What does Sup Forums drink when they play video games? I like to drink cola!

What does Sup Forums drink when they play video games? I like to drink cola!


A nice cold Pellegrino

Water also acceptable, of course

I want to drink umaru's pee

>there are people who prefer pepsi over coke

Hahaha but seriously season 2 when

usually water because i'm also a /fit/izen (no powdered jew for me!) and coffee (plain) with something sweet on the side.


I like diet pepsi desu

Earl Grey. Hot.

Umaru on the front page!!!!!

Beer, water or iced tea.

Ebina is best girl

Bottled Water

Coke is gross and makes your teeth feel disgusting

I never tasted a difference

baja blast


total nugget

Pepsi is a bit sweeter. Try them side by side and then you'll notice.

Root Beer or Topo Chico Sangria

Depending on which I have


Water or Pepsi for me

Lemonade all day baby.

pepsi has vanilla in it. how the fuck could you not taste a difference?

Normal Pepsi has vanilla in it?

I just had one and I tasted no vanilla.

you may not know what vanilla tastes like then user. you may have retarded taste buds.

Vanilla Coke tastes like vanilla. Pepsi does not.

Tea. Always tea. It's especially comfy in winter.

*mizu o nomimasu
baka gaijin

I drink just water

The tears of my fallen enemies....
*katana glinting*

Why do fags keep posting this? It's not like anyone replies to these anymore.