>cost $1000 for a decent build
I appreciate that you tried, but you discredited yourself so quickly.
That is all. I put my katana back in my sheathe.
>have to manually put together components
This is so easy my 13 yr. old brother did it by himself.
>keyboard is uncomfortable
>you have to replace all your parts
You have to replace anything that breaks. Whether it's your console, or controller, etc.
More games and better prices than any console.
>have to pay $60 recently for released games
This is what console players do, except their games look terrible and have worse framerates and have no mods.
>physical copy
If you lose it or damage it, it might be gone forever. Physical copies have advantages and disadvantages.
>constant updates
Good. I want the games to be fixed/updated all the time.
>games constantly crash
If you did something wrong. Same with discs not working because you fucked something up.
>make you buy newer hardware
Just like consoles.
>try to play some indie games
Consoles have indie games too.
>barely any content and runs poorly
Yup, that's what consoles do.
>can't let my friends borrow my games
You can give people games more easily on PC.
>emulator problems
Entirely your fault.
>children spouting memes
Yeah, that's what you get for playing on console.
>hassle to set up
If you weigh 500 lbs.
>start playing less
You don't play videogames.