Why can't Bloodborne fanboys accept the fact that their game will never live up to the Souls series?

Why can't Bloodborne fanboys accept the fact that their game will never live up to the Souls series?

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Never? It already has.

Why can't souls fanboys ever live up to the fact that their games will never live up to bloodborne.

but it did.
every other Souls game has a massive flaw, Bloodborne only has a few annoyances

Bloodborne is LITERALLY perfect in every single way bar one very small slight annoyance, while every other souls game is absolute garbage meme games.

Still salty about the exclusive?

It's the other way around for me. I don't think they'd ever be able to make a souls game that delivers what blood borne did.

Such delusion...

Stings, doesn't it?

Doesn't sting as much as not playing bloodborne

BB > DaS > Nioh (Based on the two demos so far) > DaS 3 > DeS > DaS 2 > Salt and Sanctuary > Not playing videogames > Lords of the Fallen

Because if they admit to that, they're admitting that the PS4 truly isn't worth the investment.

Bloodborne is the better game though. Seriously, you should play it.


Bloodborne is better than the entire souls serious, without contest, but the PS4 is still not worth the investment.

the souls sequels were a mistake, and only damaged the series. Demons souls, dark souls and BB are the only good games

>flaws in other games
>Ugh, I can't enjoy this game because of these little nitpicks

>flaws in your fan boy game
>I mean, sure it has minor inconveniences, but if anything it adds to the games character, plus the game is perfect besides all its issues xD

>PS4 fanboys shouting into their echo chamber
Dark Souls is better in every way than Bloodborne.


other games pretty much being unfinished or being super linear are way worse than anything in Bloodborne


DaS, DaS3, and BB were the only good ones.

>Bloodborne is less linear than Dark Souls

Mad u cant play bloodborne? Haha

calm down, i meant that unfinished (DeS and DaS) OR super linear (DS2 and DS3)

only person agreeing with (You) is (You)

I don't care if it doesn't live up to anything, all that matters is that I fucking enjoy playing it.

You really need some water or else all that salt will dehydrate you


Sorry OP, back when i was a little babby pc only fag i thought BB was overrated too, but it's definitely the best souls game.

DaS > BB > DeS = DaS3 > NioH >>> DaS2

Agreed, haven't played Nioh though

As someone who doesn't play those games, they all seem the same to me. Lords of the Fallen too.

Have fun trying to argue about it pointlessly on the Internet.

I like NioH, but I'm not a fan of the diablo loot system and then subjective things like atmosphere/music, where souls really shines. Though it still is in beta, I've got high hopes.

>opinions: the thread

Bloodborne is worth picking up if you bought a ps4 but it's not worth the console. It has its flaws but overall it's a good game. My only complaints are the loadings and the fact you can't level up before a certain point in the story. Other than that it's a great game and absolutely lives up to the souls games imho

Fuck you bloodborne, you cancerous FAST mechanics and retarded enemy patterns ruined DS3.

What are you on about?
Why did you reply in this thread then?
Isn't your post the most pointless of this thread?


Bloodborne would be the best if it wasn't so damn easy.

My vote still goes to DaS1

Cry harder PCuck

Bloodborne is as much of a system seller as any system seller has ever been

No, BB had shit sales. What sold the system was "hey guys we aren't xbone :))"

It actually sold poorly compared to the marketing it received.

So far,
Nioh = Bloodborne > DaS > DaS 3 > DeS > DaS2

I'm not saying what I'm saying based on it's actual sales figures, I'm saying that, quality wise, compared to any other game that's been considered a system seller (Halo 3, any Smash bros title, etc) Bloodborne is on par.

Bloodborne>Nioh>Demons Soul>Lords of the Fallen>Dark Souls series


>still butthurt

Nioh is not a souls game, and combat-wise it doesn't even really feel like one.

>Weeb Souls
Opinion instantly worthless.

Bloodborne is literally From's best game and I'm a huge PCfag.

>Shit sales

Lmao the delusion.

My toy's exclusive > Your toy's exclusive > multiplatform idorts

BB > DS2SOTFS > DS1 >> DS2 >>>>>> DS3

It will never get a sequel.

Nioh is not a Souls game, but you're fooling yourself if you think it isn't similar. Or you just can't deal with the fact that it has already surpassed every single Dark Souls game out there?

Nioh is more onimusha than souls.

Compared to the actual PS4 install base, yes it sold badly.

It does not need a sequel.

I love bb and its probably one of my favorite game ever but its sales were around 2 mil is which is below average

Better souls game coming through.

>this shit taste

Maybe if you like terrible indie shit with the ugliest art style ive ever seen in a game.

>2 million
>below average

Thats how much every souls game has sold

Show me a better boss theme than this one


Sorry not everything is animu pedoshit.

Before the DLC came out.
If you look at Souls sales in individual platforms, it isn't bad at all. Not amazing, ofc.

DaS1 > BB = DaS3 (this is just a probability based on DLC) > DeS > DaS2

It's similar mechanically but the game feel is completely different

And I don't really think it's particularly better than any of the From games, it's just different.

Maria's theme is better


So you're just retarded right?

Perfect. After all of these Souls threads someone finally gets it.

>Dark Souls 2 memers

Go away

If you really think paedophilia is okay your urgently need to fuck off back to Sup Forums.

