An increasing amount of games...

>An increasing amount of games, ranging from AAAAAAAAAA titles (DOOM) to indies (INSIDE) to weebshit (God Eater duology) are using Denuvo

I don't like where we're heading, no sir.

Support the developers you fucking leech.

It's not about supporting the developers.
it's about being unable to play the games when the developer goes belly up or red tape (see Wolfenstein 2009) makes a game unavailable for everyone.
It's about being unable to mod the games.

1st post, best post

We all know your real problem with Denuvo is with your inability to pirate these games, why do so many of you people attempt to justify your theft?

money is the worst thing to happen to video games, prove me wrong.

At least DOOM had a demo, so I was able to get a taste of it before buying it. Not so much for other Denuvo games. And I'm not even gonna talk about how it destroys modding.
If I can't try out a game then I might as well be taking a shot in the dark at liking it if I buy it. Reviews and word of mouth are a bloody joke when it comes to determining the quality of a game.

Why? To encourage more shit games? No thanks.

Publisher hired developer.

Developer comes up with an idea for a game and asks publisher for permission/money.

Publisher makes deals with investors to get said money.

Investors who are interested in investing in the game give money to the publishers, a.k.a. their budget.

Publishers then pay developers with said money as they develop the game.

By the time the game is finished and launched, the developers are already fully paid for doing their job, which is developing the game, not selling it.

Whether or not the game sells well will depend on its quality above all else, which can be heavily impacted by the publisher (budget cuts, deadlines, inclusion of DRM, etc.).

Pirating a game does not hurt developers at all, neither does it hurt publishers. What does hurt them all is the risk of people finding out their game is bad and/or rushed and not really worth the money by playing a demo.

Demos don't exist anymore for that very reason, and piracy grew as a result, a (mostly) righteous reason.

So, no. Fuck off.

Dumb fucking buyfag.

Go back to hogwarts faggot

not an argument

Dunno why pirates complain about this

Rise of the womb raider and inside got recently fully cracked

You can even play MGS V cracked

You leeches just have to wait 6 months or more to get your pirated copy.

Doom is a great FPS.

These are AAA companies, the cream of the crop. Sorry bucko but if these suck the industry has literally no hope. Unless your one of those faggots who loves suc

t. angry Denuvo virgin


t. fat neckbeard who lives in his mom's basement

t. fatter neckbeard who lives in government housing kept alive by the tug boat

What's so bad about this? Less pirates brings more games.

What I don't understand is why would anyone want to play a Denuvo game.
Among them you have some of the worst ports and most dissapointing games in years,

Money from sales =/= money received when developing the game. Sales are just extra profit made after the paid job of developing the game is done.

Developers don't starve, you delusional fool. If they did, nobody would make fucking videogames for a living.

Star Citizen.

Most games in recent years are so bad that they aren't even worth pirating. Much like modern Hollywood films, most are trash.

never make negative assumptions.

Considering sales for Denuvo games are pretty much the same as day 1 cracked ones, I don't think so.

Hype is what matters, nothing more.

Reminder that in 1 week, No Man's Sky has outsold every Denuvo game except Doom and MGSV, at a $60 pricetag and day 1 crack.

I'm not quite updated on this. What's the matter here? Denuvo is an Austrian anti-piracy measure, right? What's the deal with this one?

>piracy becomes difficult
>all of a sudden pirate fags say the games suck now

Sure is Fox and the Grapes in here.

No, I have a job, i'm just smart enough to not waste it in videogames, since I would be supporting horrible people.

Have they ever considered you know
making actually good games before giving money to denushills?

>there's no way to try the game before buying it
>not even a fucking demo

that's a red flag right there

I downloaded FNV and then bought it, because it's an amazing game.

On the other hand, I downloaded NMS recently, and oh boy now that's one of those games I don't even think about buying to my enemies.

>publishers will spend exorbitant amounts of money to hide how shit games are from the consumers instead of spending it in actual development

IP truly is a cancerous thing

Name one good modern videogame.
Of course, you can't.

3 years ago Sup Forums would still say modern games sucked ass

Doom? that one single shining gem among the shit pile? This one game isn't even close enough to redeem this shit industry. and didn't doom have a fucking season pass? yeah I rest my case.

You can get a refund you fucking idiot.

