Provides a smart commentary on the effects of the Kosovo War

>Provides a smart commentary on the effects of the Kosovo War.
>Explores eastern european journey to the U.S.

Name a better contemporary video game story.

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I gotta admit, I can't really think of any other game that did the immigrant story justice

I like the themes of the story, but really the story itself was pretty shitty. That ending was dogshit, rushed as fuck, both of them were a big anti climax. Game should have ended with the Darko confrontation.

My steam copy of both IV and EFLC haven't worked for at least a year.

It's good, I just think the "immigrant forced into crime" trope is done to death.

Are there any examples of real life people like Niko, Snake, Big Boss, etc who only know killing and violence?

needed to round up the Pegorino and Dimitri loose ends

who here just let the junkie fuck go and waste his life

because of GFWL/Rockstar Social Club?

What other game does this?

My save file got deleted pretty late into the game by my brother (could probably have beaten it but I was trying to find a fucking neon Cremesicle colored car for a side mission) so I'll probably never see the end.
Does is just stay boring after it becomes mafia this, mafia that, mafia mafia mafia or does it go back to becoming interesting again?

I don't think so. It'll start but on world load it'll crash without fail.

download xliveless

it replaces the dll of windows live games so that the games actually run again

it also works with dirt 3

What is the commentary ?

You need to move a file into the game folder that disables gfwl and choose to play online. Help is available in the steam forums.

GFWL never gave me any trouble.

off the top of my head, Mafia 2, Vito started to commit crime at a young age

>working for the IAA while working with the Mccreary's
>possibly contributing to Geralds imprisonment

why was Niko such a fuckwit?

i think thats more of a mafia thing rather than an immigrant thing.

That there was a war

heavy handed stuff like "War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing eachother" after he killed Vlad

Every crew uses each other. Niko is NJ o different; these people are money to him, he only cares about Roman and Florian.

>he only cares about Roman and Florian.
and Packie, Dwayne, Little Jacob, Brucie and Kate

why is pic related the best early game outfit?

why does the default outfit suck ass?

Yeah, that's not it.

I did. Niko's dialogue after that is pretty powerful

is there a way to get this game to not run like dog shit?

well, ater wiping out half the mob for the mob, you have to chose between getting revenge on the russian cocksucker who betrayed you or doing a very profitable deal with him.

it also impacts who get's blown away at Roman's wedding and who you kill at the end of the game

since cash is kind of useless in GTA 4, most get revenge on the russian

i was still a kid when i played it, so i just wasted the fucker

That was a tough decision. Wanted to kill him but it just seemed so pointless. V is so shallow. There is nothing in V even close to the decisions in 4.

>that opening
oh man, im fucking pumped


Thank you so much based user. I've been trying to figure out how to get around it for awhile. Just tested and it worked great.

Runs at 60 fps at 1440 for me.

>hand opens up after being shot

Unrealistic hammy shit tier death scene, would not watch webm again, would not go near garbage game ever

>liberty rock radio
>vladivostok fm
>jazz nation radio
>the journey
>fusion fm

Name a videogame with a licensed soundtrack more patrician than this.


shame they turned it into a Eurobeat station in the DLC

Easily The Last of Us.
>Elder God-tier parallel-based chiastic story structure that is literally on par with the Bible itself
>masterfully-done slow, nuanced character development furthered through the actual gameplay
>God-tier subtle symbolism that actually respects you and doesn't beat you over the head like a retard (interspersed giraffes, Joel's watch, etc.)
>God-tier foreshadowing through the aforementioned chiastic story structure and character foils
>takes a bland, overdone post-apocalyptic setting and subverts it with beautiful scenes of nature, daylight, and color
>embraces the philosophy of Based Ayn Rand
>subdued, reverberating ending that, instead of closing with a cheap, melancholic death scene, closes simply with the word "Okay" and the implications that follow
If it weren't a PlayStation exclusive you contrarian faggots would adore it.

>shame they turned it into a Eurobeat station in the DLC

But the songs were great

I remember Scarface being hard as shit. I had to keep using the health recovery cheat code because you lost too much health too fast.

Just because you add adjectives like masterful and brilliant to that tripe doesn't make them good.

About 60℅ though my first play through I'm about 7 years

Can't really remember much but I feel Lot more immersed in the story ,the Mafia stuff is great.How ever my only annoyance is the lack of high in tracksuits.If I'm a Slav gangster I want the best tracksuits.

If you decide to kill Darko, the dialogue always breaks my heart. Niko just says "I feel empty...". He thought it would give him some substance, but he just feels as empty as before.

