Ask me anything

Ask me anything.

have you considered suicide?

Kill yourself

Stream when?

how old are you

When did you start playing?

I'm sorry.
How do I stop before it's too late

What is your opinion on:

>Arc Warden

Think about what you could've done with that 800 hours and apply it to every future game of dota2 you play.

Clean in two days.

99% of those hours are in spectate aren't they?

fucking easy

imagine you have a job at min wage and then multiply that wage against how many hours you spent playing that game

How's life?

How the hell can you be a butthurt contrarian about League of Legends for over 7000 hours?

I think about 50 people play DotA for the game instead of to shitpost with it, and they're all Russian.

Don't you regret wasting this much time that could have been spent playing a wide variety of video games?

Dude, what the hell? That's almost an entire year

Realise that the game is more frustrating than fun and that you could play games instead that are ONLY fun.

7000 hours is enough time to properly learn tons of things.

You could have learned a language, some completely fluently.
Learnt a musical instrument.
Become great at drawing.

But you wasted it on a video game, a shit one I might add.

What your solo mmr?

Whats the point in learning any of that if you have no interest in it baka desu

You're boring.

why don't you play games and only idle dota 2 hours?

Let me learn mudslime language so i can understand what they're saying when they behead people.


About 3 years ago
bad hero
Good hero
>arc warden
Literally 2 carries in one
lord n savior
Love it

user why are you posting on/v/ you could be learning chinese

So basically, you have spent a bit more than a third of your time in the last 3 years playing this?
What made you do this?
Do you at least get money from drops or whatever?

Pretty good
No, i still enjoy dota.
7000 hours is enough to become a pro player, i might get into that
5200 and going up

Do you have more mmr than hours?
If not, I got bad news for you

I have around 4k hours

Suffering from withdrawals since I play on a lappy and my charger stops working whenever I launch a game

At least I'm downloading an update for smite on my xbone so I can destroy some plebians.

IC fag here, all draw fags know of the '5000 hour zero to hero' rule (where it takes 5000 hours of drawing to finally draw like a pro). how does it make you feel knowing that you used all that time, plus 2000 hours more, on a single game instead of being a well established artist?
not being a dick, i mean this in a nice way

You obv have no idea what u are talking about.


did you get paid doing this or did you do it for free?

Go back to drawing some dickgirls for me to crank one out, faggot

So I guess ur sub 6k

league is objectively better

>bad hero

If somebody just plays him in the meme way, maybe.

People gives Techies so much shit but a good techies (AKA: One that plays mind games and isn't obvious) can spell trouble.

favorite soup and sandwich?

it's actually 10000 hours, not 5000. thanks tho

>good techies (AKA: One that plays mind games and isn't obvious) can spell trouble

A good anything can spell trouble you fucking faggot

Then tell us what is superior then?

And no, waifus are not a plus.

Not if something is shit.

A good person playing a good hero makes a great hero

A shit person playing a good hero makes a meh hero

A good person playing a shit hero makes a meh hero.

See what I mean?

Chicken noodle and Philly cheese steak

Honestly i thought that aswell, but i never gave dota a fair try, after playing it for a few hours i realised it's alot more complex than league.

If you like an easy watered down moba then play league

That is literally your opinion


A pro playing a shit hero can still get a lot done.

Fucking lightweight posers. I have well over 10,000 hours in one MMO. I bet you didn't even drop out of high school to play this game.
Lord give me my time back

Do you plan on stopping?

I dont regret my 3800 hours on dota but you know what I do regret?

My 300ish hours on Warframe

Tips for Nature prophet pls, should I play him as a support or memebackdoor ?


>play against techies
>make sure you got someone who can hit against hq and dont get forced staffed in
>buy an early game on a support and play safe with him
>bring a team that can hq and fights well, fighting 5vs4 against the team that has the useless techies
The only thing that techies does is place a sign on his highground, and then the enemies go "back up guys, sign here, push another lane"

Like every game ever it depends on the team comps

Just snipe courier then afk farm, you will be useless anyway

lvl 3 ganker or repick
It's more fun for sure, if you don't wanna stress out and just skillshot some noobs
If I don't want to focus on my game or stress, I play league or hots or adventure time: battle party

Why are you telling me this I don't care and didn't ask

When that happens I play offensive Techies. TP boots, soul ring, aghs, shadow blade, deso. Don't hate me please, I only do it if my defence can be cracked easily

Holy fuck this.
I have over 1000 hours in Warframe and it's just dog shit, every patch it just gets worse and worse.

There's no potential for a good player to be effective on an ineffective hero

>when your hours played passes your MMR
>it did almost 900 hours ago

>Love it

Rubberband is objectively SHIT and you are GARBAGE for liking it.

7000 hours and only 5k mmr is actually really bad. You'll never make it professionally

I had 720 hours in Warframe before dropping it. Was fun in Warbros during the game's infancy though, shittalking everywhere with SLEEK

>5200 MMR
>pro player

Well, do you apply that same logic to you? Because learning or working certainly is not as fun as vidya. Otherwise we would all be scholars.

no need cyka

Props on you for keeping up that long, I just play whenever there's a big event/update then uninstall so I'm not even good at the game.

Not odd considering everyone hits a genetic wall eventually. Hours just keep flying by and at the same time it's not like you can improve indefinitely. Also, hours played does not translate to hours trying to get better. Just playing dota will at some point NOT make you better, the higher you go the more effort it takes to improve. At low 4k for example you're close to the point where you need to actively look at your own games and high MMR/pro games and analyze what's going on and what you can do to improve etc. Getting particularly good with a handful of heroes is also important, especially if you play mid or offlane. It is very obvious when someone is a spammer versus someone who just plays his hero sometimes, the spammer has a huge advantage.