>inb4 2 hours are not enough, I need to play through the game and buy it 4 years later for $2,50

That's a bad argument, everyone knows that the reason why so many developers were against PC gaming was because of pirates. Denuvo or not, it shouldn't bother you because if you were going to buy it then you were going to get it anyway.

MGSV is the proof 2 hours are not enough.

Overwatch, Dark Souls III, Factorio, Battlefield 4

Those are just the games I'm right now enjoying and have put in 100+ hours. There's tons of other games that are good that I've put less time into, or I'm done with.

>implying 90% of games doesn't suck.

Most modern videogames are worth that `price.

You think I'm a moron who uses Steam or some shitty service like that?, I only buy physical games, something that no fucker can cut me off if they feel like it.

but its not. it takes MGSV more than 2 hours to realize you got an unfinished game

>Inside is a literal 60 minute game for 20 bucks
>You can finish it twice and refund it with no questions asked

Why even bother protecting it in the first place? Hope the hundred thousands of dollars for 6 weeks of piracy free time were worth it.

nah most ever is $20. Never pay more than $20.00 for a computer game.

>Developer goes under
>Game literally unplayable because of denuvo

Exactly, there's no good videogames.

Denuvo is a funny case, because if the game uses it, it always ends up being either a shitty port, a terrible game, or both.
Doom had nice performance, and the game itself wasn't bad, but it got really repetitive after coming back from hell.

What's truly bad about the Ghostbusters reboor, is that none of the women were hot and were baggy suits.

Guybrush hears ya.

No it doesn't. It means the industry is burning money trying to lock down their data from being shared. This does not create competition, it actually hampers it. See AM2R and similar projects.

Yes I think you're a moron, and a paranoid one at that.

I love how mad piratefags are getting.

In the year 2017-4 every game gets incredible amount of gameplay videos and such, there is a increasing number of "leaks" per game, live gameplay streams starts a week before the launch and then the whole playthrough for the game on youtube a week or two after launch.

You can literally tell if a game is worth the money or not before buying it and yet you idiots are still using strawman arguements like performance and no demo.

I like Denuvo because its a real idiot filter.

Even better.
>Battlefront uses Denuvo
>it's completely online, there's no SP content
>EA paid money to prevent pirates from browsing the game's menu

>Trying to pass of a biased opinion as a fact
Sasuga Sup Forums


Doom price is atrocious for the amount of content it has. Its really shocking that people are okay with its launch price.

People pirate games

Publishers don't get a return on their games

They fund less games

Devs go out of work

Stop being poor, developers/publishers deserve money for providing you with entertainment.

Videogames in itself are an idiot filter because no smart people would play a post-2011 game that isn't The Witcher 3.

I can't pay them directly and I will not pay anyone else.

i love this picture but have always wondered is that suppose to be jack and rose?

every game that had denuvo was shit anyway

>Devs go out of work
This is good, 90% of the people working on this industry should be fired.

Bethesda uses Denuvo. Get ready for TES VI with Denuvo.

Learn to read. The person he replied to asked for his opinion and he gave it.

not sure if because of being drunk but that made me laugh way too much

In my opinion there are many game from mid tier developers/publishers that are worth playing. They provide a better experience than almost all AAA titles for half the price most of the time.

>source: my ass

Weak. At least go with Edward and Bella

there the amount of denuvo games has soon reached double(2) digits!!!!!
We need to make 200 threads IMEEEDIATELLYY

Gameplay videos are frequently misleading and do not really show how a game plays like, or touch on performance.
This wouldn't be such a problem if games still released demos, like Doom did. But even back in the day demos didn't always represent your actual experience with the final product.

Today we don't even have THAT. That's how little confidence publishers have in the games they shit out. They can't even take a 30-minute segment of the game that's actually of a decent quality and let people try it out.

That's wrong though. Would only apply if both the dev pub and denuvo went under which is unlikely.


Are you retarded? That's a fan made remake. What the fuck does that have to do with an officially created and licensed distributed product? God Eater getting Denuvo only proves that the reason why it's getting a port to PC is to obtain the sales that they want.

And killing scrpt extenders, and thus, the modding community?
Fallout 4 and it's DLCs already got tons of backlash, killing 90% of the actual mods would be killing the sales.