I love that whole mission. The conversation on the way there is very strong, too. "I deal in death because that is all that is open to me".

High end*

Also Russian and Jnr are best stations

last of us story was shit

lmao those textures are fucking awful

That's not really an argument--it's good irrespective of the way I describe it. The adjectives are just a quick and easy way to get my point across.

Anyone else think the ending should have been switched around?

The Deal/Revenge, and killing of Dimitri/Pegorino, should have been BEFORE you met Darko. Would have made the ending a lot more powerful in my opinion.

>high end track suits

go for the floral suit shit at Perseus and throw on a pair of jeans

rich slav enough for me

>why? How much do you normally charge when you kill someone?
Brilliant dialogue too.

>no actual counterargument
>l-l-l-le textures are awful! xD
Are we or are we not talking about story, you fucking retard?

well, combine killing darko (feeling empty) and losing Kate, i'd think niko would probably kill himself

When Bernie calls you to tell you how proud he is of you for sparing Darko, I gotta admit that it somehow struck a pleasant nerve. I always liked Bernie Crane. He seems like a genuine nice guy.

He also has an interesting moment when you first confront him, thinking that he's the traitor. At first, he's yelling like a faggot, but then he breaks his gay persona and yells normally "I wouldn't do that!"

I thought Francis would be the one behind Gerald's imprisonment. He tried to get Niko to kill Derrick in order to save his chances of becoming Commissioner.

>go from a gritty and fuckng gut wrenching climax to shallow fuckers like Franklin, Not Tony Soprano and Lolsorandumb crazy faggot.

what went so wrong

>V is so shallow
That's why it's so great though, it's an action movie and not a retarded gritty crime drama but the missions have you killing 50 men and getting into car chases.
GTAIV forgot what it was.

>implying GTA IV isn't the outlier in terms of tone and storytelling.

Micheal is a pretty complex character in V. In order to learn more about him, the player has to attend his therapy sessions and hang out with other characters off missions to get a good look at his personality. That said, Micheal was on the verge of a revelation early in the game, but Dr. Friedlander cut him off.

V is more whimsical but they lost their bite in the process.
You get 100 dollars in the mission where you kill Dardan by the way.

Doesn't matter. The scene with Darko is the most bizzare shit in the GTA universe. The tone in IV is fucked because it has more realistic plot but the gameplay core stays the same. Niko kept complaining about muh dead friends sold for crack but the first few missions have him killed at least 10 guys. I'm surprised that there's no mission where a gang member trying to kill Niko for what he done, given the Rockstar ability to understand irony.

And Darko is just so stupid scene to me. What the hell I supposed to get from this? Should I feel bad for Niko almost crying because his friend's killer is a crack head that sold his friends for $1000? You killed more people and got much more than that before, you bumblefuck. The fact that the scene is played straight without a hint of irony just further shows how a fucking hack Houser is.

Francis is a snake, but i dont think he'd put Gerald away.
Packie mentioned that Gerald has some serious shit on him eitherway.

Derrick and Francis's relationship was different.
Derrick became an addict and went off to fight in the troubles, abandoning his family while the rest of the brothers stayed and helped the family.

Packie and Gerald welcomed him back with open arms, Packie, because he barely knew Derrick since he left when he and kate were kids, and Gerald was more understanding than Francis.

or maybe Francis is just a massive hypocrite and hates his brother

Try not having a dog shit computer first. Also try to understand it was designed at 30FPS in mind, it doesn't handle 60FPS well...things come undone, bullets miss blatent headshots and vanish at shorter ranges etc..

..just don't be a typical PC faggot MUH 60FPS ON EVERYTHING and use your fucking brain

i feel like RDR followed on from GTA 4's storytelling, and Max Payne has always been a mopey fuck.
it just seemed so weird they jumped back into lighthearted shit after playing it straight for so long.

i maintain he's pretty much pic related.

By buying better parts

Niko isn't an idiot, his bosses are. The cops in IV are shown to be much more dangerous and clever than they were in previous games.

I hope there's an Initial D-style eurobeat station in the next GTA.

>a known criminal hitman walks right into a police station and has a meeting with a police captain candidate for Commissioner
>no one notices it's the slav who mowed down entire swat teams by that point

i think the two biggest idiots he's worked for are Manny Escualia and Liz Torres, followed by Not-Phil Leotardo (pegorino) and Ray and Playboy X

Phil B is probably the smartest he's worked with.

Kate or Roman?


Niko would never work with Dimitri after he and Johnny Klebitz kidnapped roman.

Roman, no question.

>Johnny Klebitz

I still can't believe that he got done in by Trevor fucking Phillips.

