Alright Sup Forums, help me out here because I'm trying to see the appeal

alright Sup Forums, help me out here because I'm trying to see the appeal

Can you name me just One PC Exclusive that's worth building a gaming rig for?



No. You build a gaming rig for its specific features and more freedom. Also for the 'endless' library since it's not separated by generations like consoles.

If you build a gaming rig only for PC exclusives then you're wasting your money.

That's one smug armadillo

roller coaster tycoon 2.


>Spend $2000 on a gaming rig
>Only exclusives are ASSFAGGOTS and CS:GO

>60 fps
>emulate thousands of games for free
>dont have to pay for online when you already are paying for the internet
>can pirate any game that isnt denuvo (denuvo games arent even good besides dude sex)
>various sales where you can get games for less than 30% of what the original cost was

Proved an idiot by another user? No problem, just call them a cuck. go die Sup Forums fag.


>Spend $2000 on a gaming rig
>Game at 1440p 144 FPS, maybe even 4k 60 fps with the right parts
>Spend $350 on a console
>Game at 1080p 30 fps

I don't see the problem. Like I said it's just a matter of wether you care about those things enough.

There's also the fac that if you want to play an old game, you just play it. No need to wait for a remaster like a console.

Horse cock futa mods for you favorite games.

Help a Sup Forumsirgin out cause I'm trying to see the appeal
Is it worth going pc if it means I gotta start skipping meals
Heard that all you guys do on it is meme and post feels
Do I really wanna join the cast of these dancing seals?

>"It's got n-no exclusives so it m-must be worse than consoles r-right guys? Sure showed th-those PC guys.
Stop trying to convince yourself consoles are better just because you can't afford a PC.

>Is it worth going pc if it means I gotta start skipping meals

No, you dumb fucking retard, it's not. Why the fuck would you skip meals for games, regardless of platform?

Jesus christ

>being this poor

Divinity original sin.
And the PC doesn't even need to be a $1000+ machine to play it on max settings

Save yourself the trouble and just get a Mac.

Exclusives are merely games that force you to buy a specific type of hardware (a console) that will be outdated in a couple years, and has little to no backwards compatibility making games that you have paid for on the previous console worthless. The point of getting a good PC is not only the exclusives that it may offer, but also the freedom of having access to a library of games that will never be taken from you due to the hardware being "outdated". If you look towards exclusives as a way to put a console's worth above the PC then you are retarded, exclusives are nothing more than a means to push on shitty hardware onto you the idiot consumer. Exclusives should be something that no enthusiast of video games should be proud of because its a prime example of nothing but corporate greed.

I know it is bait but I'll bite. How about having access to ever single game for almost every game console with increased resolution, graphics options, and widescreen?

FPS games in which you can aim.

>spend $300 on a PS4
>only exclusives are Bloodborne and movie shit like Uncharted
>have to pay for online on top of it
>will probably have to buy a PS4 neo in order to play Bloodborne 2 at an acceptable framerate

Whats with the section thats blacked out?

Shared games from friendos.

You shouldn't buy a console for a single exclusive until it's flee market bait.

You should build out a mid-to-good tier PC not for a single game but for all the objective benefits--fiscal and otherwise
>you need a PC for adult duties like work, banking, etc---so why not throw a GTX 680 in there for 150 bucks more and skip one of the consoles
I'd recommend skipping XB1
>you will have access the almost complete history of vidya through emulation and DOSBOX.
Might take you a minute or two to learn put the resources on the net are plentiful and well written
>New genres that consoles either do poorly or not all
Maybe you're a huge MOBA/RTS/Arena FPS/ TBS/4x/Racing sim/Flight Sim/Train Sim guy and not even know it
>cheaper games with tons of sales and you can pirate easily if you don't care about moral stuff
Plus no console specific tax on net use
>upgradeable without having to chunk the whole machine out
PC building had never been easier

It's 2016--PC is the clear enthusiast choice.

>mfw CS:GO isn't an exclusive

Anno 1404

if you get two monitors you can organize all your reaction images on the right screen and shitpost on the left screen.


Or get three monitors and have some lolicon gifs rolling as you shitpost and don't play vidya on your vertical screen.


i'm sure you could figure out a way to get your vita to do it while you don't play games on your ps4, Ty.

Are you a weeb? If you are, then no there's probably not an exclusive that'd be worth it to you.

Personally I like stuff like ArmA 3 and Star Citizen along with the STALKER series and mods for ArmA, STALKER, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and other games.

You build a PC for multiplats and all the games that have come out before the current year that were never developed for any other platform than PC.

Multiplats will be better than their console counterparts 90% of the time assuming you have specs that can eat the 10-20% deficiency that console ports usually have (or more if it's the worst kind of port).