Top 3 steam games





>Dota 2
>Dragon's Dogma

rating or playtime-wise?
>Dark Souls 1
>Dark Souls 3


>using steam

lol u dumb ffagg

1. TF2
2. Path of Exile
3. Tribes: Ascend

>Crusader Kings II
>Mount & Blade: Warband
>Civilization V

Mount and Blade Warband

Skyrim is only there due to my brother putting in an extra 100 hours, it would be 5th place behind Medieval Total War 2 and Fallout NV

1. Pajama Sam: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet
2. Plants vs. Zombies
3. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Rate Me
>1. Path of Exile: 1,428 hours
>2. ARK: Survial Evolved: 682 hours
>3. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition: 267 hours

did he died?

1. Talos Principle bundle
2. Stalker SoC
3. Black Mesa

>old auras and charges

In terms of time spent playing (no particular order)
1. Crypt of the Necro Dancer
2. Autism Souls 1 + 3
3. Arma 3

(TF2 would be up there, but haven't played it in years)

Also a good indicator of FUN levels

>FFXIV - 2k hours
>Civilization V - 1.5k hours
>Fallout 4 - 250 hours



>Team Fortress 2: 583 hours
>Garry's Mod: 367 hours
>Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition: 206 hours

CoD: Black Ops 3 - 185h
Borderlands 2 - 77h
MGS V TPP - 65h
