Have video gaymes affected any of your irl hobbies?

Have video gaymes affected any of your irl hobbies?

I got into archery because of skyrim.

Other urls found in this thread:


I started taking pills and mushrooms because of pac man and mario.

I stopped having any irl hobbies because of video games. does that count as well?

I got into chess and litterature because of bioshoch infinity.

STEALTH archery?

Yeah it goes like this:
>have cool and nice ;) hobbies
>find a cool video game
>all hobbies fade into the background because too occupied with videogame
>reach the center of the galaxy and get so pissed off that get a refund
>go back to hobbies lesson learned

I bought an AK-74 because of STALKER.

I started playing guitar because of guitar hero 2.

i died because of dark souls xD

I tried getting into blacksmithing once and did a few workshops. Generally because so many MMOs got me interested due to how semi-educational the crafting systems were.

Didn't turn into anything though. Turns out you have to be all in or not at all if you aspire to become a modern day blacksmith. I really didn't want to move out into the country either. However ceramics is a pretty viable side thing to do and is just as fun. You just can't make badass weapons.

Started collecting weeb figs because of HMPD

Once a time an user lost control of his life....

Yeah, those things are expensive as fuck...

I got into precision shooting because of battlefield. My farthest hit was just shy of 1200m with 6.5CM. I'm looking to take a trip to Thunder Valley this November.

Wanted to make a shield and a hidden blade, as well as a set of paper armor after watching Discovery(it was after a documentary about US military asking about that Gears of War chainsaw) and History documentaries. On hold because I'm a lazy piece of shit.

Wanted to get into archery, never did cause lazy piece of shit. Wanted a pepperbox but never did cause lazy piece of shit. Was to sell my MtG cards but never did cause..


There's literally nothing wrong with collecting figures.

Assassin's Creed rekindled my interest in history, prompting me to read a few books about the Medici, the Catholic Church and architecture.

Mostly I've been spending a lot more into board games because of my "no client/online activation" rule for games.

Only way I think I've been otherwise influenced.

Sure, except for the social stigma of being a grown man buying overpriced kitsch that identifies him to others, at best, as immature and, at worst, perverted.

if you've got something to say, spill the beans. otherwise, take a hike.

I never said there was. Hobby as any other.

>letting anyone IRL know me collecting anything
>inviting anyone to my apartment
>showing off my powerlevel

yeah, nah. I enjoy my collection quietly by myself.

Yes, we definitely should spend our lives pleasing others and ignoring the things that actually makes us happy or at least not-that-depressed. That said, I don't own a single figurine.

I do agree on the overpriced part.

I collect figures but that started with anime. I don't really have hobbies outside of the standard geek stuff.

Sup Forums has given me a lot of new stuff to fap to over the years, I don't think that counts though. At the very least I don't know if I would have got into traps without here.

in ohio? shit is so cash. did a specialized pre-deployment training there once. right from there to g4s carbine and defensive driving school in virginia.

I think I would have gotten into music somehow no matter what, but I first got into music because of lanky kong. tried trombone in 5th grade played it throughout highschool, and later learned other instruments and junk

>defensive driving
shit looks so fun, even if it's just to pretend for a day


it seemed to be entirely meant for cops, not military. but i enjoyed the fuck out of it. i'll take free training wherever i can get it. definitely changes the way you drive on the highway

I got into playing the violin because of these:


Nice projection there

I started sucking dicks after playing Dota2

I got into chess too because of turn based and RTS strategy games. I'm just starting out though and I am very mediocre.

i started stalking my waifu because playing video games reduced by social skills to zero and I have no social contact

Started playing guitar and getting really into music because of guitar hero 3

Guitar hero made me start playing guitar. Not even kidding. Going on 9-10 years of playing now.


>Want to make music for vidya
>Dont know two shits about music
>Dont even bother to learn