Someone breaks into your house

>Someone breaks into your house.
>You turn around and see them.
>They bow to you.
>Run up and stab them before they're out of their animation lock.

Why is this not acceptable? You came into MY home.

Do people really expect you to do this gay samurai shit every time PvP happens?

Do you really stab every single person who comes into your house? You're a shit host.

>Autistic fanbase tries to implement an autistic form of community ruling
Whoa, dude.
Anyways, you don't have to defend yourself for doing it. Invaders are there to block your progress. They can't assume you're just being trying to duel others.

They weren't invited


>Breaks into your house
Dark Souls fan reading comprehension.

this, you can do whatever the fuck you want during invasions, a fair duel is a diferent matter tough

I don't know. The whole honor shit started with streamers in DaS1. in DeS you did everything in your power to fuck the other guy's day up no matter how underhanded.

I remember I invaded a dude in shrine of storms and I made him think I was a friendly black phantom and started killing mobs for him (I miss being able to do this) and I got him all the way to the fog gate. He bows and waves to me and turns around to enter it. I backstab his ass for all his hp. good times.

There is no animation lock in DS3 you shitter.

Further it is only a duel if there is an exchange of bows. If a random invader bows he is basically requesting a duel, and it is generally understood that host has the rights to deny the request.

>In the kitchen making hot pockets
>You hear the crash of your window
>Grab your knife
>A fat man wearing the helmet of King Henry IV and nothing else is standing in your room with a backpack
>"Aye, is maith. Good day to you. I'm Donald of New York."
>Reaches into his bag to drop a small donation of a million dollars
>You stab him in the back
>His corpse fades from reality before you can loot it
>You get some ethereal force that you can't even exchange to make yourself smarter

I don't mind.
I'd rather that then him running into mobs and trolling.
Get the fight over with and be done with it.

>get invaded
>they bow
>I attack
>read the hatemail


>get invaded
>wait till they disconnect
>read hatemail

I bow or emote or whatever if it's a PvP arena, but if a fucker invades me he's getting shanked.

Chances are they're just going to run behind mobs and be a piece of shit anyway and make it an absolute chore to play the game.

The only time it's acceptable to not stand and fight as an invader is to try and kill the host in an interesting way like kicking him off a cliff or something.

It is acceptable but you analogy is stupid.

Is it ethical to gravelord so you can pvp while also using estus? Someone did this to me and it's annoying. Seems like something you would do if you can't win without having an innate advantage (estus).

Estus in PvP that isn't a no holds barred fuck you fest isn't exactly good manners, and will likely get you lloyded and backstab fished to death while they pop humanities and dupe Firekeeper Souls to heal.

because the dark souls pvp'rs are literal autismo faggots

>get invaded
>'invader banished'
>suddenly 10023956 souls

I hope the man who thought up Soul Memory was lynched.

>Turns out the money was counterfeit
>Use it and get arrested

By going online your inviting people to come to your "house"
If you don't like don't go online

that doesnt make honor a requirement

user means they shouldn't enter houses randomly and expect not to get stabbed.

just don't be in body form if you don't wanna get invaded. Also there are several items that stop you from being invaded. DeS even had a spell called banish that would eject invaders from your world if you hit them with it.

When I invade, I want you to freak the fuck out.
There is no greater feeling than hunting someone in their own world. I like to look around and quickly assess what point they're at; if I can use any surroundings or how I can trick them. I fully expect them to use Estus and whatever else to kill me because I'm going to do horrible things to them.

Likewise, I don't give a flying fuck if you bow to me when you invade; I don't duel unless I summon you specifically or vice versa. I'm going to fuck your ass bloody if you step into my domain.

More like, by going online you're leaving your frontdoor open so your friend can come inside, but random murderers come in instead

No one finds this acceptable but autists. When it comes to invasions, it's fair game.

When it comes to red sign duels, it's courtesy to bow or gesture before the fight but it's just a written rule. What I hate is when people expect me to wait for them to apply 10 buffs before we can fight. If some autist puts more than 1 buff, I'm gonna hit them.

user means you shouldn't leave your home unlocked for random strangers.

>in DeS you did everything in your power to fuck the other guy's day up no matter how underhanded.

You're the kind of cunt that stabbed the guy standing on the Rock in 4-1, aren't you?

This, man.

I try to build my characters around never needing to cast buffs; if I want to use a lightning infused weapon I'll get one that has it naturally. Otherwise it's like sending out your Pokemon and using Double Team 5 times in a row.

This and "friendlies" in other videogames, I will never understand.

Yeah it's cool when it mutually happens sometimes but it shouldn't be a fucking honor bound thing where people should expect everyone to respect the unspoken rules or whatever. Unless you're in a PvP zone with the intent to fight or something there is zero obligation to give a fuck

>faggots dropping doing from the dark roots garden to the basin during a Cat Cov invasion

Why is this allowed

Darkroot Garden from DS1 is full of this crap. Sometimes I want to explore the area or just go fight Sif. But holy shit people love this area for a PvP zone.

>People bitch if you fuck them while they're gesturing

Im not here to PvP because I have better things to do

inb4 just go offline

>invade world
>spam "hey" emote from safe distance
is that better ya cuck?

Go Hollow you nigger.
The only time you need to be human is for Kirk to invade you and get his items.

>wave to guy at a distance if spotted to buy yourself time
>stab him in the dick
is that so hard, honorfriends?

Honestly, I prefer not to be hollow.
Also, I got a friend who plays this religiously so we summon eachother a lot for all the areas.

>All bullshit aside, its still a good game. People just make it hard to enjoy them sometimes

>greentexting your own opinion

It's not like you can ask him who he's quoting when he's clearly quoting himself

Of all things, this is what you didn't like.....

If the latency doesn't screw me, I love wearing the Wood Grain Ring and messing with people.
It saves you sometimes and lets you get fancy!

>someone comes into my house
>I plant a seed on my garden
>every furniture starts attacking the person
>the ghost of my grandmother, the ghost of my father and a police officer jump on the person at the same time

How is this fair?

Yeah but what if your "house" is in my belfry or church or forest?

Swiggity swootty coming for that booty.

The concept of Chivalry is irrelevant in Dark Souls 3. As in Invader, you need to use every dirty fucking trick in the book to get the upper hand on the host and their bulls. Aggroing an NPC isn't just accepted, it's outright encouraged because anything that helps you get even is fair game.

Bowing is acceptable if it's a duel. Otherwise, you shouldn't be running up to your target and offering your ass on a plate.

You can cancel out of gestures in 3 anyway, so it's not really a problem to do anything anymore
You can even applaud mid-battle and get away with it just fine