Dragon Ball Super is good tho

Dragon Ball Super is good tho.

It is dude, I'm fucking enjoying it

>Vegeta jobbed

Will he ever take down the big bad guy?

lol no it's not

>GT is trash

>Super is trash

Would be nice, but I'm cool with goku winning everything again. We might still see vegeta get up and win it for the team.

I would love to see piccolo enter the fray as well.

Not even original DBZ is good. Dragonball is shit too. Go ahead and try to defend it faggots, you're all wrong.



No it's not.

>Inferior animation
>Inferior fights
>Inferior choreography
>Inferior dialogue
>Inferior characterization (you enjoying silly ass clown Vegeta?)
>The problem with "new forms" has now doubled. Super Saiyan was trivialized, now being a fucking God has been.

Just the tip of the ice-berg.

If I wasn't so lazy I'd collect videos of all the fights from DB/Z and compare them to the ones from Super to show you how shit Super is by comparison.

terrible quality art and animation.

>Dragonball is shit


Dragonball is objectively the best in the series.

>Dragon Ball Super is good tho.
>His .gif isn't even from Super, it's from BoG.
Superfags gtfo. GT was better.


>dragonball is shit
you big dummy


with how bad super is, i almost want to go back and give gt another shot

its hard to believe there's 56 episodes of this shit so far. half of which is poorly (and cheaply) retelling movies which just fucking came out.

it is f.am


With every new episode that comes out saying 'GT is better than Super' becomes less and less controversial. I assume in another fifty episodes or so it'll just be something everyone knows.


The retelling is over now though, and at least goku's fight with Hit was pretty epic.

GT was canon when it was airing.
Dragonball Online was canon when it was active.
Super was canon now that it's airing.

Dragonball Super will suddenly not be canon as soon as something newer/better comes along.

the only decent battles were a few seconds of piccolo vs the other frieza, goku vs hit and the first goku vs black , all the other ones were shit, also quality is shit

literally the only reason to watch the series is bulma beerus and whis, i could watch beerus and whis stare at a wall for 20 minutes because they are that entertaining

The way I interpret it is GT is just an alternate reality. Not sure if that's what the writers had in mind, but whatever.