What are some more detailed simulator games like Total Extreme Wrestling and President Infinity?

What are some more detailed simulator games like Total Extreme Wrestling and President Infinity?

Preferably text simulators.

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God, I can't wait for Trump to lose the election so Sup Forumstards can stop spamming this shit

Not gonna happen buddy.
Get Train Simulator with all the DLC.

God, I can't wait for the aftermath. Sup Forums literally never learns

Sup Forums's tears are the best kind of tears. Maybe then they'll fuck off for good.

Take pic related for a spin.

Hiro should offer Sup Forums a wager. If trump wins, he'll make whatever changes they want in Sup Forums. If trump loses, Sup Forums is permanently deleted.

trump losing means hillary ROTTEN clinton will win
not a chance

>Sup Forums memes trump into being the republican candidate and inadvertently kills the GOP


TrumpGOAT literally can't lose


Football Simulator is great if you're into the sport obviously

Football as in actual football. Soccer I guess you'd Yanks call it.

>This title again

Why do people keep saying the Republicans are dead when they keep winning everywhere?

>republican primary turnout for virginia was up 109% while democrat turnout was down 14%
>this is a state obama won by less than 7%
>"lel that doesn't mean anything"


It seems like it lacks the type of depth I'm looking for

>hotly contested dem primary between Obama and Hillary increases turnout
>Hillary clearly in lead, especially in southern states resulting in lower turnout
>GOP has a hotly contested primary resulting in higher turnout

This is why you retards are relegated to Sup Forums and r/the_donald because every time you pull this shit elsewhere you get btfo by facts and logic

has someone made an aftermath compilation?

>Sup Forums is permanently deleted.
think again nigga. Where do you think they'll go? Off Sup Forums? Ain't happening.


>Deleting the containment board

>Hillary clearly in lead, especially in southern states resulting in lower turnout

Are you smoking something? Red states has Hillary in the lead? Trump is going to clench it and your liberal tears will be the more delicious than ambrosia.

Scared aren't ya?

No more welfare for your shit skin ass come November.

You think Sup Forums is serious? They are just faggot RPers. With out pol they will just drop it.


Most of them are already on Reddit.

>Come on guys Brexit is NEVER going to happen! Just look at the polls!

Are there still any Bernie supporters left? How does it feel too get jewed? We all warned you but you didn't listen.

>there are people who want 8 years of cold war and corruption because of a board on an anime website
thank god Sup Forums is underage

This, Sup Forums is a board of peace! attacked by CTR and Canadian-posters!

>a different county with different polling organizations


Old rich multimillionaire spends money, news at 11.

>I will live to see America die
>I live in America
No matter who wins, we all lose.

>its tiny and takes votes slightly differently so that must mean history won't repeat itself
See you in the voting polls, liberal fucks

He was talking about the primaries you retard.

The polls were actually pretty close for brexit

Trump will at least cause an industry boom and bring some jobs back

Hillary will do fuckall good

because every electoral projection map has it in the bag for Hillary and these historically predict the actual results within a couple of percentage points. trump literally has no chance unless he decimates her in the debates
You can stick your fingers in your ears and say this maps arent accurate but if you look at the history of predictions youll see they almost always get it right, especially with a margin this wide

>$0.02 have been deposited into your account. Thank you for Correcting the Record™!

He will but I bet you there will be shit tons of assholes who just cannot let good things happen, and will sabotage it.

But I clearly remember you Bernie Bros saying that the old kike wasn't a millionare and taking pride in it. Which one is it?

why would you think further deregulating industries and allowing more jobs to travel overseas will bring jobs to america when that has never worked?

>Trump will at least cause an industry boom and bring some jobs back

Now substantiate that with some actual fucking policy positions made by trump.

I'll wait.


Considering Trump is reportedly catching up now then yeah its brexit 2.0

>muh history
Thats the only argument for it not changing
You can stick to predictions all you want senpai

Unless you want to play SJW simulators for the rest of your life (which will be short because the neetbux wont be around for much longer at this rate) you better fucking hope not. America can't handle the current status quo for much longer and if they go down, the whole world is going down with them.

how do you think they get those predictions? Its the same statistical process used for polling states in previous elections. why would it suddenly become an unreliable statistical method?

