Bfme 2 Thread!

bfme 2 Thread!

do you enjoyed it, Sup Forums ?

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I was disappointed they dropped the building plot mechanic from 1. Also while starting every hero at lvl 1 made sense gameplay wise it was silly and in some cases heroes just didnt have that much to offer until later because key spells were not unlocked at the start. The combat stances also felt forced. In 1 they had some special ones for some units, here they just gave everyone a few basic stances because why the hell not. In the end it was just busywork since you put people on defensive most of the time. Then there were the obvious balance problems, like elves with their retarded super arrows. Then there was barely any support because EA.

Still I liked it. I wish they made a BFME 3 taking the best from 1 and 2.

Started playing again recently. Surprised how many people still play it on gameranger.

>elves with their retarded super arrows
Elves are far from OP. If you let them get enough resources to get silverthorn arrows and don't buy cavalry then you only have yourself to blame.

The campaign for BFME1 was way better.

The Wildmen in BFME2 have a hilarious voice. Every line they say I can't take seriously without wanting to burst out laughing.

BFME2 might be more technologically advanced but BFME1 was more cinematic and the small snippets of movie scenes that play on your palantir, for every unit you selected, was immersive and LotR as fuck.
Instead of removing them in 2 they should have just created some small CGs in the spirit of CNC games and used those too. They could have captured the feel of the first game if they tried, and they should have made the dwarves stronger.

First game was better, played both for a long time in high school, had a game club in the computer lab, and we eventually went back to the first one.

BFME2 shouldn't have had all the linear, objective based missions. The missions where you're just attacking an enemy fort without instructions are way better.

BFME1 was a LotR game first and RTS second, while BFME2 is RTS first and LotR second.
That's the main difference between the two.

Elves were horrifying. They had the best units statwise, generally most useful superpowers, the fucking horse archers, the turbo-fucking mirkwood archers, multiple ranged hero-slaying heroes. Their only effective 'weakness' was the lack of a good cavalry hero. Elves weren't so broken that they made the game unplayable, but assuming equal skill I'd always bet on the elf player.

Lore-correct then, since Elves are supposed to be Ubermensch in the books and the only ones superior to them were the Numenorians (at the cost of still being mortal) and the gods themselves (Maiar, Valar and Eru).

With that said, fuck Elves. Numenor and Humans for Lyfe.

Gameplay wise 2 was perhaps a bit more solid, but I will always prefer 1 and its Good campaign. Especially the first half with rohirrim. Its ridiculously fun to act out the best parts of the movies. Something like activating Theodens buff when arriving at minas tirith and rolling your 16 rohirrim squads through everything and taking minimal damage. Somehow i always find the evil campaign so tedious. Most likely the short ranged archers and no cavalry in mordors case. And 2's campaign, while very good, didnt have the feel of continuity becasuse everything you build and recruit disappears in the next mission, even if you are using the same "army" lorewise.

If they cared about the lore, they would have made the elves stronger individually but made their squads smaller, instead of just making them the default sexual predator in multiplayer.

BfME games were like RA2 and YR, great fun but really, really badly designed, and serious multiplayer degenerated into mirror matches, meta cancer and awful community patches that messed with everything but never fixed any of the actual issues.

Yeah, I've played and replayed the good campaign over and over ever since release, but I don't think I've ever even finished the evil one.

That said, I usually play it "wrong", by just amassing huge armies of archers and killing everything. Upgraded archers are ridiculously powerful.

>BfME games were like RA2 and YR, great fun but really, really badly designed, and serious multiplayer degenerated into mirror matches, meta cancer and awful community patches that messed with everything but never fixed any of the actual issues.

Fun fact, they were made by the same dev team :^)

You just have to ignore your Mordor army and use Saruman for the whole campaign. If you can, use all your Mordor population for just catapults and bait, because that's all Mordor has that's viable.

The Easterling alternative option wont do it because they were shit, I mean shit. Takes forever to lob a spear, slow to move, small unit size and the damage is embarrassing.

Anyone know where I can get this for cheap?

I'm actually finishing a playthrough of the good campaign right now; two areas left before the Black Gate. I'll try the Saruman tactic, see if I can get anywhere.

ThePirateBay, 100% Sale, 24/7 all year long.

Wheres the Third game?


I tried to get back into this game but the fov(can you even say fov in an rts?) is absolutely fucked. Your main building covers 75% of your screen, what the fuck.

>Not playing with the Edain Mod
Let's try to shill it! Amazing mod.

There's a mod for that, unsurprisingly. Can't remember what it was called, Google is your friend. I think it was on Moddb.

Not like there was any material left to add.

I kind of miss LOTR being that BIG franchise.

But i'll go to jail if I use that site

Yeah i figured so. I was just wondering what the fuck were they thinking when they made the game, is it because of the console release?

I always do full rohirrim until Helms Deep, and then recruit something lik 6 elven archers to fill out my force. Best fun you can have in a videogame. With Gondor I go for a much more balanced force.

Its pretty funny that i never even got a chance to fully upgrade lurz(?)'s army. The early missions against rohan can be really brutal, and i think that there are like 1 or 2 missions where you actually have a chance to tech up your army without 6 fully upgraded and vetted rohirrim come to fuck your shit up. Walled large settlements really help on good side, and on the flipside these can be a really huge bitch to take down with towers and all.

Does anyone have an idea how good mordor is in skirmish? Af campaign everything they have feels so pitiful (aside from catapults) and die to archer fire like flies.

Bought a brand new copy of the bfme complete collection for $200 off Amazon durring Christmas. was completely worth it.

I like 2 better. I liked that it played more like a traditional rts than 1 with its preset bases. Also dorfs best faction.

Batlle for middle-earth online. Its a modded version with reworked launcher, stable on newer windows, patch switcher, custom zooming and shit like that. Its also cleared of EA's DRM bullshit which can stop you from playing even if you have a legit copy. They have ROTWK and BFME1 too. Its free to dowload.

I can't count the number of times I achieved complete map control with Mordor only to have the opponent turtle inside his city for five minutes, come out with Faramir and some rangers, kill everything I have, create Gandalf and two squads of cavalry and win the match. Mordor is trash.

Thats what i tought. Never played skirmish, especially in 1, but even playing as evil in campaign can be much harder than good simply because you dont have the fortress where you can hide and build up.

>The lord of the ring: The Battle for Middle earth II: The rise of the witch king
Could this title have been any fucking longer

>tfw Sauron one shots an army because they were packed in to a bottleneck

Tom Clancy's The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch King

& Knuckles

Tom Clancy's The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch King & Knuckles: Director's Cut Edition

over 20lbs of pussy and ass!

>not Definitive Director's Cut Edition

>Tom Clancy's The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch King & Knuckles: The Definitive Game of the Year Director's Cut Edition

>Tom Clancy's The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch King & Knuckles: The Definitive Game of the Year Director's Cut Edition feat. Dante from the 'Devil May Cry' Series

Tom Clancy's The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch King & Knuckles Final Mix+: The Definitive Remaster Game of the Year Director's Cut HD Remix Edition featuring Dante from the "Devil May Cry" Series

first one was goty, the sequel was a disappointed

& Knuckles

This game came very close to be wiped off the face of the earth. Fuck you, EA.