What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


What's wrong with pewdiepie lately ?

He's returning to his roots.

That is such a Sup Forums answer. Should be a banner tbqh

That is such a neo-Sup Forums word.

Sand niggers his then girlfriend last year and he's been depressed ever since.

But he never was a depressed cynic

He stopped giving a shit. Now he's "our" guy.

I think he just hit the wall. He's been playing shitty vidya and doing videos for too long and doesn't like it anymore hence why he made that YouTube show.

I personally can only work at a place for ~3 years before losing interest and switching jobs. Even my relationships (friends and girlfriends) don't last more than 2 years since I get fucking bored of them.

You know he started on this board right?

He's had some bad influences

If there are no good games, how would one know how to distinguish it from the not-good games?

Uh, Demons Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne are all objectively good games.

No i didn't

wait, what?

He realized that not giving a shit is more fun while still getting millions of views per video.


Eat shit, Kevin

he's becoming filthy frank of vidya aka a fucking retard who thinks he's cool for shitting on his fanbase ironically, but in the end he's still retarded. i think they're even friends with frank

Used to stream newer or weirder games for us before moot filtered the stream sites

Then his YT channel exploded

if he wasn't a complete retard he has invested enough to never need a single additional penny anyway

I have never heard this, and I've been here far too long.

Oh interesting

Yyeeessssss *rubs nipples* :^)

He realized that not matter what he does he is not going to lose popularity or money, so he pretty much now acts like he really is.

He swallowed the red pill.

*activates sharingan*

Any more fools want to make fun of my friend Pewdiepie?

I'll give you 10 seconds to get out of this thread before I eviscerate you.


hes getting tired not only of games, but his whole career


who wouldn't be tired of it, it's just the cash is too good to quit


his entire girlfriend?


Out of curiosity, how old are you?

He's fucking Sweedish, do you actually think there's any chance whatsoever he actually likes Trump?

>Sand niggers his then girlfriend last year and he's been depressed ever since.

Very few people like Trump unironically though.

That depends on whether or not he's had to deal with sandniggers.

It's an Sup Forums urban myth, people parrot this despite no one having any evidence
Sup Forums streams were cancer anyway

The hat's become more of a joke instead of a meaningful show of political support. You can't really deny that.

Fuck, I'm definitely going to start wearing it in public once the election's over and I don't even care about Trump. People are too sensitive right now.

Most of white middle class Americans do.

>most rabid trump supporter I have ever met was a Swedish immigrant
Not everyone there likes the direction that nation is going

I'm not sure if he missed a verb or if "sand niggering" is a thing people do now.

Irony culture has gone too far.

>Most of white middle class Americans do.
That's not enough to win an election :^)

No but I guarantee you the overwhelming majority would never say a word of kindness to Trump.


He and his girlfriend are still together.


Day of rope soon :^)

profile pic looks gay

is he sucking a dick?

for some idiots not having his gf in every single video he does was a sign of breaking up.

Is that when you neck yourself because your manchild lost the election?

Honestly, what has Trump done to people for them to hate him so much? Hillary is a terrible person. Also, compare Trump's rallies to Hillary's. She hardly gets any people to her's, while Trump's rallies are full.

what is sand niggering?

>Honestly, what has Trump done to people for them to hate him so much?
oh lol

>what has Trump done to people for them to hate him so much?
He doesn't hate white people


I still don't know but I'm going to say yes.

I knew that dude had to be gay.

He's moved on to ironic memes in an attempt to get his subscribers to become more active again.

and he posted this.

whats this about a gf? lol okay

Scandanavian countries are very liberal. The average European looks at this election and sees it as two right wing candidates competing. It's not a matter of hate it's a matter of a political culture that leans far enough to the left that they don't even recognize Hillary as a liberal, and Trump is clearly significantly mroe to the right than her.

brb user i need to do my chores

ok im back

he became rich by playing video games on the internet.
Everyone would feel like shit after doing that for years and having a fanbase of nothing but 12 year olds that force you to play minecraft and jumpscare walking simulators each day for a living

Where do you think he got the brofist thing from, you fucking idiots? Are you all so new that you don't remember when brofist was massive here?