Okay this confirmed it.

Why did you spell it like that?

Because that's how it's spelt?


>Bloodborne isn't linear
>b-but I didn't m-mean linear... i meant, um, SUPER linear, h-hehe

Ok, into the trash your opinion goes

Nice samefagging.

Anyway, I own a PS4 and BB. The game is barely playable because it drops to 10 FPS all the time. The story is mediocre at best and the gameplay is atrocious.

It has 0 weapons and there is no difference between armors.

The game is basically a glorified Fashion Souls simulator.

>so far, the Playstation exclusives are the best, and I'm not JUST saying that to anger non Sonyponys teehee ;) ;) ;)
>so far, a shitty clone that hasn't even been released, and a mediocre spin off are better than anything else


I love the Souls games dearly, but Bloodborne represented a step in the right direction IMO. The things that make Souls great are still intact, with some fresh mechanics that keep it from feeling stale, as well as some really nice tweaks to the combat. Some more build variety would be kind of nice, but the setting and atmosphere of Bloodborne gave me that sparkly new feeling I haven't felt since the first Dark Souls game.

I hope that FROM keeps experimenting with new settings. At this point Souls is basically it's own genre, but it's obvious that they're running out of ideas for the main series games. Bloodborne was a nice jaunt through uncharted territory.

sci-fi souls when

>drops to 10 FPS all the time

I played through BB the first time on a borrowed PS4 recently and I never had this happen once. I think the worst moment for me was the bridge before father gasman when 7 enemies all died at once from a boulder and it certainly wasn't any lower than 20

Jesus Christ, what fucking shit tier music. This one is better than entire Bloodborne music:


Step in the arena, chosen undead.

>its a "salty pc fag gets so upset that he makes another thread trying to bash on a game he cant play"

Seriously though. Bloodborne is a fun game just like dark souls is a fun game. Both have their flaws, both provide a memorable experience, great soundtracks, immersion in both games, memorable bosses.

But one is exclusive. So it undeservedly gets more hate as well as excess praise.


Did you play online? When you are cooping with a friend the framerate drops in half.

*spam dodge roll*

No I didn't, I can't speak for the online component. What would cause it to drop? The main game was stable in my experience, also bear in mind I'm playing post patch.

I thought Bloodborne really cut out all the meaningless bits of the Dark Souls series (and it could have cut more).

Ultimately, I felt the ranged combat - namely the spells, did not feel interesting in Souls. You just kinda ran around shooting things when you had an opening. In addition to that, I felt that wide number of weapons in the Souls series was also meaningless because the variety they offered in combat was equally as diverse as in Bloodborne. You had few weapons in Bloodborne but there was the same amount of variety in combat styles as a Souls game.

Bloodborne was all in all simpler and I liked it better that way than a Souls game. There was less clutter and a more consistent aesthetic. Every time you discovered something it felt rewarding whereas in a Souls game it was so cluttered with gear that was often useless that there was no longer any worthwhile feeling of discovery.

If I were to recommend these games to anybody it would be Dark Souls 1 and/or Bloodborne. Any of the others just felt lost in comparison.

>PC and PS4 idort here.
Dark Souls for challenge and fun.
Bloodborne for atmosphere and fashion.

Bloodborne is a fun game, but it doesn't live up to one major factor which all Souls games are known for: The challenge. Bloodborne is insanely easy, even compared to DS3. But I imagine that was intended. It's clearly a softened-up Souls game for the average gamer, not Souls veterans.

Getting the rakuyo was easy?

I don't think its fair for any of us to claim any one game is harder or easier than the other.

Every subsequent game I played after Dark Souls 1 was somewhat not challenging - and I don't mean easy but it wasn't like your first Souls game. I felt that Dark Souls 3 was outright offensive how they recycled all the old tricks in the previous games and never thought up new shit to fuck with us. The first-chest-mimic was stupid and did not fool me a bit.

Bloodborne has the hardest bosses in the series, overall. Even discounting the nonsense Chalice Dungeon bosses.

Nothing in the rest of the series compares with Orphan of Kos or Ludwig in my opinion (except perhaps Maneaters)

>Bloodborne has the hardest bosses in the series, overall.
Hell no they fucking don't. If a boss ain't parry bait then you can just stay at their feet and i-frame them to death.

Then what game does have the hardest bosses?

DaSIII's are easy, Dark Souls has been easy after vanilla when they nerfed Ornstein and Smough (bosses in DaS are universally beaten by hugging their back anyway), DaSII's are the easiest in the series.

I guess that leaves DeS. Maneaters and Flamelurker weren't easy, depending on your build, it's true.

>bloodborne is easy
>only souls game before Das3 where the bosses were actually aggressive and had different phases instead of doing the same shit

Kos is literally harder than any souls boss

The fuck, DeS is easy as fuck. DaSII might be the hardest just due to hitbox bullshit and not leveling that iframe skill, not counting those then it's also easy. BB is easy as fuck due to large amount of iframes, rally, and parries being easy as fuck to pull off. I haven't played DaSIII much so dunno about that.

DaS > DaSII > BB > DeS if we go by mechanics in the game

If we fixed the mechanics that made shit easy then it would be

BB > DaS > DeS > DaSII, but these mechanics are part of the game so this is irrelevant.