Other urls found in this thread:
>snap neck
>throw him overboard
>card games
Both of which have nothing to do with Sup Forums! Wow!
Whats it like being you? Being a general faggot cunt?
This scene made me so fucking angry as a kid like holy shit what a faggot
Wew someone's mad :^]
Looking back, the whole duel kingdom arc was cringy as fuck.
What is Forbidden Memories?
No fuck you
*Triangular Gate
were they gay?
Probably that stuff my uncle did to me and threatened to hurt me if I told anyone.
Those are forbidden memories.
probably curious more than anything
You know as well as I do that you're not gonna go through with it.
It made me mad that Yugi was stupid enough to dive off a ship for a bunch of fucking trading cards.
you don't have to do this
Rex can't be gay, because he wanted Mai to give him a kiss!
Was Yu-Gi-Oh the only good 4kids dub?
One Piece
mew mew pwoer
Yugioh has never been good, it isn't even "so bad it's good". It's basically on par with Bleach and Naruto as trash that killed Shonen in general.
>still no Yu-Gi-Oh game on Steam
Yes, but those cards were special since his grandpaw gave them to him. I don't blame Yugi, I wouldn't have done it myself, but i don't blame him. Also
Pick one
Am I the only that wanted to fuck Wheeler?
No that would be Ultimate Muscle.
I SUMMON BLUE-EYES WHITE DRAGON and win the world championship fuck off yugi your archetypes are total shit
>cutting characters and whole arcs
There's no 'good' 4kid dub, but I think the one that felt less fucked over was CCS, but I didn't make a habit to watch most of their stuff.
Even as a dumbfuck 10 year old I could tell this was a lazy, forced way to make yugi less OP so he wouldn't just have the automatic win cards in his deck. I remember thinking "if he has exodia he's going to have a good shot at winning every duel he takes part in" then this shit happened and I'm like of fucking course.
It's time.
Direct attacks didn't exist in DK. Yugi could just stall until he drew exodia every game.
Yeah they just conveniently never put the characters in a scenario where they could be attacked directly in duelist kingdom.
what did he mean by this?
Don't forget Pokemon until the voice change.
I dont know how many times Ive seen this, and every single time, I'm disgusted.
Why did I not realize the bird was fat until now?
I won't fall for this fuck you.
That was a pretty fukken good dub.
>exodia poster just keeps going even when Card Destruction is played
>didn't even elevate the back and forth by playing other real cards that would circumvent Card Destruction like monster reborn
Just fuck off you little nigger at least have some decency.
may a thousand turkroaches stab you in your shins
Dude why
>>exodia poster just keeps going even when Card Destruction is played
Banned :^)
>>didn't even elevate the back and forth by playing other real cards that would circumvent Card Destruction like monster reborn
Monster Reborn doesn't bring monsters back to the hand :^)
You know, the point of this is to post the five pieces without anyone countering. If you are doing it like this then there is no point in posting the pieces individually and it becomes really lame, just like you.
>someone actually took the time to sketch this, pen this, color this, and shade this
I don't really understand what you are saying.
Can you explain more clearly, please?
It had its ups and downs. The name changes were unnecessary.
>implying Gazelleman to Dik Dik Van Dik wasn't a stroke of genius
I still don't get it
So are the cards alive or what? Did that little shit kill a god?
Looking back, the whole franchise was cringy as fuck.
the hell are you on about?
Bye exodia, send fruit.
I'm saying that to post the final image you need to post the five pieces as a combo first, you idiot.
Exodia's implied to be some sort of Majora's mask tier thing, an incredibly powerful deity sealed within the five cards I think?
There's no reason why they would be Duel Monster cards, but likewise that's the same for the other Egyptian Gods, unless Pegasus developed those as well.
Dik-diks are real life animals that are basically midget deer that look like a baby Gazelle with tiny horns more or less. Dik Dik Van Dik is also a spoof on real-life actor Dick Van Dyke.
Try to find me a bigger bullshit in the series than this one
Protip: you can't
He was so close too..
I really can't. Nothing else comes close to this level of bullshit.
card games on motorcycles
>I think the one that felt less fucked over was CCS
They cut a ton of early episodes to try and spin Li as the protagonist over Sakura.
Never watched Yu-Gi-Oh, what's going on here?
Yugi has a set of 5 cards that are super rare and super strong.
He beats Kaiba, a pro tier player, using them.
Yugi gets invited to an exclusive tournament.
Weevil, the green haired cunt, throws them overboard into the ocean.
Joey, Yugi's best friend, jumps into the fucking ocean to get them but only gets like two and they're ruined anyway.
Which was this again?
Joey vs Malik.
Why'd he throw them away?
a joey vs yugi final wouldve been great
to be a shitbird, mostly.
What the fuck.
So that Yugi would be at a disadvantage in the tournament
because he's a cunt, also only uses bug type cards.
joey v marik shadowgame, he took a shitton of physical damage from winged dragon of ra flames and has like 100 lp left and he wouldve won but he fainted before he could order his monster to attack him, it was so close
He couldn't figure out how to beat them. Also Yugi could manipulate probability by believing in the heart of the cards so if the didn't get rid of exodia, every duel would be him playing it
a legendary ultra rare monster that requires 5 cards to create gets thrown overboard because the main character is a dumb shonen protagonist who trusts everyone he meets
Lol that was the best version of episode one for real.
In another few hours, the sun will rise!
Was there ever a payoff for Joey saving part of the combo and was his deck still legal after losing 3~5 cards? How many cards of his grandfathers deck did he replace, did he ever consider the deck his own?
Kirby: Right Back at Ya!
buru aizu waito doragon
GO AHEAD!...Mr. Moto.
I recommend you gusy read the manga. There are several arcs before the card game is even introduced and they get pretty brutal. Introducing the card game basically killed the story.
DeeDee carried the whole show
>didn't throw him overboard as well
Why not just read Kaiji instead?
>it's a channel gets deleted episode
is it even still going on?
didn't check it in years