Commerce based games?

I was wondering if anyone could suggest a commerce/trade based game?
Something where I could grow, forage, harvest, and refine raw products to trade. Preferably not in the modern age. Thanks in advance.

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The Guild is exactly the game you're looking for

Haha been there, done that! The Guild 2: Renaissance was my shit.

EVE: Online the Spreadsheet Simulator

WoW has an economy you can play around with too.

Recettear for the jews and memes, not exactly what you're looking for but memes.
People say nice things about first Stronghold, which may also not what you're looking for because half of that is still combat.
Not sure ANNO counts either.

Get out, jew.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

try different mmos
there is one which is fueled by real money economy, entropia universe or something, might even make a couple dollarydoos if you're good at it

Just found Life is Feudal: Forest Village. Problem solved.

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely check out entropia.

Capitalism 2.

There's also Banished now that I think of it, I relied a lot on manufacturing shit to sell to river merchants to buy stone and other raw materials

Does it need to be a single character or is a strategy game okay?
Anno is still the most fun I've ver had with production chains


It's called Tycoon games. Just find any industry you like, add the word 'tycoon' after it and there you have your game.
For example: Airplane Tycoon, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Ice cream Tycoon.....

in highschool econimics we were given Gazillionaire to play. Its still in use, infact there are three sequels.


Tropico 4/5

>all these retarded games
The Anno series is what you're looking for.
Anno 1404 especially.

No need to shitpost, there's been a bunch of great recommendations in this thread

I don't care.

dont forget the ceasar series

Trading is simple, but the resource collecting part is actually quite fun.