Tfw you fall for the Overwatch meme

tfw you fall for the Overwatch meme

>facebook frog

Opinion discarded.

I bet you actually believe he originated from facebook and tumblr.

I bet you believe he originated on Sup Forums.

I don't really care, I care about where he's posted now; which is fucking everywhere because it's a normalfaggot meme.

Have you even read the comic yourself?

>average frogposting thread

>post meme frog
>ask retarded question or make retarded statement

kill yourself

Hope you don't like anime, because it and otaku culture are pretty much a normalfaggot meme now.

>reading rageface comics
back to plebbit with you.

Everything is a normalfaggot meme. Normalfags are breathing everywhere, you should probably stop since they're doing it too.

overwatch is soo bad man :'(

Same appeals for animeposters

Hang yourself

>bought overwatch
>shit pc cant run it
>blizzard refuses to refund me

>autistic frogposters defending their meme

kill yourselves

>being an anime poster


What meme? it's a fun game.

>he had to make an image like an autist instead of typing just typing it out

It takes an extra type of asshurt to go through that kind of trouble. Now kill yourself frogposter.

dumb frogposter

Why you heff to be mad?

Which comic? The obscure little strip with the frog going "feels good man" which was suddenly declared to be the source of all "Pepe" when that dreadful little reaction pic was given a name and adopted by reddit?
Stop getting your information from KYM. Or ED, for that matter. You dumb, dumb, frogposting newfag.

>tumblr filename

Here's your (You).

kill yourself

>Stop getting your information from KYM. Or ED
Nice assumptions, family. Do people even still go to ED?

>Do people even still go to ED?

Edgy underage kids do.

As it has always been.
It is known.

I wonder what's going to happen to images like OP's in the future when everyone has 300+ ppi monitors. Surely the average thumbnail size will increase when that happens.

anime website

stay cucked retard

>blizzard in 2016

You only have yourself to blame. Sc2 was the warning sign and diablo 3 was the nail in the coffin.


but I enjoy overwatch. sure it's blizzard, but it's fun. maybe not the highest skillcap game in existence, but it's a solid and fun game, especially with friends.

lotv is pretty good

That shithole should have stayed dead. Yet those memeing edgelords couldn't let it go since it was their life.

what you guys think of my pepe?

dumb frogposter