>Instead of early 2000's campy charmville the VTMB sequel will take place in 2010's
>It's going to have hipsters, juggalos, SJWs, alt-righters, references to memes
>Instead of early 2000's campy charmville the VTMB sequel will take place in 2010's
>It's going to have hipsters, juggalos, SJWs, alt-righters, references to memes
Other urls found in this thread:
>VTMB sequel
Provide proofs.
2010's would mean AFTER the Final Nights and into Gehenna. Do you even Vampire: The Masquerade lore?
It's got to take place in 2012 you dummy.
That's when all that END OF THE WORLD bullshit was popular.
>outside of game canon mattering
Paradox owns White Wolf and everything Vampire the Masquerade
They can retcon whatever they want
They can just put Gehenna 10 years later
It's not a VTMB sequel but there is a new WoD game being made by someone. But since it's nWoD it's probably going to be shite.
Only interested if it's the Masquerade setting.
Requiem can go suck a bag of dicks storywise.
>It's not a VTMB sequel but there is a new WoD game being made by someone.
source ?
Wasn't there some fuss abotu the devs of eve online acquiring white wolf and developing their own VTM MMO only to cancel it a few years down the road after some fancy hair and cloth tech demos?
>White Wolf will be licensing the properties within World of Darkness to creative partners in a broad range of media (including those traditionally associated with the brand, such as pen and paper roleplaying products and videogames)
There was also talk of a TV show somewhere.
>It's nWoD
nWoD isn't well received, that's why they continued oWod, and I'm sure/hope the new game will be oWoD too.
Are they continuing oWoD with new materials or just reprinting it because they know it sells?
>There was also talk of a TV show somewhere.
For the love of god please don't let it be as bullshit as Kindred The Embraced.
For heartless vampires, they sure fucked around a lot.
Dude that was years and years ago
They cancelled the MMO and Paradox Interactive bought White Wolf and their properties and there was a huge buzz about Obsidian making a new Bloodlines game since the worked with Paradox in the past and most of the Bloodlines staff works at Obsidian now
They could, but that would be a grave insult to World of Darkness and White Wolf seeing as they made the events of VTM: Bloodlines fully canon.
Kindred was one of the highest rated shows of the time and the only reason they cancelled it is because one of the leads died.
The thing is I don't really care about World of Darkness. I liked Bloodlines and how it presented WoD and I want a sequel
IIRC after the sucess of the Masquarde 20 they announced somewhere they will publish new materials to it.
VMTB takes place in no-9/11 2000s where bbs is still used and there's no internet
If they keep that vision into 2010s/2020s it could well continue on.
What are the chances of the Obsidian A-Team (Sawyer & Avalone) doing a Bloodlines type RPG and saving gaming now that Paradox owns the rights to White wolf stuff?
I only watched the first episode but I really don't get it.
It is OK and somewhat interesting.
>and there's no internet
There clearly is internet.
Years ago, huh?
It's been more than a decade since Bloodlnies and it stell feels like yesterday.
We're never gonna get another game with that same sense of comfiness and level of dialogue, are we user?
Why does remembering Bloodlines feel like remembering my first love. It's years past and I'm happy now, but nothing feels as complete as she was
Will Forever Knight give me a Bloodlines fix?
While I'd personally love that idea, I don't think chances are good, not in the near future at least. Obsidian is busy with Tyranny and some other, not announced game, which is I think PoE 2.
Also Avellone left Obsidian last year
I watched some of it and I didn't really care for it but outside of a few stupid changes like letting them walk in sunlight for a bit and the nosferatu just being veiny bald people it wasn't super offensive to the source material. They still get roasted by the sun and nossies are still treated like freak outcasts and only kept around for their skills.
>remembering feelings I forgot existed
Is this what it means to be triggered?
I'm not triggered user.
