The last 4 digits of your post is the SCP you're given. Make a 10/10 game based on it.
SCP Game Thread
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rolling for 426
Rolla dolla da
SCP 1901 (
Wew lads it's a fucking cardboard celebrity cutout that makes people think it's the actual celebrity
>you're a paparazzi photographer
>you have to take pics of a celeb if you want to feed your 8 children
>you search the city for them and find several
>you have to use clues to determine which is cardboard and which isnt
Rolling. Here's hoping I get something good.
Please don't fail me.
time to die
SCP 2347 (
Basically a normal guy who gets hotter in cold environments and colder in hot ones. If he's in a cold enough place, he'll spontaneously combust. He'll then slowly reanimate and resurrect over the course of 24 hours.
I'm stumped. Anyone creative enough to take this one?
Wtf, Sup Forums
its a puzzle game and you are him
I don't know..
SCP 2665-A and 2665-B
A Pickaxe and a mining building responsible for causing insanity and hallucinations. Seemingly no Malefic intent
Maybe a Dark Corners of the Earth style "Your kid's gone missing and we think he ran in there," detective type?
Final boss is the pickaxe possessing your kid.
Tree cancer.
>pickaxe possessing your kid.
That's some Stephen King bullshit, user.
IS SCP still a thing?
>anomalous terrain in which everything is made of tacos and other mexican stuff
>you are part of SCP research programme and explore whole 25 square kilometers of the area doing research
>scripted events where environment changes and SCP-2515-3 talks to you
>generally just walking simulator, maybe with minor puzzles and shit like that
Ok I've got an idea. You play as the guy, a solo research scientist in a remote arctic region.
>experiment goes horribly wrong, leaving you with these abilities
>you need to make it to rendevouz point 200 miles away. This is do or die as there's no more supplies.
>everytime you explode and resurrect, you lose valuable time so you have to use the environment and various tools you find along the way to keep yourself warm
this is pretty lame, but maybe something like: you get enrolled in a government "x-men" project, outfitted with experimental technology and get sent on an fps adventure to track down terrorists in the most extreme places on earth. you work alongside other genetic freaks like yourself and take down enemies as a team. halfway through the game, the enemy catches on to your power and starts using flamethrowers or some shit.
When you die, you have to wait 24 hours to play again.
Let's see.
that's actually pretty good user, might need some other mechanics to keep it interesting but otherwise i like it
Please be 55.
I want a refund
If it goes over the amount of scps just use the last 3 digits
Normal 095 is a fucking comic book with literally no real SCP Status, so I'm doing 095-J.
>you are a cyber terrorist/hacker
>watchdogs like gameplay
>your objectives is to hack any electronic display of text and change it to 095-J
>ultimate objective is to cause everyone to go mad and try and kill each other
>the downside is that when you expose it to other people, you have to be ready to run as they go on murder rampages.
I have best SCP
Well that's shit, It only goes to 2999. I'll wrap around to 247.
I dunno, there's a string of brutal murders in town and you need to figure it out. And then the cat tries to fucking murder you and nobody believes you.
I'd actually buy this
yeah, although it's lost it's Sup Forums roots. the original /x/ team has pretty much fucked off bar a few. it's still sorta popular thanks to the indie games it gets. i check it out every few months if i'm bored
Rolling for a toaster
Sure, rolling for something good
Nothing passed 2999 exists so I took the last 3 digits.
A literal cuck book. A man finds the photo album in his attic. He keeps it hidden from his wife being an absolute beta that can't communicate. The photos depict her wearing clothes that she regularly wears now. So he grows illogically suspicious. Throughout the game you are trying to identify the man she is with in the photos. It's a thriller mystery. The game is like Heavy Rain, but good because he ends up killing his own wife instead of the person he thinks she's cheating with due to insanity.
A game where you have to water as much as the beautiful flower as you can and spread it across the world and destroy lesser plant life.
Rolling motherfucker
I hope I get something good to work with
There is no 3815 so I'll just do 815.
I'd probably make it some sort of VR game where you have to go through every precaution for handling the can.
Then, something happens and the environment starts getting fucked up. Maybe the lab is under attack or something I don't know.
You have to get out of the lab whilst keeping the novelty snake can intact or you die of snakes breaking your face and giving you brain damage.
welp, mine doesnt even seem to exist. did you mean 3 digits and not 4?
It's a good way to kill time.
Also there aren't more than 3000 so this isn't going to work now.
If it goes over the limit use the last 3 bruv
Just use the last 3 digits
Wats dis nao?
Containment Breach is pretty good
>>SCP-181, "Lucky"
Fuck, I don't know. An escape game, where you have to break out of solitary confinement during a containment breach, then evade capture using SCP-181's anomalous abilities? Like when you're discovered by Foundation guards, you have a second or so to react by quickly identifying and interacting with some sort of stage element to distract or kill the guards, thereby allowing you to escape or put yourself in a more advantageous position? Maybe you enter a sort of MGSV-like reflex action where you have a moment to look at and select a pipe on the wall, or an electrical panel or fire extinguisher, maybe the guards' guns and equipment, or even a random fucking SCP containment cell, and have it act as a trap against guards, allowing you to keep running. The gameplay would be centered on using SCP-181's "luck" anomaly to turn a situation in his favor, with fail conditions set as not being quick enough to respond, getting caught by a random SCP, or something else. Combat isn't a focus, so I can easily see this being a survival horror of some sort.
It needs to be better fleshed out.
Roll roll roll
rolling for scp
That actually sounds hilarious, just like a don't drop it game all about balance and of course if you drop it you die.
let's go
>Symbols have been compromised
>Do not be taken alive
Man, this makes me thing of monster that can undestand symbols and talk, you're part of a response team, the prievous are either dead, hiding or being used as some sort of puppet, and not dumb puppets either, they were able to fake symbols and stuff, and pretend to be on your side.
>SCP-582, "A Bundle of Stories"
>A story that, whatever is written in it, happens in reality, unless what is written in it contradicts an earlier writing in it
I'd say this would be an interesting concept to play with as a member of one of the rival foundations to SCP, where you'd have to carefully and subtly write events into 582 that would in some ways weaken the foundation, be it by causing containment breaches or allowing agents to sneak in and steal information / items of value from them.
You'd have to be subtle enough so that none of the agency members would notice that there was some outside force at play, and you'd also need to be careful about what you write, because you won't be allowed to contradict any of it later on.
Let's go
hopefully no third person toaster this time
this thread is stupid as fuck
I'm ready.
Rerolling, cause number too high.
It could make for a really neat puzzle game.
Something I havent read please
>You'll never be a part of MTF
Or just be Dispatcher so you can listen to some fucked up shit
This is the coat with the Arms I think, would be a cool game mechanic.
SCP 367
Basically a giant Amoeba that looks like a dog
In the game, you play as 367 trying to eat and multiply as much as possible, to eventually consume entire planets
>Do not follow the little girl
They need a specific symbol for that?
this is a very, very fucked up world
sometimes following the little girl saves your life instead of ending it.