If by "industry boom" you mean "mass price increases that a few jobs won't make up for", then sure.

Except Brexit polls showed it being close

>this nu male is becoming increasingly perturbed as his CTR shilling seems to have little to no effect

>You can stick to predictions all you want senpai
Considering they are literally always correct, that makes sense


Do you just parrot opinions and not use Google?

>trump literally has no chance unless he decimates her in the debates
Oh, so then he has a huge chance then? She couldnt even debate Bernie "Communism for everyone!" Sanders for gods sake.

Besides, he isnt actually doing that bad in the polls considering all media sources are against him, apart from maybe Breitbart

Magic Nigger =/= Incontinent Old White Woman, if you think the demographic turnout will be anywhere NEAR the same then you might just be a #HillShill


> JERUSALEM (AP) — The Republican Party launched its first ever election campaign in Israel on Monday, trying to convince skeptical American-Israeli dual citizens to cast their votes for Donald Trump.
> GOP activists campaigned in Israeli cities with high concentrations of Americans, such as Jerusalem, Modiin and Raanana, handing out stickers and buttons with the slogan "Trump — in Israel's interest" — in Hebrew and in English.

Why is Sup Forums so intent on getting people to vote for the pro-israeli candidate?

>nate silver

gambling agencies had odds anywhere from 30-1 to 5-1 against brexit

jesus christ the level of actual discourse is astounding. i doubt theres a single person in this thread who can name 2 policy positions from either candidate that arent directly related to identiy politics

>allowing more jobs to travel oversees
Donald wants to bring jobs BACK
what are you doing nigger

>not realizing that Sup Forums has become the jew through influencing the election with meme magic

and why should anyone care

the only reason v is this political is because of gamergate and the sjws that pissed us off

trump is anti sjw, clinton is pro sjw

me gamer, me vote trump, me hate clinton

you did this to yourselves

>Magic Nigger =/= Incontinent Old White Woman, if you think the demographic turnout will be anywhere NEAR the same then you might just be a #HillShill
Yes see youre dismissing the polls based on nothing other than your desire for them to be wrong. there is literally no reason to assume the statistical projections for this election are more incorrect than other elections when the process for deriving their conclusions is the same process that has been correctly predicting elections for decades
>hurr durr hillshill buzzwords and memes
youre an idiot with no capacity to have a logical discussion

Pick one (1) of trump's positions that would "bring back jobs."

I'll wait.

>b-but [nosource]

How are these faggot not self aware? I would love to be so ignorant about my looks.

Thinking that its not going to change because of a historical timeline is horrible thinking basis

Has any other candidate have leaks as hard as Clinton?

>gambling agencies

Literally useless. Nobody but complete retards cite them

Gambling agencies are based on the prospect of 50/50 betting splits, not statistical likelihood. Betting lines in sports don't change because one team magically became better than the other, they change to balance out the betting.

Aggregate polling showed Brexit being close.

>Oh, so then he has a huge chance then?
The only debates he's ever done were in front of republicans. In a general election debate he's going to have to at least appeal to moderates. It would be wise to try and appeal to democrats as well but I think that's going to be an uphill battle.

>trump literally has no chance unless he decimates her in the debates
In other words, Trump has a 100% chance of winning.

>multiple houses owned by a socialist

Just a reminder that not only does it not work, but humans are to egotistic for it.

>Bring jobs back from China, Mexico, Japan, and Vietnam. (Feb 2016)
You tried

yes thats the same thing every republican candidate has said before deregulating industries more and watching the jobs leak out leak out of the country. Bill clinton was no better but lets not pretend trump has any intention of clamping down on "free trade"

deregulation and lower taxes for manufacturing and small business


Wow, literally nothing damaging once read in context.

because identity politics are the least important issue in any election you thin skinned paranoid loser

Out of the park baseball

>all the record correcting happening in this thread

I bet the mods are doing most of it too

gamergate won

>just wait for hitler goy

Him cutting trade with China will unambiguously move industry jobs back to the US. Nobody's arguing that.

