in the first place.
This is the deepest and most layered plot of all time. It's been months and the community is still figuring this game out.
999 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else Uchi has every touched
I used to hate VLR, but after ZTD I don't think it's that terrible anymore.
Threadly reminder that if you hated ZTD you were literally too stupid to grasp the depth of what was presented to you
I litteraly thought we ,the player ,would end up being delta
His mindhack shit would have been us making the choice during story segment and the fact that nobody mentions him because he was watching behind the camera like us through the screen
this. It's babby's first metafiction
but did you chose anything? Weren't you just picking both sides anyways, to create the timelines for Zero's pawns to shift through? Remember. There's no game, if you don't play it.
Were you picking anything in VLR ?
I just roleplayed my first choice like I did back in VLR
That's the point though, Delta would've wanted as many timeline as possible so he would force dumb illogical choices when the characters didnt want to do it
Something is still don't get how the fuck did nobody realised they were actually 10 people and only 9 x passes ?
I can get that maybe Delta isn't here in all timeline in a schrodinger cat fashion
but how the fuck doesn't everybody just notice the big problem in team Q