Is nintendo out of ideas?

Is nintendo out of ideas?

Well, they kinda cornered themselves into the "waggle waggle gimmick" market, so..

i got a 3ds half a year before the announcement of the New 3ds. too poor to afford any new nintendo handheld BS. FML.

They ran out of ideas after the GBA days. They just got lucky their earlier gimmicks weren't so awful as to hurt sales.

>not just ordering any cover design you desire off a printer
its not like blank plates are hard to get

These are going to sell for thousands 10 years from now.

>tfw Nintendo has so little to talk about this year that a generic skinned 3DS is worthy of an announcement trailer

The NX had better be good.

That looks like one of the cover plates you get from cheap chinese stores.

Instead of transparent 3DSs we get this shit, bravo Nintendo.

It's fine to release some new colours and designs, it doesn't mean you are out of ideas. But this one looks awful. It's just a cheap picture printed on the top in a way that doesn't look good at all.

it's a nice plate but not sure why they made a video about it.

>Reggie personally talks up this complete non-idea.

What the f.

I know they want to sell more 3DS's, but really?

An XL with a rudimentary galaxy printed on the cover and blue parts for the rest?

That's pretty lame.

Do you think Reggie knows how bullshit the stuff coming out of his mouth sounds like?

Like.. it's a fucking faceplate, are you serious?

>literally just a sticker glued to the standard blue model

>Instead of transparent 3DSs we get this shit, bravo Nintendo.

Now THAT would actually be cool. Some retro transparent 3DSs like the Game Boy Colors. I'd actually be excited for that.

But this... nah. You can tell they got high off LSD and thats where the idea of a "galaxy" themed 3DS came from.

who knows, maybe the NX reveal in 3 weeks is real and they are going to go crescendo with the vids starting from today.

bruh this 3ds is lit af, baka for nintendo not thinking of this color scheme sooner desu senpai

can't wait to show this off to my friends at the vans store LOL

I guess they have to have trailers for something since they have no games

>people will fall for this
>we are guaranteed at least 2 new version for pokemon sun moon.
If at least there were plates for both models and all would be available without the console...

Oh god, whats the context on this picture?

When will Nintendo stop with this touchscreen shit? Stop with the DS entirely, stop with the dual screens, just fucking stop, give us a good handheld, PLEASE JUST GIVE US A GOOD HANDHELD DEVICE, NO MORE GIMMICKS.

I can not remember the touchscreen adding anything remotely fun or interesting to any game I ever fucking played on the DS, the DS is a failed fucking concept, move on Nintendo.

This is as trivial as the Tribal GBA SP

How Nintendo could make money:

-Lower the price of their digital software
-offer more than "UP to 30% off selected titles"
-give away games

People shill free games for free, "look user I got these 5 games for FREE", the word spreads and people start buying hardware to get free games.

But they don't fucking understand this, they would rather release a fucking video about a shitty faceplate than giving away their games.


Etrian Odyssey

Is this a joke?

>I didn't play a single DS game

I do like the touchscreen though. It's not going anywhere. Smartphones have conditioned people to expect every screen to be touchscreen. Hell sometimes I forget the top screen on the 3DS isnt touchscreen. It's here to stay.

>I can not remember the touchscreen adding anything remotely fun or interesting to any game I ever fucking played on the DS

I dont know about the original DS but I do love the fact that you can bring up the Items or Map menu from the lower screen on OoT 3D. You just touch it and it comes up without stopping the gameplay. Thats a great concept.

Dude wtf the touch screen is an amazing gimmick and immensely convenient in pretty much all games it's correctly implemented.

>he doesn't know the Una vela meme
I envy you.
Basically South americans, and especially Argies, have a big huge weird boner for everything Simpsons related and they do those bootleg drawings related to soccer teams and weed.

Has April come soon?

Looks like football teams banter. I'm from south america but have no idea what "se regalo" means in that context, probably an argentina thing.

Touch screen can add extra buttons basically. Even the Vita had it as an option though not a main focus

Isn't that a nebula?

