Whose your favorite twitch streamer Sup Forums?
Twitch Streamer Appreciation Thread
Obviously Kaceytron
One of the few worthwhile streams on that website
That's one THICC woman
Pic related
The only worthwhile female streamer is Ephey.
>why does she look like she's about to cry
My fucking sides
This fag.
>show bobs
>open bobs
>omg ugly sloot
let me guess, you aren't the pathetic child in this situation whatsoever? :)
t. pathetic tittystreamer
he's so silly
Full body pic?
Tyler1. He's so fun.
Not enough cameras
Alright when are we going to start raiding this streams Sup Forums
My webcam is like the exact opposite of this.
You post the lower half of your body?
I'm a fan of the eggdad and the NLSS but I just leave it on in the background for the discussion while I go do other things
comfy af tbqh
I'm not 16 and this is not fun anymore.
No, it's very very small.
It doesn't get in the way of gameplay at all.
Underbust is such a cocktease.
Yeah I'd let her tease my cock if you know what I am saying user
Hsdogdog, if only he would take off his shirt.
She'd get crumbs in your bed
example btw. little man is me.
Are you actually shilling right now my man
I went to Underbust's stream once.
She was a drunk mess talking about how shit her life is.
The only correct answer
Stefanie Joosten
You should show your tits more
My name is nowhere in there.
I'm looking for feedback.
Stop attentionwhoring
You gotta play good games for that my son
You should probably show your tits more.
Will you donate 10,000 dollars of your oil money so I can get the implants finally?
Where are dem tits at?
Himiwako, duh
whats wrong with krip
i mean other than he seems to pretend he likes his job
Ill give you 20,000. Dont spend it all at once dollface
No reason to even have it.
I like your ratio of camera to screen, streaming should be about the game but it's been a little perverted recently so that it's more about the tits.
It is singing.
twitch tv/narcissawright
My man
>watching Twitch streamers
You have to be at least 18 to use this site.
tfw Arbitrary
wow look at those back problems
Literally everyone I've gotten to know through Twitch have been over 21
You're the best. I'll put your name below the stream where no one reads.
Will I get banned for just attaching a picture of a sloot instead?
all the rules
alright, I'm done shitposting please tune in at twitch tv/lirik at 11AM CST so I can tell you about cyberpowerpc and audio technica. You're my best friends.
she says her back doesnt hurt
One day you could get tired of anything. Even videogames.
does Markiplier still stream?
To be honest, I'd actually probably pay money to see those tits. But like in a circus freak way, that someone would mutilate their body like that fascinates me.
Watching this is like watching death
What does this have to do with video games?
I just recorded this gem.
Twitch is a video gaming website
both of these retards
Thick != Fat
There is a difference.
Streamers playing vidya games
Case solved
Why doesn't he waste is money on Braces instead of Soylent and HRT?
>mfw Ice Poseidon's meltdown
The one and only
Although I have to turn off his stream when he plays with dom or that fagboy jared
The teeth are like his uniform, just like Superman has the red underwear and the big S, Cosmo has his teeth.
cant wait for my boy artour to return
the dude would look more acceptable with fixed teeth. that shit requires some serious fixing though, I can't imagine it'd be a pleasant experience. it'd require all sorts of gadgets to fix.
Not anymore it's not. It's basically youtube e-celeb bullshit all over again but it's going live for 10 hours instead of 10 minutes long videos per day.
They're natural. It's some kind of condition that makes your tits grow in cancerous way. Not nice actually
My parents would have forced me to get braces, even if it put them in debt, if my teeth looked that bad
>it's another fatty that thinks mei is fat like them so they must cosplay and pretend to be mei
Its ya boi
>mfw he still tries to defend g2a
i still like him but he seriously needs to just give up on it
also he's so vegan that he thinks eggs are not nutritious
>It's basically youtube e-celeb bullshit all over again
What does that even mean?
You mean people come to watch certain streamers because they find them entertaining regardless of what game they're playing? No shit. What's wrong with that?
The king of cancer
She's intelligent, but she's a dick for making her shit pay2view
I don't know much at all about the guy but I would assume he defends G2A primarily out of self interest (greed). Their sponsorships are very lucrative.
Why isn't this thread deleted? Streamers aren't video games and talking about them is not talking about video games. You are simply talking about people.
This is a forum for video game discussion. Not internet culture. A thread about Sup Forums meme's / culture would instantly be deleted.
So should this thread.
Mods do your work.
the ONLY reason this fuck plays this game is because it rakes in so much fucking cash for him.
I don't see how he does it though. I would have gouged out my eyeballs by now. how anyone can play that much of fucking shitty-ass hearthstone blows my god damned mind.
Twitch threads should be allowed on Sup Forums and Youtube threads should be allowed on Sup Forums IMO.
They're too big and influential to not be allowed anywhere but Sup Forums
The only twitch stream I watch is the NLSS. I never liked the whole "face as a brand" trope that YouTube and Twitch content creators use and Northernlion subverts it to a degree.
Really the biggest reason I started watching his stuff is because his face isn't in 99% of his content.
I agree. Streamers aren't video game developers and are a meaningless topic to discuss. This thread is just another Sup Forums's attempts to self promote themselves.
Do you spam in twitch chat?
Did you do your part today user?
Crazy good at Quakeworld and crazy in general
Love that balding fuck
>What's wrong with that?
Obviously because it's not about videogames anymore. It's just bunch of retards running around and trowing money at some shitters who doesn't even good at videogames so they could suck theirs dick for it.