There was something really symbolic about it

But I can't put my finger on it

it's not Trevor putting in the work on johnny im pissed about, it's him becoming a fucking meth head and getting back with Ashley

after TLAD, he would never have gotten back with he bitch, much less become an ice fiend

>you thought Johnny was hard up as a motherfucker? WAIT TILL YOU SEE TREVOR

i bet it's something completely fucking stupid like this

Wonder where GTA 6 will take place

Ideally I'd like 60s or 70s London but that would never happen

Yeah like a kind of "fuck you serious characters, were back to this"

This is legit really good

It's weird, Kate dying is the "better" ending in terms of me feeling less sad, but Roman dying is objectively "better" for the story and character arc. I never want to pick it, but I always have to.

Reminder that Manny literally did nothing wrong

broke into elizabeta's house and invaded her privacy by filming her.

he got killed

im pretty sure he did something wrong

>simulates the life of a taxi driver with all the "drive me to X location" missions
Couldnt finish the game because of this. Its poopoo.

not even 5 missions

rest is side shit that doesnt count to 100%

TBoGT was better

>dude, fag clubs, lmao

There is irony though, and it's expressed through this question, which makes Niko freeze up:
>How much do you charge to kill someone?
Other people, Darko especially, recognize that Niko is a hypocrite, and after that exchange, he likely does too, and the choice to spare Darko is important because it's the first canonical time Niko solves one of his major issues without violence. He says it himself, that he spared Darko because he knew that nothing would have changed if Darko were to die, and that despite what he has seen in the war, he tries to move on, but no matter what he does, he just can't escape completely, and the end result of this is one of the two people close to him dying from his mistakes.

You know the story affected how I played the game. Outside of missions I would never go on a rampage, never steal cars for no reason but instead use my own, mostly abide by the law, and hang around with friends and call them for commentary after missions. In missions I would usually kill enemies even after they have been incapacitated to avoid witnesses and people with an especially nasty personality I would torch.

Niko is pretty great in that regard since he obviously doesn't enjoy it on a conscious level but when shit gets real and he starts roar and howl insane shit you really see that he is hooked on combat high.

He is a much better Trevor then Trevor could wish to be.

Anyone else feel like IV is the best GTA? I feel like they just nailed the atmosphere of New York with Liberty City, the feeling of driving around the city just feels so lifelike.

The physics in general are also pretty spot on. The ragdoll effect felt way more satisfying than V's

>hooked on combat high
fuckin didnt think of it like that

Killing Darko after all these years of search then then realizing revenge isn't what he wants and doing the deal seems to be the best plot for Niko.

The worst outcome but the best ending

He knew this too, but it was Roman's persuasion that coerces him to take the deal, so that they can finally secure the high-end lifestyle they've wanted since the beginning. Niko, despite his complaints, always listens to Roman, and Roman dies for it.
I agree, though I think the endings would have been a bit better with Deal paying a lot more and Revenge paying nothing, which would go along with the revelation Niko comes to upon killing Darko, that revenge has no real reward for him.

Niko is the GOAT GTA protagonist.

It's my personal favorite, though I can understand people liking SA and even 5 more. Based on the hivemind here, IV isn't for everyone. What I really don't get is why VC is so loved here, it was worse than either SA, IV, or V in any one aspect, and the story was especially lackluster.

I thought the same thing about Vice City but then I replayed it.

>Sup Forums suddenly likes IV
Feels good man.

Fucking brucie
apparently Brucie was supposed to be in GTA 5 as the first person you steal a car from for Devon Weston, by making a fake facebook profile and luring him out on a date to steal his shit.

basically a callback to Brucie's mission where go on a date with the gay guy and blow his head off.

>mfw sounds like a fun mission, and it got cut

It was a magical game that sparked the whole '80s nostalgia thing we're only just getting away from now. It really immersed you into the setting, and the missions were fun.

Good setting, likeable cast. It reminds me of Scarface and that's why I love it.

VC represented a huge leap in mechanics, visuals and tone for the series.

GTA went from being an open world game with missions to a stylized, often garish depiction of subcultures and hisotrical periods in America.

GTA VC's 80s ego/cocaine/neon nightmare went right into San Andreas' dirty racially divided world, which (after the side-stories) went to GTA IV.

Compare III to IV: III doesn't have too much of a unified or consistent aesthetic, whereas IV is a giant urban wasteland that reflects Niko's ugliness and misery.

III was the technical evolution - VC was the creative evolution.

For me it really was the characters in Vice City

>San Andreas will remain my favorite solely because of Mike Toreno.