It's more like a bittersweet sense of melancholy. Think Spike from cowboy bebop
>Obsidian A-Team (Sawyer & Avalone)
Avallone no longer works at Obsidian
Also Avallone and Sawyer don't like each other and this is not a Sup Forums meme thing
They're pretty open about disliking each other
Also those two never worked on VTMB
You managed to pick the few people from Obsidian who haven't actually worked on VTMB
Most of the VTMB team works at Obsidian now with the exception of a guy who went on to make Dead State
Maybe they fired few of those people during their big lay off period
I was referring to myself because that description hit home pretty hard.
It's ok user.
We've dealt with it once, we'll deal with it again. Who knows what'll happen
>VTMB = shit
>reboot = shit
just move on already
>as if to leave open the possibility that the MMO could launch at a far later date. But before Sjogren was able to clarify further, Ericsson stepped in to praise the work the team at CCP had done, stating that some of the material would be folded into future setting material, "because there were a lot of people who sweated and bled for a lot of years, and that will not be in vain."
>They're basically continuing with the shitty MMO plan
And the future refused to change
but early 2000's were the dullest time really, name one good think that came from that era
A WoD MMO could work but I'm afraid CCP only knows how to make spreadsheet simulators instead of fun games.
Paradox is working on it though.
Paradox is mostly a publisher now
They will make some mobile developer make shitty phone games with the WoD license and that's about it
Juggalos were never bigger than the late 90s and early 2000s, hipsters have existed since the 30s, feminism has existed for centuries, fascistic backlash to liberal capitalisms failures has existed since industrialization
wasting the possibility of a true successor to the amazing Troika game by making it a mobile title.
>hipsters have existed since the 30s
Yeah because hipsters from the 30's were the same thing as today's hipsters
They may look different, but they're acting on the exact same premises.
Enjoy unoptimized unplayable piece of shit that will get like 20 dlcs each 20 dollars and after 2 years of patching finally gets fixed.
Maybe they'll make it a good game this time lmao
Source for Avellone and Sawyer hating each other? I did find some stuff on Obsidians forums but still.
Well there is no internet culture.
>made by obsidian
>balanced by sawyer
>Bloodlines fully canon.
not fully
>OK so we want to make a game about Vampires, what should we take inspiration from, Legacy of Kain, Vampire the Masquerade, or maybe Bloodrayne?
>hmm senpai, all of these games are old and icky, how about Alan Wake and Uncharted 4?
>it's missing something though
>well.. let's also add crafting
>say no more
>he didn't see AWP WHORE carved into the wall above one of the computers in the internet cafe
Hate might be a strong word but they definitely don't like each other
Back when formspring was still a thing Sawyer used to answer questions there instead of Tumblr
Somebody asked him about his relationship with Avallone and he said something about not really enjoying each other's company that much or something to that effect
Unfortunately I can't remember the exact phrasing and formspring is no longer around so
It makes me wonder who's better, Sawyer or Avellone.
Sawyer is a Designer/Director
Avellone is a writer
new VTMB game:
>feeding off a person of another gender is considered rape, you will go to prison in game and IRL for it
>the characters and lore is written buy the lead writer of dragon age inquisition
>game is hyped on IGN and reddit
>all those fine disciplines
>nerfed so much you might as well use firearms
I keep thinking that I hate Sawyer (after PoE), but then I think back to New Vegas and his commentary and realise that he's actually pretty fucking good.
Avellone is probably the best writer for RPGs in the industry, but I think Sawyer might edge him out for his autistic game balance and worldbuilding ideas.
You think you're making that shit up, but you obviously have no clue how SJW the nWOD is.
>firearms nerfed as well so they have like 30% accuracy at max skill level
What a shitty looking game.
Even the lip-sync is fucking terrible.
Then again, why am I surprised? This is coming from the same group of people who made one of the most forgettable games, and its title Remember Me just makes it all the more ironic.
>you can use disciplines only in combat
>and you have to rest to renew them
>drinking blood from bums, rats, and prostitutes actually drains your blood reserves
>it's balanced because it still restores your health :^)
>tfw you're the only one who genuinly enjoyed Redemtion
I really like Vampires and I'd play anything that lets me be a somewhat traditional Vampire
Well it's in a pre-alpha state. The talking system is likely no finished yet or had no adjustments per each character model.