>dota 2

Unless you're with friends, sure. But alone? No.

5k MMR is like the 97th percentile. Feel free to kys

what's there to ask? you don't fucking have any life experience.

Is this shit really that addicting? Like is it that replayable, that deep, that fun? I don't know, man. I don't think I could ever get THAT into a single game. Do people like OP have a addicition problem in general maybe? Just obsessive personalities?

That's only true if you're not good. For every four friends you have, one is good and is the reason you're having fun

It's just fun and satisfying to win over someone else

combine it with free-to-play, low requirements for PCs, steep learning curve that becomes somewhat satisfying in the long run, and a metric fuck tonne of heroes that are almost all completely different from one another and there, you've got yourself an addiction.

>tfw finally uninstalled after 550 baby hours
>sold everything
>550 hours of my time are worth 40 bucks

Didn't even play enough to get good at it.
I guess I can now play other video games

It is just THAT deep with a billion variables and a very high skill ceiling. It's extremely addictive and you will quickly end up in that terrible "just one more game" circle.

>1500 hours and 3600 starting mmr
>2000 hours and 3200 mmr

That's nothing.

I had 10 months and 29 days in Modern Warfare 2. (7,992 hours).

And another 4 months and 11 days in Modern Warfare. (3,192 hours)

And 2 months give or take in WaW. (I won't do a calculation for this since I don't have the exact number of months and days.)

I literally played CoD all throughout middle and half of highschool. Basically non-stop. If I wasn't in school, I was playing CoD.

Now I'm starting college in the spring semester. I intend to play MW:R for as long as there's still a solid amount of players. Oh the fun I'll have.

I'd take pictures but I formatted my Ps3 for GTA V hacks.

>I have spent over a year of my life playing CoD's

2000 hours and I suck.
I stopped playing for a while, started again a month ago, and I can't stop, can't play anything else, I only think of DotA.

Do I stop while it's not too late or do I keep playing? I have a job, plenty of free time and no social life so I don't mind playing a lot.

It's very replayable, deep and fun but also manages to be fucking horrendous at the same time.

I fucking wish ASSFAGGOTS didn't exist.

I quit playing this shit game when arc warden got released. Have 2000 hours played and 4k mmr.

It's one of the deepest games out there if not the deepest. It's extremely fun once you start to understand what's going on.

And it may be an addiction to some people, but as long as he enjoys it, where the harm? People can spend time sleeping, watching TV, going outside with friends, playing sports, collecting stamps, going to the beach, which is also a waste of time for other people.

>take rts and action/rpg, two genres that have fuck all to do with each other
>smush them together
>put everything on one fucking boring map
>give a "choice" of 100+ fucking characters you'll never fucking learn the difference in unless you have assburgers
>have no casual/fun mode so every game is a bunch of fucking tryhard idiots that think the outcome of the game will put them that much closer to being in that goddamn "heres a million fucking dollars for being an asshat griefer and cheapass at a horribly flawed videogame" tournament
Dota2 is a fucking terrible game. It should be banned, deleted from everyone's system by force, all copies destroyed, and all assets and code for the game put on a drive which is then put into a rocket and sent to the heart of the sun where it is destroyed for the good of humanity for all time.

I'll bite.

Dota does have a casual/fun mode. Custom Games.

We discused this on d2g other day. You need to understand that Dota is game for everyone, casuals and hardcore players. Game is around for years and is balanced around those hardcore/pro players (unlike LoL for example WHERE they balance around public matches)

Getting good at this game requires years, even then there is still drive for the game to do something new, every game of dota is different.

Also I remember the steam stats when overwatch launched, they said almost every game lost around 5-10% of players online that day, but dota? Nope, not even close. Dota is a game witch strong core player base that will play no matter what, other similar games are LoL, CS:GO and maybe WoW. And heartstone but thats kinda different game.

Basicly playing 1k hours on 10 titles or playing 1k hours of Dota? Well guess what ur shit at playing all 10 of those.

Casuals will jump to every new shit they see. Btw I have 5150 hours on my new acc, thats only dota, not counting global etc, created it in april 2014, thats around 6.2 hours of playing every single day :^)

Tips for getting good as a complete noob? Do I just play against bots forever? There are hundreds of items, abilities and tons of heroes, where do you start

Purge videos on youtube

Restricting yourself to only dota is bad. Just dedicate one hour of your time to it and nothing more, then you will have time to play other games.


>wanna take a break and have some fun
>never tried 10v10
>alright time to have some mindless fun
>accidentally fuck up a thing and get killed

jesus christ, aren't custom game modes supposed to be casual and fun?

>first game 2013
>1 win
>didn't play again until last month
is the whole game just 90% memorizing stats?

7000hrs in 3 years?

You're playing this shit 6/7hrs/day non-stop? You're fucking insane m8

I was never flamed in 10v10/overthrow. Played it hundred times

7000,hours of your life on such a shitty game

Might as well read books or be a normie if youre going to play garbage

Watch Youtube vidyas.

I give you 3 channel choices:
1. Purge
2. Bren Dota
3. Chi Long Qua

i really cant see how they manage to do this so long dont they have something else to do in these 3 years too or do they just have too much free time

What other game can make you interested after 7k hours, I fucking wonder


Dota and moba shit arent interesting for 7 seconds unless you have autism

What games you play so I can make image of you :v)

well duh
first seven seconds is just buying starter items

>Have well paying tech job, $50/hr

>7086 x $50


Let that sink in for a minute.

The tax is fucked though.