Cool, thanks for giving me a well thought out response. Ask someone who doesn't support Trump why they don't support Trump, and they'll respond like this.

Swede here, I unironically love Donald Trump. I think Pewdiepie is joking tho

I've been here for almost a decade and have never heard this. I'm calling bullshit.

>Honestly, what has Trump done to people for them to hate him so much?
He's a liar with no real position, he promises contradicting ideas.
He's anti-science (creationist and global warming denialist), reposts debunked neo-nazi bullshit and is an idiot in general.
His companies are bleeding money and rely on subsides, shilling and legal bullshit to exist.

I don't know what's going on lately, but there's been a huge trend of making up shit for some revisionist Sup Forums history lately. I have no idea why and for what purpose, but it's making me annoyed people can rewrite my past because everyone here is too new to remember when people are spewing bullshit.

>Cool, thanks for giving me a well thought out response.
You don't deserve one. If we're this close to the election and you don't understand why someone dislikes a candidate, you are either a child or an idiot who has paid no attention.

[citation needed]

What an idiot. Everyone knows ironic memes have transcended. He should stop being autistic and get with the times.

Are you also going to claim that saying Vinesauce started here is revisionist history?


It's true though. You newfags are retarded, some of you even think ragefaces are a reddit meme

messing with newfags
it's like messing with tourists

No, because that's actually true

So he's like Hillary but he hasn't actually been in office to contradict his statements yet?

I'll still take him.

>You don't deserve one. If we're this close to the election and you don't understand why someone dislikes a candidate, you are either a child or an idiot who has paid no attention.
oh lol

I don't even know what kind of memery is going on anymore. It's almost like post ironic memery. Like ironic, ironic memes. Meaning it's not even ironic anymore. People are being dual ironic about things like racism, and other edgy shit, but they've gone full circle, and it's not even memes anymore. They're genuinely serious, but they think it's a meme, so they keep going.

>So he's like Hillary

>messing with newfags
>5 years later
>"Man guys Pewdiepie is our guy, remember he started here! xD *upvotes*"

……..(’(…´…´…. ¯~/‘…’)
……….’’…\………. _.·´


>but hillary!
You'll be sucking his contradictory dick in the next thread.

>pewdiepie thread to clinton shills in like 30 posts
That's a new record

In terms of flip-flopping all the time.

>Literally supporting the Reddit's Choice™ Candidate

It's like a molehunt in the cia but instead of moles and the cia you're hunting newfaggots in Sup Forums

>not even American
>been a fan of Trump for as long as I can remember
>hear that he's running for POTUS
>immediately apply for US citizenship

I'm going to America just to vote in November.

I've paid attention, but do you know about Hillary and CTR? Hillary and the emails? Hillary and the "pay to play" donators?

>changing your opinion after 20 years is being contradictory and flip-flopping
>changing your opinions on another party member after he tries to destroy your campaign means you're self contradictory

Go back to l e ddit shill/retard


>Wanting to have a female rule your country

>In terms of flip-flopping all the time.
What has Hillary flip flopped on in this election?

Because The Donald is taking back things he said not even a year ago.

I know this is bait, but if you knew the slightest about our country, you'd know you aren't going to be voting this election.

>not wanting to be ruled by a female

>wanting to be ruled by a female

>His companies are bleeding money and rely on subsides, shilling and legal bullshit to exist.

>run over a hundred companies
>5 out of a 100 go bankrupt


Sorry but I've already been confirmed as a citizen. I'm 100% eligible to vote this election. Stay mad Hillary.

>implying Sup Forums likes Hillary

See: 349886018

I can not wait to see what Sup Forums does when he loses.