Be honest, you were addicted to getting all the achievements/trophies.
Be honest, you were addicted to getting all the achievements/trophies
Were ?
I still am, and america is asleep so it's okay to admit that here.
i hate you and everything you stand for
I used to be, but I realized that every game I liked with a platinum trophy was locked behind tedious and time consuming tasks.
Cheevos > atrophies
still am, nigger.
I still am, I'm not ashamed of that.
Even to this day, I couldn't care less. Turned the retarded notifications off.
actually never gave a shit about them even when i was in highschool during the majority of the xbox360's and ps3's time. would make fun of my friend because he "didn't care about them but thought it was cool when he got them" he lived for those meaningless shits and so did the rest of my friends.
i still can't believe people think its fun or even noteworthy to look at achievements or trophies. not being edgy just confused by how faggy the general population is
I was until I realised it was the actual definition of pointless. Made me realise my own mortality and the time we have on earth is limited and precious
achievments are gamification of gaming - these are the tools of the Devil.
I've never cared about achievements or trophies, chasing after them is a waste of time it's not fun and there's no reward.
I like achievements, but getting "all" of them is usually too much of a grind.
But user you get rewarded the equivalent of getting a tiny star sticker that says "you did it"
The only game I've ever cared to 1000/1000 was Halo 3 for the sword
>tfw had to change my language on my 360 so I can find other achievement whores
Only autists give a shit about this trash
Nah man I always thought that stuff was kind of silly.
Even in the games I put (multi)thousand hours, I have not bothered to get all achievements
It's soooooooooo boring
I wasn't, until I realized my friend who's had a PlayStation for much less time than me has a higher trophy level then me, and I can't let that shit slide
that webm is so cute
I can't help it. Someone help me.
>defeat the game on its hardest difficulty
>h-haha dude only c-casuals care about trophies
i can hear the jealousy from here you faggots
I remember playing first Condemned on PC - i think that was the first time I ever encountered this specific iteration of in-game reward under the name "achievement", and you know what - I didn't oppose it because every achievment would either unlock the gallery of concept art for some enemy/level, or unlock the behind the curtains production video. It was actually fun and rewarding.
Then next time I saw it in Half-Life 2 and was expecting the same - imagine my surprise when I couldn't figure out where the rewards are, and slowly realised that these unlocked achievment titles supposed to be 'rewards' by themselves.
What if I told you that you can set goals and be proud of them without needing a ding sound popping up?
There should be an option to turn them off
This. I'm an autismo, and cannot enjoy fucking console games with stupid achievements. I KNOW THEY ARE THEY so I can't just pretend they don't exist.
There is
It's called not doing them
Steam has an option to turn off overlay/specific notifications, and I'm pretty sure PS3 had something along those lines.
but how will i be able to make fun of people who are shit at games ?
Gotta get your money's worth
>Congratulations: You started watching an intro video
So instead of beating the game on a harder difficulty, i should just do retarded shit like beat a game in as few A presses as possible?
>Game has trophies that are only possible to get via online multiplayer
>Severs are either barren or shut down
Rest in pepperoni Platinum...
>get ps3 and mgs4
>that was kind of fun, I think I'll get the platinum
Then I stopped caring about them. Fuck those super long ones man.
At one point, yes.
I only get them now if a game 100% completion gives me a Platinum.
>tfw spent 180 hours of my life getting tales of symphonia Plat
>played the game 4 fucking times
Why did I do this
I wish achievements had never been added to games. No one plays games to have fun any more.
What? I'm just saying that you don't need the trophy thing to pop up to feel like you've accomplished something.
>achievement unlocked: started the game
Ok, but it happens.
Should I be ashamed for beating a game on a harder difficulty?
You are going off on some wacky tangents
>game doesn't give you achievements for all lesser difficulties upon defeating it on the hardest.
i must have played through far cry instincts predators campaign 5 times to get the campaign achievements. luckily i just loved that game with a passion and would have done it either way
Only two games to get platinum was fallout 3 and skyrim , Bethesda games
After that I didn't care. Most games have multi-player trophies and I don't care for multi-player. So I quit trophy hunting.
everything is pointless. so what is the point?
I liked achievements that would make you do things a little different that were actually challenging
Like that one World at war achievement where you have to take out the German officer/general whatever he was with a pistol while his car was speeding off. Giving you little goals like that was neat
46 platinums. The only one I've gotten lately is Isaac Rebirth and that took... ages.
I only get platinum if I am enjoying the game and the trophy isn't TOO grindy. I have 30 platinums over like 8 years. Not many at all
I was for a while. I got nine platinums before I stopped giving a shit.
Been goin at it for 4 years now. Got 64 platinums
It's fun t b h
>tfw when getting the platinum for star ocean: the last hope
>that kid who uses SAM to unlock them all at once
>refuse to start new games until i 100% my old ones so it doesn't affect my completion rating
It calls to me, I have to remind myself that pursuing them is retarded.