So was there any actual point to the Bob Page/Illuminati side plot? It's like they forgot to wrap it up about half way through.
So was there any actual point to the Bob Page/Illuminati side plot...
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Finished this too. They really botched the story. It just ends.
I hope they have the "everybody lives" ending as canon. Keeps all the major player alive.
Wonder if a DLC that focuses on Janus/(Everett?) or Rabi'ah will happen later down the timeline. Like 2030 or something, really interested to see what they do with those plot threads.
But yeah this game was clearly cut in half.
I just finished the game.
I'm hugely disappointed in the story and writing in general.
The fact that they got everything else so fucking perfect is what makes it so irritating.
They went batshit crazy with the AD tho.
>okay so how do we get this game to look reali-
It burned my fucking eyes.
I'm curious to see if they make any other games in the series without retconning/rebooting shit.
Because the Illuminati/MJ12 winning kind of has to be a thing, with only side victories like the Safeharbor/Sarif/Brown initiative having a chance of being canon. Not to mention the Grey Death/destruction of California/NSF/etc plotpoints
I actually kinda wish they'd just make the Jensenverse its own separate continuity so they can have more liberty with where to take the story instead of just killing time until a predetermined outcome.
Yeah, no. They knew full well what they were doing, it's so that gullible morons like you buy the DLC to find out what happens next.
Are you saying you WON'T be buying it?
The reboot will happen and I can kinda see the Safeharbor being used to write the majority of mechanical augs out of the storyline.
This was pretty clearly a "middle" to the plot
Nothing concluded, but everything is set up
>Jensen now knows who the real enemies (Council of Five) are and is going after them
>Jensens made enough noise that Page and the others have taken direct notice, with Everett even sending guys after him to stop him from fixing Eliza
>Jensens about to find Janus
>DeBeers also made him a sleeper agent, which is apparently unknown to everyone else except for the psychiatrist
Daily reminder that Malik is canonically dead even if you spent 1 hour saving her on a pacifist run
The problem is that we know that Jensen is gonna fail anyway since Deus Ex is a thing.
>another 5 years of waiting
nice meme, I like it
When the next game comes, they better give us more than one fucking hub.
Or just have the game take place in Hong Kong entirely.
I guess, with either all of the augs just keeping to themselves and existing outside of the series' plot. Or being killed off in one big group, but I'd prefer to think of the former as canon.
And I like the idea of factions like the Omar coming out of places like Golem City or Rabi'ah, rather than just spawning into existence because of the efforts of a handful of Eastern European/Russian survivalist scientists post DX1.
nothing really came of it since Square wants to string us along
So how are they going to continue the series after the next game?
There's not much they can do after the original since every Invisible War ending is really fucking extreme
As rushed as some of the levels were, I loved the writing of the Illuminati/Luminon Saman conflict.
JC Denton felt like a third wheel, and his obsession with the Borg made me dislike him. Especially since the game already had a superior take on the the not!Borg already, pic related
Instead of these prequels leading to the start of Deus Ex, they lead to the start of a rebooted Deus Ex series
>we get an updated version of Deus Ex
>maybe even a version of Invisible War that doesn't suck
2nd American Civil War.
>Jensen didn't waif her
>Mankind Divided creates a final savegame once the credits roll
We Mass Effect now.
>got tired of all of the game's bullshit and started killing people halfway through
>straight up murdered Otar and Raditz because I don't deal with mafia fucks
>didn't give half a fuck about unlocking the augments
>save carries over
I just finished this game
I didn't want to believe people when they said it was 1/8 done
Holy crap
So how did everyone find out Adam is a sleeper agent? And who is he a sleeper agent for? I never heard that plot point.
They're engineering the terror attacks in an effort to pass the human restoration act and get control chips into every Aug on the planet, Bob Page's team is also undermining Nathaniel Brown's plans while Manderly and co are only concerned with Janus.
This is where the schism in the Illuminati began and how MJ12 was born.
Pay attention to Sarif's reaction towards you after his final sidequest. Also the end credits.
So the Illuminati brainwashed Adam and they're using him to find Janus?
What a horseshit ending.
And we were all expecting something wacky on the levels of MGS5 where Adam becomes Icarus or something.