>Bethesda needing anything other than the stupidity of their "fanbase"

You don't need a source to make speculation based on a pattern.

it was a legit question though

>People pirate games

>Publishers don't get a return on their games

>They fund less games

Then the bad publishers die.

Developers with good reputation look for/be sought another publisher who'll eventually learn from the previous publisher's mistake of ruining their videogames.

>Devs go out of work

Developers go out of work all the time even when under a publisher. See: EA. They kill off any developer whose games don't make insane amounts of profit. Remember Westwood? Pandemic, maybe? Dumb motherfucker.

Stop being retarded, or kill yourself. Either one works.

Who cares about launch prices? Just bought a code for 20 bucks.

Boy, I can't wait to mod TESVI with superficial mods handpicked by Bethesda to make them work on Denuvo.

Always online DRM is never a good thing for the end-user

Gaming has taken big turn for the worst the past decade or so, people can no longer sell their finished games, trade their finished games or even give them away to friends anymore, demos are pretty much non-existent, I won't even get into DLC double-dipping people "literally" paying to beta-test etc etc etc

As for Denuvo, people supporting it are making their own bed.

>Have job
>Always buy my games
>Denuvo is no concern to me

who the fuck cares? poorfags?

>kill script extenders
>now all mods are compatible with consoles

Yeah, pretty much.

Fucking hell, I bought almost all my PSX games back then after reading reviews in monthly magazines and wasn't disappointed even once. You can't tell me you need to pirate and "try the game" for gazillion hours because you're not sure after seeing hours of footage and live streams.

It's just an embarassing justification by obviously underaged babbies without any income/legit third worlders to pirate.

I wouldn't give a flying fuck if you would just admit you want free shit, but no, you need to ease your mind with cringy bullshit on an anime image board.

Guys, let's admit it, videogames have never been good.

so www?

You'll have to wait a while, since they already said they'll be doing more than one game before another Elder Scrolls.

they did the same with bf hardline didn't they? its like wearing a parachute while floating in space

>kill script extenders
>99% of the TES6 modding scene is weapon skins

if your game is good and pirateable you're gonna make a profit no matter what
if it's shit it's not going to sell well and no amount of blaming pirates is gonna make it good

>Denuvoshills still exist
>even after their system is broken

What kind of a slowpoke are you?

>Being this naive has to believe that meritocracy is a thing in the videogames market
Yes, that's why shit like CoD or Fifa are amongst the top selling IPs, because they are good.

>What the fuck does that have to do with an officially created and licensed distributed product?
Everything. AM2R, similar projects like it, and Denuvo, are all a part of the discussion around IP legislation.

AM2R is a very easy example of an IP that was better handled by amateurs than the original company in recent memory.
Denuvo, and really all forms of DRM, are very easy examples of publishers using IP legislation to justify delivering subpar products. And this is to paying customers, not pirates.

IP law completely ignores the fact that property rights necessarily flow from the concept of scarcity. As in, non-scarce concepts cannot be considered property without the government infringing on people's actual physical, scarce property.

Was patched right after, tho.

That was the entire point.
Feminists want no standards anywhere for women, while it being fine for women to have whatever standards they want for men.
Notice how none of the males in the film went out of their way to be cast by an unattractive guy. Even the "unattractive" antagonist was just fat. If he lost the weight he would look fine.

The same can't be said for the fat and obviously aging protagonists

Denuvo made me buy these pieces of shit.
Fuck this DRM, and fuck all the moralfags, you owe me $250

>Gameplay videos are frequently misleading and do not really show how a game plays like, or touch on performance.

What a load of shit. I don't even have any interst in No Man's Sky and I know how it performs. What you are claiming is only true before launch, so it only affects people who preorder.

>patching fucking cracked games

negro please

Fifa's owned by EA and dumb normies eat up that shit every year. Same thing with CoD for it's reputation with a fuckload of kiddies over the years. Either way this has nothing to do with DRM.

Do they really think using Denuvo will greatly boost sales?
Mostly poorfaqs pirate anyway, so there will be a barely recognizable rise of sales but not sure if that is worth using Denuvo for..

I could have told you beforehand that these games are dull and unimaginative. What were you thinking?

>we all know
>pretending your opinion is the consensus of most users on the board, even though it's blatantly obvious that Denuovo only has downsides for the end user
>appealing to motive to deflect and avoid the argument
5 cents were deposited in your account!

That this industry was still good.