>take the least useful discipline
>buff it
>but no one uses it because even when buffed it's still shit
>nerf the powerful disciplines because Sawyer's autistic mind cannot stop itself
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with him? His work ethic reminds me of those autistic cunts that work on fighting games and the like, where they try so hard to balance literally everything, so that everything is viable, but that just makes shit bland.
No, you're not.
Stop lying.
And give me MY VITAE!
Makes me a bit angry when people bashing Redemtion. It's not a perfect game and it has it flaws but the music and atmosphere was captivating.
Afaik they retconned Gehenna in the 20th anniversary Edition to "somwhere in the future"...
Why do you keep spelling it "Redemtion" without the "p"?
Anyway, my favorite track from the soundtrack:
Requiem is so fucking shit.
It just lacks the atmosphere of VtM.
What are you talking about? Redemption was amazing.
I have yet to find another game that captured the feeling of becomnig a thousand year old vampire as good.
Even though it was unrealistic as fuck, becoming that powerful in a few nights, but who cares.
Christofe diablerizing his way up the motherfucking food chain.
I see the filename but on this specific video
I'm not good at English. It's one of those words I have difficulties writing. I can't write "ridiculous" as well without looking it up first.
I know, I love it too. I just see people here all the time bashing it.
Don't have source, name was all I was given.
>People wanting a new Vampire game to be set in oWoD instead of CoD
Why? And don't tell me 'because CoD is shit' because 99% of people who played VtMB never played any of the PnP's.
Redemption had a great soundtrack, I wish more people played it.
what did you guys think of the Love Letter to Vampire:The Masquerade - Bloodlines?
I remember reading about it in a PC magazine how ground breaking it was as an RPG and how it pushed comps at 1600x1200.
Man the 90s were weirdly awesome
I had that picture as my wallpaper for so long on my CRT.
>modern bullshit instead of late 90's/early 2000's grunge
>boring watered down clans
>no apocalyptic stuff
Overall it's just less interesting.
the narration puts me to sleep
Redemption came out before Diablo 2 and it had full 3D with facial animations, reflections, and dynamic shadows.
What the fuck is wrong with that guy's voice?
It shit. It lack the gothic atmosphere, the vampiric decadence and everything else. It's a good horror game, but thats it. It's far from gothic aesthetic as it gets.
You should read the pnp, the core is already sjw. Even VtM:B is, you just don't notice because the game is good despite it's "social justice" shit.
Don't be sheltered. English isn't his native language.
>Dem spooky feelings at the mines
I used that music to mod Oblivion caves.
Are you talking about the Anarchs and their YEAH FIGHT THE POWER EQUALITY stuff? Lore-wise they're almost nonexistant and getting fucked out by the Camarilla and Sabbat.
Old Vampire just feels more interesting than New
But all other CofD gamelines are better than their OWoD counterparts
Then why doesn't he speak in his native language and put subtitles?
>no game where you can play as Sabbat
>contractually obligated to release it with hl2
Bullshit, Valve just said they couldn't release it before HL2. Activision took that as "this is the soonest we can push the game out and if it's not done by then fuck you."
So how do you think Paradox is going to fuck us over in the future, Sup Forums?
Neither is it mine. I'm a Slav. English is the fourth foreign language I learned, after Russian, French and German. And even I speak better English than him.
He just speaks in an odd way, as though he was really fucking pretentious.
Apparently they also worked with a way outdated version of the Source engine, which at the time was buggy as fuck anyway
The pronouns, the amount of female characters, the whole proto-multi-culti as well as other small things. The anarchs part is just the punk part of gothic-punk. I'm mostly stating that the sjw parts exists and that Sup Forums should recognize it.
how is Bloodlines sjw?
>The pronouns, the amount of female characters, the whole proto-multi-culti as well as other small things.
I'm still not seeing it.
>years and years ago
>the mmo was cancelled in 2014
weird sense of time u got there
when did things go so wrong? even a pop-ish game like vtmb felt so natural to play, there were no forced jokes or memes. can't anyone come up with something authentic for a change anymore?