Amazing game

Amazing game.

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It is.


I love the sound it makes when BJ eats a hot meal.

The sounds and music were amazing, they seemed like waht you would hear from a crazy cartoon about war or something.

And also the voices.


Yeah the sound design is what stuck with me the most from this game for sure. It really was top notch. It's like they got the best talent in sound design to come together for this game and it really shows. Not just the foley and sound effects but the voice talent too. Notably Tony Jay plays BJ's boss in the OSW in the opening cutscene with his distinct timbre. He also voices Megabyte in Reboot, and was also in the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Beauty and the Beast, Talespin, etc...

I remember being a young boy in my old country playing this game. I didn't speak English at all and didn't have internet access so I would walk around the multiplayer maps alone looking at all the stuff. On Communique there was this radio playing Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. I never heard anything like that before so I would just stand next to that and listen to the little loop they had. Also Fur Elise in other maps.

I miss the OSA boss from RTCW

Remember when fps were this

Didn't they make Kingpin right before this?

>Tony Jay has been dead for ten years now

It's been a long time since I played Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Does it still hold up?

I remember liking the crypt areas.


Hell yes, the gameplay is absolutely stellar.


Replay it.

Hey man, you got a dollar?

Its the perfect balance in the series in terms of time because its neither too old like 3D/SOE and the first 2 stealth games or too modernish like 2009 and TNO/TOB

I heard this and RTCW are on the same engine, or is this one on Q2 and the other on Q3?

I believe that quality is called 'timeless'.

The latter.


The first half of TOB felt kind of like a soft reboot of RTCW.
Too bad the second half was garbage

It still holds me up if you know what i mean.

What modern shooters have similar gunplay like RtCW?

Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

that fucking game was brutally difficult. couldn't beat it back in 2000. does it run well on modern pc's?

>mfw they started adding zombies

I'll be back, mothafucka!

>we will never get an fps like this
>ever again
>only shit that tries to bank on the classic fps demographic using shit such as DUAL WIELDING SHOTGUNS IS SO EPIC AMiRITE BROS SUCH CLASSICS MUCH WOW GIVE US MONEY YOU FUCKING THIRSTY ASS IDIOT

Why is everyone so fucking tiny?

git GOG

>Trying to stealth through area
>headshot guy
>Oh great he's de-

Played it a few months ago.

Felt like Call of Duty without iron sights.

Was pretty alright. It's at least way better than New Order

It's a big castle man.

The later levels feature different locales and they don't look so small.


No way, the game's much more mobile than CoD (I assume you're talking about the earlier games) et the level design is much more interesting.

I don't agree with your assessment, I think it's worlds different than CoD. And I actually like a lot of the early CoD games.

>that amazing feel when you finally figure out how to not trigger an alarm in the first mission
>only took me 8 years

Man there is nothing this game didn't do right, prove me wrong

Not sure if French or Enemy Territory.

Oh I'll definitely give it level design. Pretty open rooms, and sometimes siderooms or path to take.

And I can see what you're saying with "more mobile", Call of Duty usually has tons of enemies and you hide behind something and pick them off. In RtCW, there's much fewer enemies and it comes to more intense 1v3 battles of some sort, moving around the area and shit. Enemies actually come to you or avoid you, while in CoD they're kinda stationary

t. thirsty ass idiot

Don't even bother replying to me because your ass is BLOCKED

I remember seeing a dead body rising up while a dramatic song started playing only so he would go back to sleep

The former. Meant to write "and", of course.

>this moment as a kid

I was genuinely terrified, emptied a mag in that bitch ass and played the entire level terrified it might come back for me

RTCW is still my favorite multiplayer AND singleplayer FPS.

single player had a whole castle to explore, secrets, loot, 'hiding' that WORKED, mystism, some BS history, etc. it was a great story and played amazing.

then the multiplayer, omfg, the classes, ammo guy, heal guy, soldier, engineer, so fucking brilliant. also, can play as nazis and yell in german.

oh and fucking custom maps, custom rules, etc, all back before that was all 'common'.

i played a beach sniper map for hundreds of hours.

and... stargate map -.-
also my favorite thing that doesn't exist anymore:

why doesnt this exist anymore?

Never played it. Is it worth playing? Does it still hold up? And can my HD 3000 graphics run it?

We need an engineer!
I'm an engineer.
I'm a field ops.
We need covert ops!
I'm a covert ops.
'Atta way baby!
Y-You got it, man.
GUD game!
Good game.
I'm a soldat.
I'm a medic.
Need a medic!
R-Revive me!
Firing for effect!

We've captured the west bunker.
Dynamite planted!
Disarm the dynamite!
Dynamite defused.
Generator destroyed!
Objective taken!
Objective secure.
Defend ze gun controls!
We've destroyed the gun controls!

We've destroyed the water pump.
Assault ramp constructed!
5 minutes, soldier. Los, los.
Only 5 minutes, soldier.
Thirty seconds, COME ON, MOVE IT.

Enemy in disguise!
Fire ze railgun!
Don't let them fire the railgun!
Command post constructed.

>why doesnt this exist anymore?

its not feasible for controllers, unless its one of those contextual ones like in the new wolf or fallout 4

It's still very playable today.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

RtCW MP was the shit.