Not defending Nintendo's practices here, but those free games are usually shit. Nintendo games are worth their value because they're actually GOOD. Their games are games you'll still want to play once in a while 10 years from now.
Nobody will care about free shit like Flappy Bird in 3 months, as we have seen.


I've had this since launch, I see no reason to replace it.

Holy fuck, I didn't know they got fucking Reggie to shill this shit.

I thought it was just a generic ad video.

What the fuck?

They really fucked up with the 3D and tri-cameras.

The touchscreen can be a nice addition in small games, but I agree it's far from necessary, it's basically a mouse.

The dual screen is just making up for the low resolution of the 3/DS.

That totally needed its own mysterioso trailer starring Reggie Fils-Aime

Dual screens is a great and well executed concept though, lots of good games used it to great effect too

Saving money for the NX. Gonna pass. and I barely play my 3DS nowadays to be honest, even tho I carry it with me everywhere.

This year has been pretty depressing for Nintendo. It's unfortunate because they released some really exceptional games on the Wii U but it just isn't enough. Perhaps the significant dip of quality might be due to a change of priority to the NX (might just be wishful thinking though).

>This retarded fucking piece of disgusting chineese knock-off shit gets released
>Meanwhile there's still no black small new 3ds

>going back to single screen after experiencing the dual screen of the DS family
Are you retarded my dude

White is a neutral color, black is not.

We joke about Nintendo dying, but they really will. The NX will be the end of Nintendo hardware. At least when Nintendo goes third party, they'll still be great video game developers.

That's look SIIIIIICK, time to sell my 3Ds for the 5th time and buy this new model!

what the fuck is the president of the american branch doing advertising a fucking cosmetic model?


Shut up cuck almost every single coverplate looks better on the black one.

Reggie looks like Todd here. Is this real? They selling some stock image galaxy shit on 3DS and Reggie makes a video about it?

How in the fuck did anyone at Nintendo think

"Oh yeah this is a good idea!"

Its absolutely hideous and generic

Are you high?
Plenty of plates would look fine on black


Aren't the regular n3ds XLs $175 now?

>hurr I know better than a multibillionaire company
Lmao, fuck off with your edgy color kids.

It's like smacking a wasp nest full of shills.

Nintendrones please contain your autism.

nintendrones will swallow whatever regginator blows onto their faces

Maybe it's a hint that NX is Nintendo Galaxy?

At least on Amazon, yeah.

But they're desperate to keep it to $200, so they came up with this bullshit chinese knock-off faceplate ahahah

They're padding the release schedule until NX next year.

>get called out
> drones!
like a clockwork. You got a little bit too confident about the shit you allow yourself to say. Too much closed blogging, not enough real life.


yea, don't be racist

You know those customizable plates you can buy?

Yeah? Well fuck you here's a permanent XL design instead.

Classic Nintendo.

They were out of ideas over a decade ago. So yes.

I mean Reggie looks like he is not serious about it. He's not a total dumbass after all.

XL is so much better though.

That's why they should give away GOOD games not shit like Yoshi's Cookie or Metal Torrent.

Imagine if they gave away Pokemon Red or Blue to all 3DS owners when Pokemon GO was at its peak, but no, they wanted MORE money. They are a company that runs on money, I understand that, but they need to improve their image.

>bigger screen
>same resolution
it's fucking garbage

This is so disgusting. It doesn't even match the rest of the 3DS
>Purple galaxy back while the rest of the system is an ugly blue

Does it at least come with a game? Is there a bundle option?

>At least when Nintendo goes third party, they'll still be great video game developers.
[citation needed]

>say something autistic
>n-nintendrone your a-autist
Its like poetry

>Hey, ""New"" 3DS XL sales are going down! what should we do?
>Maybe we can actually sell the regular sized ""New"" 3DS in the west with custom covers
>So, people want different covers?
>How about we just give them a cheap paintjob to the ""New"" 3DS XL's we already have instead
>Why, that's brilliant!

The only thing more retarded than that thought process is actually making an announcement for it.