The real argument is that prices will rise once American businesses can't take advantage of Chinese labour. Free trade is pretty much objectively good for the economy as a whole, it's just disproportionally hurts poorer communities with low human capital.

Why can't you just accept that your candidate is a). going to lose, and b). is only getting votes in the first place because his opponent is a shady career politician?

I mean like, it's one thing to support the guy. I can see the appeal. It's another thing to cover your ears and bitch and scream that any poll, or mathematical model, or aggregated data are just plain false this time and make up a million excuses as to why facts are actually wrong.

Even if you think he's a good candidate, even if you think he'll be great for the country, you have to admit: he's done very little to appeal to people outside of a few select demographics, and it shows.

How? Are you that blind?

How far do you have your head up Clintons ass?

If he was really gonna bring jobs back he should have started with his own damn companies.
I'll beleive that when he brings his clothing line manufacturing back from Malaysia.

identity politics have all but razed our universities

getting these marxist cunts out of our education systems should be a top priority

>How would he bring back jobs
>By bringing back jobs

Great policy position. I'm sure all those multimillion dollar companies are just dying to pay their workers double the price of what some slave in china will do.

>>Bring jobs back from China, Mexico, Japan, and Vietnam. (Feb 2016)

How will he do that?

Those jobs wouldn't come back anyways. Automation killed them.

>literally nothing damaging
a bunch of DNC people resigned immediately after the first batch of emails

>Trump falling down on polls
>leaks happen
>Trump rises


> It's another thing to cover your ears and bitch and scream that any poll, or mathematical model, or aggregated data are just plain false this time and make up a million excuses as to why facts are actually wrong.
I'm not making any excuses for Sup Forumss, I'm saying "muh history" is shotty
The polls show Trump catching up now so try again

He'll bring jobs back from China, Mexico, Japan, and Vietnam. He said so CTR shill

saved this post for november

gonna be spamming this here when trump wins

what are you talking about? What historical timeline? Its not based on history dum dum.The predictions are based on state polls from today. The historical trend is just the fact that the statistical methodology is always effective and accurate. the predictions arent based on states voting history or whatever you seem to be thinking

>mfw its true youtube.com/watch?v=K8Vg_bpTv9A

When the entire political discourse comes down to "Wow youre such a racist" "No im not please dont hate me please!" and identity issues is what is in the forefront of the millenial mind, what do you expect?

If you honestly think that the nigs give a shit about the First Woman President™ then youre fucking retarded. The only reason they came out for obama is that he was black, and if she cant get the same demographic turnout as 2008 & 2012 then she isnt going to win.

Hes been marked by the mainstream media as a racist, which is the worst label someone can ever have these days, he isnt going to swing democrats, but he can with the moderates that dont want to be castrated by Hilldog

Shadow President

>yfw you see a headline about mass alt-right suicides in November

>believing a vague promise by a politician

Naive or underage? Or both, I guess?

>inb4 "he's not a politician"

Both, then.

>We have $2.5 trillion offshore. We're going to bring that money back. You take a look at what happened just this week, China bought the Chicago Stock Exchange. Nabisco and Ford, they're all moving out. We have an economy that last quarter didn't grow. We have to make our economy grow again.

Do you not read

eh, i go to Uc davis and i kind of agree actually. they made as take an online seminar about how when 2 drunk people fuck the guy is a rapist. everyone i know here thought it was fucking retarded though.

I could, but usually no one cares about that shit here.

Trump's original tax plan was to reduce the marginal tax rate on highest incomes to 25%. This was a pronounced decrease from the current tax rate (about 39%). The end result would be about a $10 trillion deficit that Trump announced zero planned cuts to compensate for.

I support Clinton's planned changes to capital gains taxes on investment gains for short term investments. It's a tiered system that will allow people to gain maximum gains with minimal taxation for long term investment, but punish those who are in and out within two years. Should help the volatility of the market.

Super pro-tip: that's not what a seizure looks like.

Even Michael Moore says Trump will win





just face it libcucks: it's over

move to North Korea while you still can