>Never find out who Janus is or what his motives are
>Who the fuck even is Nathaniel Brown and why can't the Illuminati just assassinate him
>Never explained why the Illuminati decided to pimp out Adam with TITAN augments
>The Orchid isn't a prototype Gray Death, no amazing plot point of Megan cloning supersoldiers with the Orchird and Adam's genes
>Can't save Miller at all
The list of loose ends just goes on and on.
You can save Miller if you do the bank job.
>tfw the omar gave me a latex and corruption fetish
>durr muh corrupt news
They beat this horse to death then dug up its skeletons and beat that into dust too
There are more plagues in the 21st century than the Grey Death. The Grey Death is the worst of the bunch.
I saved the antidote but Miller said he wouldn't let Adam give it to him anyway.
If you use the antidote does anyone drink the poison?
top kek
Classic Square developing "episodic" games. We're gonna get a trilogy.
>If you use the antidote does anyone drink the poison?
It's timed, if you're quick you can get there before the toast, after saving the UN guys you can also get back to Marchenko before he detonates to get the best end.
>a trilogy inside a trilogy
this is worst part. they think people care about adam more than the actual series.
Interesting, alright. I always figured there was an invisible timer for all the objectives like in Human Revolution but never wanted to take the chance and just went invisible sanic, I had 40 biocells by the time I was at the end of the game.
How does the storyline differ if you choose to help the girl instead of robbing the bank?
What is the point of going to GARM?
Jensen is probably not going to fail, but he's definitely not going to win. The Illuminati end up being fucked in the end, but Page and MJ12 replace them. Probably is going to end with a psuedo-victory that leads into Deus Ex.
>What is the point of going to GARM?
at least for the bank vault arc, you hear a recording of bob page talking to megan about the work they're doing there
Honestly, it's cutting it close to the JC denton storyline so I think they might just wrap it up in the next game, then they might work on a new protagonist.
Not to mention they could probably just expand on Mankind Divided with DLC and shit. Scummy moves but company execs gotta make money. They saw the success of the first game and the high demand, so they jacked up the next game with microtransactions and a completely unnecessary pseudo multiplayer mode as a vessel for those microtransactions.
the worst part is that breach could be cool as a standalone singleplayer thing, like if inbetween cyberstealin you'd have real life segments where you're just a plain old dude.
I haven't saved Allison yet, going to this run. But GARM is referenced in both situations, Marchenko integrated himself with the Cult of the Machine God and ARC.
Also GARM is a research facility that was working with the Orchid, the poison that Marchenko used to kill Rucker.
Jensen is going to become Icarus or something.
Is there anything significant in the Picus bank vault?
The neutralizing enzyme to the Ochrid poison which can save Miller's life or Brown's life (I guess at least if you're slow as shit. Never failed either objective)
HR was never meant to be its own series, but it brought new life into the IP so now yeah they are cranking out HR 2 and HR 3. Next game in 2-3 years
No no, the neutralizing agent is in the VersaLife vault.
There's 3 more vaults there - Picus, Tai Yong Medical, and something else I forgot.
Tarvos Security.
i just want good games without this sequel bating shit i already know that most of all the cast is either exiled or dead by Deus Ex 1
>Janus was Page the whole time
>Jensen helps him destroy the Illuminati
if you went with Allison she says she sent a fuckton more of her bombs to GARM
I think you're expecting the publisher to give a fuck. If they aren't branching a new deus ex timeline (which I would expect them to do if they want to bleed this cow dry), then they're just gonna retcon the shit out of the original
>tfw they fuck up the most important part of a deus ex game
>It's like they forgot to wrap it up about half way through.
Im sure it'll be wrapped up in DLC :^)
yeah im expecting a full whoring out of the series
>the most important part of a deus ex game
which is?
intriguing plot and having multiple factions trying to make you take their side
no, it's the gameplay actually
>That scene during the credits
Jesus fuck I'm pissed, last time I trust that dumb bitch. I better be able to kill her ass in sequel.
I didn't realize you could access those. How do you access those?
Apparently you can save/spare everybody, I guess it's a timed event like the Missing Link where the gas is released throughout the whole facility
The invisible timer is 10 minutes. I don't know if the bomb defuse thing adds more time, or outright removes the timer. Once you regain control of Adam, you've got 10 minutes to kill every bot and cyber-Ezio in your way
I've been wondering: Does the timer keep running after you get to Marchenko?
What do you mean?