>Tommorow, Shulk's reveal will be two years old.
Where did the time go.
Tommorow, Shulk's reveal will be two years old
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not posting the trailer
fucking leaks ruined the surprise.
Now enjoy my good friend Shulk :)
And the game is still boring.
>he is still shit
This is now a Xenoblade Chronicles thread.
Did anyone feel like the game was really good except for Sword Valley, Alcamoth, and Mechonis Field? (only good thing is the music)
mechnois field and alcamoth were the two lows for me. looked/sounded beautiful but they were super boring.
i want to play this in hd on dolphin but the game stutters constantly. gtx-970, my friend had the same gpu as me and said it only stuttered in cutscenes. am i doing anything wrong?
mfw he's bottom 10
Tier lists don't matter unless you're a pro player.
but he's legit trash
Did somebody say Xenoblade thread?
>That unreal hype for smash
I miss it so much
Literally who
You shouldn't have any trouble with this if you have a gtx-970. I've seen someone with a 650 ti play Xenoblade with no problems. It should be more than enough to handle it.
Can't tell you what it is but yeah, you're going to have to do some tinkering with the Dolphin settings.
Where's the tier list?
I want to visit an alternate timeline where the leaks didn't happen. See how Sup Forums would have reacted
>fucking leaks spared us from the disappointment
ok I guess he's not bottom 10 but he's WAY down there
>Fucking Mega Man's reveal
>Pac-Man's Reveal
>Little Mac
>Greninja and Charizard's reveal
>Fucking MEWTWO
Pretty good desu.
Those were the only ones I gave a fuck about, I could care less about the 26 Fire Emblem characters and Rosalina and Shulk
How's the 3ds port?
What the fuck happened to Luigi?
probably a combination of being nerfed and people figuring out his bullshit.
jesus christ it’ll be 2 years from when i was sitting eating shitty food in Kennedy space centre and went on my phone to check out what was going on at home and then i see the shulk trailer and fell sheer happiness
>Marth 19
>Lucina 36
Does the tipper make THAT much of a difference? Are there other things I'm not aware of?
Subpar but playable. That is, if youhave the option of playing in on the Wii, or Wii U VC then play those versions. If you have a decent PC then emulate it with HD textures, the game looks so much better.
Barely playable if you're a graphics whore. Anything else is the same.
Newsflash, most people who try to play Shulk are shit at it. I've consistently taken out ZSS players before.
How would you fix Shulk?
right because online pubs totally matter
make it so that his tilts aren't unsafe on block at max fucking distance
How about fuck you. You can't have every move cover half of FD and make them unpunishable.
>pit, 24
>dark pit, 27
What the fuck. As a Pit main, Dark is ever so slightly better because of his ridiculous kill power on side b. And its silly to have them seperated by 2 (two) fucking different characters.
No, this was against a friend at college who's won tournaments. Try again.
in a world without leaks, we could've gotten another story mode like sse