Me and my friends would gather almost every weekend to play mp_beach and mp_assault over LAN.

Does New Order have it on consoles?

I imagine they do, it's very feasible to just hold L1 then use the left analog left/right to tilt/peak

It runs on the Quake 3/id Tech 3 engine which, believe it or not, is still used today.

OST is bill brown's best work

Bruh. These drums.

>still used today
I'm sure at this point, IWengine is as much id Tech 3 as id Tech 6

>comfy kraut killing maps
>enter catacombs
>out of the blue undead
>afterwards we go back to killing krauts, the game acts like nothing happened

yeah the entire point of that system was to be easily used with a controller, but all you really do is aim down sights while near the edge of an object/cover, it will show the direction in which you will peak

True but how many engines can you really say had this much of a shelf life, commercially? It really is a testament to the quality of the code.

Suddenly Ubersoldiers

yeah shit was nuts, fucking loved it

>kill me some krauts
>out of the blue OH SHIT NIGGA ITS UNDEAD
>back to killing nazis
>evil laboratory time

bu-- i-- what? i just said explicity that it isn't used
it's like saying unreal 2 is still used because unreal 4 is used

You misunderstand me. I'm saying even though you're right, to its credit it did last a long time.

>Rolling around at the speed of anal rape

Q1 engine was used in Hexen 2 and Half-Life
Q2 engine was used in Heretic 2, Soldier of Fortune, Kingpin and SiN
Q3 enigne was used in RtCW, SoF2, Jedi Academy and Call of Duty
Q4 engine was used in Doom 3 (even before Q4 used it) and Wolfenstein (2009)

Great reviewer.

Remember to save manually though, as there is no autosave or chapter select.

You should also have multiple saves and save in safe location with a good amount of health.

I remember saving with low health and being stuck in a death loop.

in some older games I have also been killed before gaining control over my character when I loaded a game at near zero health.

How is the game on the original Xbox?

this game, man...

>enemy territory was supposed to have a campaign that got cancelled
>ps2 version of rtcw has extra missions


this game was amazing, only mission i disliked was the one you start with a silenced sniper with an IR scope and need to sneak into a base

fuck that level

Don't mind me just sneaking 'round this castle.

its okay

obviously shooting wont be as good but at least you get the extra mission

>play RtCW
>all dat technology
>dem graphics
>dem sounds
>dat AI
>dem weapons
>dem animations
>think to myself "DNF is gonna be sooooooo sweet!"

Another day in Nazi Germany

It was a shit sequel that wanted to cash in on a popular IP and ruined it by making it super casual.

Mouselook in an FPS. Who needs shit like that? Casuals, that's who.

>you will never have a crazy occultist bitch molesting you and calling you a subhuman

why live?

>dat level design
>dat atmosphere
>dat soundtrack and sound design
>dat stealth
>dat multiplayer
>those weapons
>those reload animations
>those bosses
>those secrets

Shit, I dare you to find me 1 (ONE) flaw in this game

>DNF was announced 5 years before RtCW released

I would save Panzerfausts and Venom just for these fuckers

I like TNO.

The early 2000s birthed some stellar fucking shooters.

Too short. But I'm only saying that because i'm a greedy fuck and I want more gameplay.

Reminder that Wolfenstein is a series with zero bad games.

I still find it hard to believe this game came out in 2001, the graphics were fucking stellar, and those animations hold up to this day. Game aged like fine wine

Especially the atmosphere. Seriously it was awesome.

I just want to have an awesome shooter that would give me as much fun as those in the 90's or early 2000's.

SHOGO M.A.D. was sweet.

True. I really didn't mind Wolf 2009 at all, it was just kind of... good...? Nothing special.

Still haven't played TNO and TOB despite having both of them in my Steam library for years now.

The new ones are solid my only gripe is that they waste time with too much walky talky instead of just throwing more shit at you

It was ok.
My main problem was the shitty pacing.
Here you are having crazy shootouts in an asylum, then suddenly you are forced to sit through boring "story exposure" episodes.
If the whole game was run&gun and had more weapon and enemy variety it could have been a true successor.
Also what's up with no item pickup upon walking over them?
Spamming "e" to pick up everything seems like confused design, shit made no fucking sense at all.

Are the cutscenes unskippable?

Yes, but the shitty hub segments aren't.
Also they should have made the sprinting speed the default speed.

more similar to half life 2 ''cutscenes'' that break up the pace of the game, walking around down a corridor instead of letting me shoot more krauts come on nigga y u blue balling me

oh yeah
>open maps
>long missions
>bullets kill really fast
>enemies respawn if you let alarm go off
>did I mention no savegames, AT ALL?
>literaly "Clench your ass - the game"

you know what I always wondered about this game, going in the same direction seemed to go on forever, like, it felt randomly generated but the maps were FUCKhuge

same thing with the delta force games and trackmania, but at least in trackmania you could go fast enough to reach engine limits

anyway what is the point of having a system like this, and why did devs stop doing it? it was pretty cool

>delta force

Check this out

fucking novalogic going bankrupt

Let's face it, they made some baaaad business decisions.