Warcraft Legion

Eu launch in just over 10 hours
Us launch in just over 19 hours.
How will legion pvp be at 110?
How will the class balance be?

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw unholy is best DPS spech
>tfw frost is funnier than unholy
>tfw enjoy soloing old content on blood

>tfw impossible to keep up 3 artifacts at the same time

you know you can buy 750 green weapons from the ebon hold, right?
they won't be as powerful as your artifact, but don't dare to think that blizzard will let you play just one spec because you don't have both artifacts

this also applies to every order hall
you can buy 740-750 green weapons from your order hall quartermaster to fill the other specs

as a enh shaman should you use frostbrand in pve rotation if you dont have hailstorm talent?

brehs whos the funnest class now? who has best artifact weapon?

bla bla best race bla bla best city bla bla best ost

you get it lesser races

>tfw my favorite character was Vol'jin

Now you know how I feel
t. Cairne Bloodhoof fan

you know i heard somewhere that gnomes/dwarves are super strong/built different like how chimps are as in they could rip your arm off even know they weigh 3 times less then you. Is it the same in WOW?


yes about dwarves, no about gnomes
remove gnomes

wow dwarfs are basically tolkien dwarves

Anyone got the list of all the followers in all the order halls?

Jaina is about to start a war with the Horde over a simple misunderstanding.

This is why women don't belong in positions of power.

Just make a second DK for old content senpai.

>severely gimping yourself

Not being as powerful as your artifact is an understatement, you might as well just run around with mythic HFC weapons.


jaina is a dreadlord

>implying she isn't a Dreadlord.
Pshh, it's like you don't have experience with blizzard-metzen bullshit pulled-out-of-their-ass retconn lore.

Those filthy ningens are going to fix Warlocks after all those threads on the forums right?

Well think about it this way. When the threat of the legion is finally over, is Sylvanas just gonna shake hands with Anduin and be at peace? No, the horde is going to strike as soon as victory is achieved over the legion.

>t. cucks following cucked characters

Garrpsh would be the only good leader, but Mary Sue Metzen can't stop jacking off to Green Jeebus

>Garrosh, help me!

Hey guys, absolute newbie here, bare with me.
I'd it worth to play WoW just for the solo leveling, going through all the content, exploring the game aspect?
If I have WoD, should I stay in there, or buy Legion?
Thanks in advance.

DK here.

No. Blizz has something against the edgy classes. Unless they're led by Illidan.


You midgets don't have shit on this

>playing retail when kronos exist

Ion Hazzikostas, give me back my Affliction Cataclysm!

>Jaina a Dreadlord
I know this meme. Goddammit Jesse, get off Sup Forums.

wow isn't about levelling since cataclysm, user
it takes you 2 days to level 1-100
grab legion and join us aboard the disappointment train

>I'd it worth to play WoW just for the solo leveling, going through all the content

Looks like you like story/lore etc? You could try a roleplaying realm

You got cucked the hardest m8

implying we even have it bad in Legion


Make me, bitch.


>Arthas' sister is MIA for years
>She becomes just another follower for priests

Blizzard why?

I know it sounds retarded but I don't want to play with other people. I missed the whole story, only read the books, and I thought it might be fun to see all those areas, events, etc in game.

>Spells can be interrupted and silenced completely for a duration

>Can't do shit against attacks short of stunning

>Melee doesn't deal less damage than casters to account for this discrepancy

she also declared a claim on the throne of lordaeron
sylvanas gonna get spunked

Obligatory spreadsheet for people that care about not being shitters

can you faggots fuck off back to the /vg/ general? you keep spamming wow threads on Sup Forums


Are you dumb, insane, or pretending?

Who the fuck is Rottgut and why is he there instead of motherfucking Stitches?

>I know it sounds retarded
it doesn't
i play by myself too, given that i can see heroic raiding in pugs
>lol you don't do mythic? you're not playing xDDD
keep your babby special snowflake difficulty to tryhards and poopsockers, i'll do your mythic shit the next expansion

Priests get:
>Aldor faction vendor
>Book character who is only notable because she fucked Deathwing and was Arthas' sister
>Book/Comic Character who is only cool because he trained Uther
>Comic character who is only cool because he's a troll priest and he has a couple items in-game named after him
>Everyone else is a no-name
A-At least we get a cool knife, right guys?

Is ret paladin really that bad? It's my favorite spec.

will they make WoD free for people who buy game tokens, like MoP was before legion released?

>if you do dailies every single day for 28 weeks you're good to go!

people that play MMO really need to reconsider suicide

Yeah, I did play kronos. It was a terrible experience, and this is from someone who highly enjoyed Nost.