Better sons for different cucks I guess.

The jaggies already cut my eyes on the small one, I can only imagine the eye rape the XL causes.

at $200, $175 is a sale price

If $175 was your retail price, then you'd have to price even lower for sale prices

it's like when you say "Wii U should be no more than $200" and always some faggot responds "well you can get a refurb for that much". No shit? and if the retail price was $200, refurbs would be even cheaper. idiot.

dont you get it guys

mario galaxy for 3ds confirmed

I don't see no 175 dollar n3ds XLs on Amazon

They all 200+ new

>Announcing a New 3DS

Why? Where's the NX you assholes?

Argentina was a mistake.

Because 3DS hinges break like candy so Nintendo fans have to buy a new 3DS every 3 months

its literally a 3ds with a ebay skin slapped on
what the fuck

>the 3DS costs as much as an Xbone (refurbished)

The disney channel had really cute boys

>nintendo has such little in the pipe that the president has to advertise skins for a 5 year old device

I came in here just to post this


>Nintendo genuinely thinks you want this instead of this

you can't turn the blue N3DS's that no one bought into clear models

you can, however, slap a sticker onto them

just like new.. "New" I mean

>Stupid ass trying to sounds smart by making retarded business ideas

Go to bed. You got early shift tomorrow at mcdonalds

Why didn't they just make a pikachu one again

Why this generic background shit? Who greenlit this?

>The plastic isn't atomic purple

>Imagine if they gave away Pokemon Red or Blue to all 3DS owners when Pokemon GO was at its peak


Although they *did* give out R/B for free when you bought that Pokemon themed n3DS when it came out. But of course, it was only "free" if you bought the system.

That is pretty much what it is. They fast-tracked NX as much as possible, which meant moving bigger projects over and rushing smaller projects to market.

After Splatoon and Mario Maker, they basically put all their A-teams on NX projects and spread their remaining WiiU projects as best they could.

It still was a huge mess but I guess if NX has a strong launch and follow-up, in their eyes it will all be worth it.

>-offer more than "UP to 30% off selected titles"

They used to have free games with their rewards programs, but then the Wii Mini fiasco happened. That's why the new rewards and deals are so anemic. Once bitten, twice shy, and all that.

Huh.. looks like they're all out of the Black and Red ones right now. But trust me, they're usually $175. Thats the price I bought my Black one back in february. At that time the Red one was still $200. Then I checked like a month ago and the Red one was also $175. Thats the one I really wanted but got a Black one instead because of $25 less.

If that was the one announced, I would actually consider trading in my black one for that.. or maybe a see-through red one.

im gonna copy the exact picture on this new 3ds and sell it as a skin on ebay

There's politics involved, it's not as easy as just pointing out faults

For instance, digital sales. Physical sales still make up the bulk of their business and they're not just going to abandon it so quickly. The reason why they can't offer cheaper games digitally is because retailers like Walmart, Target etc, where they sell most of their games, would refuse to carry them if they had to match the online prices, because it means less markups for them and less profit in an already very competitive industry with razor thin margins. As long as most people buy physically, digital deals just won't be any good. Steam can get away with it because they don't have physical sales. They're entirely digital and don't have to fuck with retailers

Nintendo also doesn't want to devalue their own software. You see other companies follow this familiar trend of $60 launch, $40 in 4 weeks, $20/bargain bin 3 months later. People except that now and they just wait. The price you set for software is arbitrary and Nintendo has a monopoly on Nintendo games. They're competing against themselves so lowering their prices for no reason is just shooting themselves in the foot. Nintendo's main competition is aftermarket (used) sales. By keeping their own prices high, they also set the price of the after market - used game prices stay high because people have more confidence that the value of Nintendo games will retain and thus more people buy new copies because they don't save much buying used.

Club Nintendo used to be really good at free games and shit, hopefully they do something like that again. They've been really hurting financially because the 3DS and Wii U didn't do anywhere near as good as their predecessors, so if the NX does well you can expect to see more bonuses to consumers. If it does poorly, you can expect more penny pinching.