What do you guys think of Teemo?

What do you guys think of Teemo?

he is satan

I update LoL and log in once a month just to play Teemo in a normal game, log out afterwards.

I like to play this little cunt. Nothing more satisfying than opponents raging about getting rekt by "cancer character" :^)

I don't play LoL.

Can somebody tell what he can do and how the hell does he make the opposing laner's life a living hell?


He's cute. Nothing compared to what Dotafags have to deal with though.

>doom has been nerfed to the point where he's a fucking shitty ward slave

fuck that shit

The "teemo is le satan xD" meme is pretty annoying. Building a gunblade on him is pretty OP.

Tiny woodland critter furfag asshole that turns invisible while planting explosive mushrooms everywhere, to scout the map and detonate whenever some unlucky noob steps on them, contaminating the victim with a severely noxious poison that kills him over time. Can also play as a ward. Fair and balanced.

Attacks constantly from range, has poison on each of his attacks and is speedy as fuck. Basically a nightmare to fight as a melee character. On top of that, if you rely on basic attacks(which many of his usual opponents do) he's got a way of nullifying them

Added to that, he's got an ability to plant invisible poison traps everywhere and you bet that by the 20th minute the map's gonna be full of traps in every corner

teemo is only 'satan' if you're a fucking bronzie that has no idea what a sweeping lens and quicksilver sash is.

>doom is meta
60% pickrate 70% winrate
>doom is shit
>4% pickrate 9% winrate

I don't really know if there's any way to make him balanced. I think he should just be reworked. It's either
>lol git fucked your 30k networth is irrelvant
>oh no I'm doomed and now Doom is dead because Doom doesn't do shit to me unless I'm Storm Spirit

clearly you haven't been in high diamond trying to get master and got shit on by the couple of teemo jungle mains in master.

Then when he gets a Liandry's Torment the damage of the mushrooms effectively doubles. Late game Teemo shrooms fucking melt your AD carry and it's annoying as fuck.

First person I went against in league was this fag of a character. Let's just say I prefer smite. (Swagni rules)

Dota > LOL

LOL > Dota

i have.
the thing is i main gangplank

>Blinding you so you can't shoot barrels


Late game shroom damage is rather absurd. RIP in peace Oracle's

He's sufficiently shit on SR that I don't usually care, annoying as fuck on ARAM though. He's been picked a lot on Hexakill lately, which is really odd because he always seems to get fucked over by everyone having a free trap remover.

Like over 70% of LoL's roster, he's fine until before 20-30 minutes in.

now shit like pantheon is the reverse.

He's annoying on ARAM until you can convince your team to all buy Oracle's when they die next.