Why is blatantly false advertising legal in the video game industry?
Why is blatantly false advertising legal in the video game industry?
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Because videogames aren't real art.
Trump will knock this phony business practice shit off, mark my words
But it's come back to bite him in the ass. Steam and Sony are offering refunds regardless of playtime.
>This is your product do you want it? You have to pay me to get it
>No this is not what I'm looking for. No thank you
>This is the product that you are going to get in 5 years from now If you want it, you better pay now!
>Will it have eveything you promise?
>Why yes of course! Now pay me 60$
The same reason Politicians can lie and cheat. Or anyone in any business can cheat, lie, scandal. Welcome to planet earth, where all it's inhabitants innately want to fuck over eachother for the betterment of themselves. CAPITALISM BOIS, FUCK MORALS -> MAKE MONEY.
Because they are not responsible for the stupidity of the consumers
It just proves how easy it is to sell something to the public that won't inform themselves about the product they are paying for
You mean he's going to put heavy restrictions on video games and the internet within US territories
Guys gotta close up that internet
Essentially because the terminology used in the advertising has no legal definition. As much as everyone here will say that multiplayer means people get to interact with each other, the word multiplayer has no "legal" definition. The argument could be made that shared discoveries constitute multiplayer. Or even the fact that the game can be played by more than one individual. It's bullshit, but that's how it is.
Trump is not going to win the election
>hurr durr I want to keep buying shitty products from islam infested countries
Hillary pls
He's not going to do shit. He's already lost.
It's not. Sega and Sony had been sued for falce advertising in the past already. Could happen again. But its not that straightforward, if he said some crap in some interview it doesnt count as advertising.
only 71 days until your deported amigo
it's legal in every domain
and according to stats not many people are taking them
Because it's legal in all other industries.
>Sega and Sony had been sued for falce advertising in the past already.
Did they lose?
Fucking, assassin's creed 4 had a working faction system and NMS dumps it. Ridiculous.
until my deported amigo what?
Isn't Europe a consumer paradise? Can't he be sued in Europe since the game is sold there?
delet this
Because nobody wants to sue him even though literally everybody who bought the game and has a lawyer could.
I thought he was pol. Why is he going over to leddit?
Because he's about as Sup Forums as nu-Sup Forums is.
I can't wait for the salty Sup Forums tears
thread theme
No one dumb enough to by NMS has a lawyer or the money to sue him
How is he going to do that
Why would you sue? The only thing you could get is a reimbursement for $60. No lawyer is going to be worth less than $60. And if it did come down to it it would be a class action suit that would reward even less to each individual.
Have fun spending three years in court and $10'000 on lawyers to make $60.
Fuck, interacting with all these dumb people is causing me to make the same by=BUY mistakes as you
also this
Doesn't this mean that there is no recourse for people who are victims of petty fraud? Isn't this actually a problem with our legal system, which does not offer any kind of solution to the poor or middle class who are tricked?
Blatantly false advertising is legal in politics, how can they ban it?
When it comes to fraud the judge will almost always reward legal fees on top of the original reward. That doesn't change the fact that you'll still spend months if not years getting the trial finished. It's broken, but it's the best we've come up with yet.
>says the nervous tumblrtard for the 54th time this week.
Why not share that on your blog and feed?
welcome to being a nigger in Hillarys amerikkka
Mom said your tendies are ready. Come upstairs and say hi to your step dad.
because videogame industry is a fucking mess in terms of law. And because majority of players are 12 y.o retards. So it's up to players, who can use their brain and wait week or two before buying
can't, I'm shitposting on Sup Forums with your moms bull
>Tendies Stories are green text stories which originated on the Sup Forums board /r9k/ featuring a twenty-something man who lives at his mother’s home and constantly demands “tendies” (chicken tenders) in exchange for “good boy points” he has earned by doing chores and taking care of himself. The stories are often accompanied by images of Smug Pepe.
How does it feel to know you're using a meme that began on the most pathetic board on Sup Forums?
>He knows the origins of every meme
>He calls something pathetic
>not having an encyclopedic knowledge of memes
heh. welcome to the chan, kid
I looked it up, broseph. Why do you think I looked it up? Because I didn't know of the origin of the "tendies" meme.