>just give me 15 minutes of free farm and I am the best carry in this game

Oh fuck I forgot to actually link the spreadsheet, feels good being retarded


Defias brotherhood or Argent Dawn EU?

With ilvl 702, my lock's chaos bolts hit for anywhere from 60k to 120k. Meanwhile, my rogue of a similar ilvl's auto attacks hit for a couple thousand.

just fuck up my lore metzen


There's over 100 threads on Sup Forums at any moment, fuck off to any of them, report and hide this one or whatever you want.

Unholy DK obv. The only real Warlock spec is affliction.

Well I [Demonic Empowerment] don't know user [Demonic Empowerment] which rotation [Demonic Empowerment] do you find more [Demonic Empowerment]?

>Vanessa Vancleef
>All those waifus

Of course Rogues get a fucking harem

who the fuck wants to do the same dailies EVERY SINGLE DAY for 28 weeks?


Nice counter argument. The truth is that not only do melee classes have more reliable damage output against other players, they also have way more survivability tools and self-heals than most casters.

Compare rogue's crimson vial to ele shaman's healing surge, for example. Crimson vial is an instant cast that heals for way more than healing surge, which has a cast time. Sure, you can spam healing surge unlike crimson vial, but all that is time spent casting spells that do not harm your opponent, while the rogue can chug the vial and keep on stabbing you.

unholy dk, shadow priest, or fire mage

If only that was actually minor upgrades, and not something essential. Oh, right.

What arena comps are you guys gonna try in Legion?

I think that Affliction/Vengeance 2s could be interesting, the DH gives the lock 15 seconds of immortality once a minute while the lock slowly rots everyone.

Who the fuck is Sylendra Gladesong? The only one for druid I've never heard of.

Korean grindan MMOs love that mechanic.

but why? ;_;
what do i play instead

no thanks i actually want to discuss videogames instead of trying to discuss videogames amidst a circlejerk of namefags and trannies

i'm sorry you get triggered by people actually using Sup Forums for its intended purpose

>Hot lesbian threesome between my belf female(male) valeera and vanessa as Taoshi cleans up the condoms

only the best

Because Stitches is under a necromancer's control and doesn't even have a relationship with the ebon blade,

The Li Li porn was pretty good though.

Remember to not fuck up the 1st day of launch, since it's the most crucial day!

>mop dailys are shit (dailys for 3 months if you are lucky)
>wod dont have dailys till they add tannan and its the same shit as mop)
>lets make something worse for legion! dailys for 8 months!

shit dmg
shit talent system
therefore shit playstyle
shit mobility
i can see absolutely nothing fun anymore about this class
reroll windwalker or enh shaman for melee
warlock or shadow for range

Or you can enjoy the game?
Sorry I guess I'm a casual

I don't need to "counter argument" anything, because you stated that ranged dps do less damage than melee.

That has never been the case since forever. Rdps always dealt more damage than melee.

i always wanted to pay for a job

>that image
i don't think even a poopsocking NEET has enough time to accomplish all that shit before the first raid opens

>people purposely extract every bit of fun out of the game so that they can minmax one of the most casual parts of an MMO there is

If all you have to do is JUST a daily every day then that's fine with me

>tfw won't be able to get Legion till Saturday

Well shit. Am I gonna miss much?

Reminder, to go to Azshara first if you have a profession, since most quests take you there

this is autistic as fuck

>8 literally whos

I'm going to play Arms for Legion, as I'm not a fan of Fury and bored of Prot tanking

How fucked am I?

>finally a proper race of dark\drow elves that aren't fucking treehuggers
>they aren't playable

>eredar twins
>literal whos

get out retard

Probably not much. Most likely servers will be fucked up like always for a couple of days.
When WoD launched my server was literally unplayable for a week.

Who else fury warrior hoping arms gets nerfed/fury gets buffed in the near future?

I can't play arms in PvE. I just can't. It's so boring even if it's way better than fury.

Missing Brazzers logo.

Yes, you'll fall very far behind on artifacts

>People actually do this
>The same people then whine about lack of content

Fucking hell.

What? I've heard opposite. Arms is trash-can tier this expansion and Fury is looking alright.

Is that a bad thing? I haven't read up much on Artifacts as I want this to be a new experience.

Yeah, in controlled raid environments where they are free to cast their spells at their leisure.

In a PvP bout, however, their damage output will be lower than that of a melee class simply because melee can get more of their attacks off than the caster can cast spells.

Literal whos indeed.
Who the fuck even thought about these people before they got in the warlock faction?

next expansion feature is subrace skins mark my words

>not being World Police Sentai Ebonbladger

good lie my man. She said the opposite