This Russian wants remote access of your pc to bypass a Denuvo game for you - for $1.50
do you allow him?
This Russian wants remote access of your pc to bypass a Denuvo game for you - for $1.50
do you allow him?
Nothing worth playing has Denuvo so no.
ahh that meme I see
You can't name a single game that has Denuvo that's good.
Theoretically speaking, what's the worst thing that could happen, if you don't keep any of your personal or credit card data on your PC?
he could chat up your stupid gf and make her travel to russia just so that he can cum on her face
never underestimate the power of alpha males
>two denuvo games cracked in the past week
>one of them was released less than a month ago
>the crack group said every denuvo game will be cracked within 30 days
I'll pay him $3 to shave his bangs
i would be willing to bet money that he gets more pussy than you do
me too
name 1 (ONE) good game
ill wait and answer with
>it's shit
overrated shit applies if it's some old classic
Good job, bitch boy. Still waiting.
>the crack group said
they never said anything
ok, they wrote
im genuinely curious, the only game i think thats good that has denuvo is probably doom and thats slightly above mediocre
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
>abloo bloo bloo I said gud gaems
Fuck off, it's good. Not spectacular, but good. You aren't getting anymore of my time or (You)s.
>in possession of any alpha males
Why are Russians so memetastically fucked up?
>Russian wants remote access of your pc
Memes aside, the only reason why their country has survived is because they've always had an ample amount of high quality human resources to rely on, plus their harsh climate doesn't tolerate meekness.
Grotesque alcohol and tobacco consumption and this man is a Gopnik.
Not all the Russian bad
Such as it is a disgrace to me
No, I hate Russians.
How do you know? Such as it is a disgrace to the pictures of me and my friends, we hate them and their country, their government, m8 do not generalize about all Russian