You think undertale will have a sequel of what happens on the overworld?
reeee uddertale get out get out autism
A sequal has been sort of confirmed by toby himself
This game is so bad, it made the pope hate video games, talk about a record.
I could have sworn Toby said he was not interesting in continuing the story of Undertale
Its funny how irrelevant this game is now
The only people I see still bringing it up anymore are literal spergs or tumblrinas
It's the best game. Can this sub just admit it?
recently pirated it and played for the first time. ended up buying the game + soundtrack. I know Sup Forums shits on it for being tumblr or whatever but I think its seriously fun. Fun story, endearing characters, god tier music.
never played this or Lisa
Why would you buy it if you already pirated it?
It deserves it's money. It's one of the best games ever made, if not THE best!
what would even be the point
pretty much gave some back to the creator. also, nice tumblr pic while you're slinging mud.
Yeah but what about the meta commentary on rpgs and player choice?
And what was everyone's favorite moment or aspect of the game? I still love when the game revealed that there were more mechanics to boss fights through Papyrus' blue attack. The way they set it up with the blue stop sign joke and having the initial attack seem ridiculous really caught me off guard.
My favorite moment in the entire game is still
>"You're blue now. That's my attack!"
>the drums kick in
It kind of ticks me off how the game pushes the pacifist "no killing" route, yet most of the bosses kind of deserve to die.
Toriel - Deserts her kingdom and husband when they need her the most. Refuses to destroy the Ruin exit until Frisk arrives because ???, which would have saved the lives of several children. And the worst part is she doesn't own up to her mistakes, and puts full blame on Asgore for having to deal with a shitty situation alone.
Undyne - Has a sadistic pleasure of trying to murder a child, even if it's on the Pacifist route and you haven't harmed a soul.
Mettaton - Literally tries to murder a child and steal their soul so he can be a T.V. star in the human world.
Alphys (not a boss, but whatever) - Played God with a bunch of monsters and their souls, and gets the girl of her dreams because "she likes anime A LOT".
Muffet - Mercenary, essentially. Willing to kill for money.
Sans - Won't lift a finger to avenge his brother if you aren't on a Genocide run, all because of some promise he made to a chick he never met face-to-face. Talk about pussywhipped.
Why the fuck should I spare any of these people? Papyrus is the only spareable boss worth doing so, and only because he's too retarded to be a real threat.
Is this a ruse?
According to GameFAQs it's the best
I'm not sure what you mean but thanks, I save what I see when I browse
the meta stuff was obviously great. knew I was in for something special after I killed Toriel, reloaded and tried peacefully, and Flowey told me he knew that I killed her, and he had the power of SAVE too
>only because he's too retarded to be a real threat
Confirmed actual, literal autism. No one types like that user, you need help that modern medicine is unfortunately unable to provide for you.
Get off the keyboard, Chara. No one likes a genocide baby that goes waaa waaa all day.
Type like what?
I had the same route you did, after realizing it was actually an option to spare bosses when I got to Papyrus, I reset and tried not killing anyone. At first it felt like I cheated myself but once I got to flowey I realized the game is designed around people restarting to fix their playthrough
Not that it's irrelevant. It's just everyone has pretty much played it already. The only people who really need to talk about it anymore are the cancerous fanbois/tumblrfags
Fuck Chara too. Fucker isn't even a real character. Just an obnoxious edgelord that gets two minutes of screentime.
What the fuck are you talking about?
How is it a ruse?
>watching one of the first streamed Genocide runs by a Sup Forumsirgin back on release
>"It's me, Hitler."
>later on he's fighting Sans
>think why the music sounds familiar
>realize it's Megalovania
It was a good time. Then Tumblr latched onto it and any Sup Forums thread was destroyed by shitposting falseflaggers for months.
He doesn't try to avenge his brother on Genocide, either.
Well, maybe not specifically just for that reason, but I assumed that was part of it.
Otherwise he's a pretty shitty brother.
Sneaky dastard makes you think you have to weaken her first and deliberately traps you into killing her if you try that.
Don't be mad because I can see through the flaws of the characters, for what they really are.
>Ohhhhhh yessssss...
He does say just before he starts the fight that he regrets having to break his promise.
That's his promise to Toriel not to hurt Frisk.
Again, weird how he puts a promise to some lady he's never met face-to-face over getting revenge on his brother's murderer.
Just to know... who just slashed anyone who crossed your way, spared asgore, and killed flowey during your first game ?
Aside from sparing Asgore, that's what I did.
I assumed that's how you did a Genocide run, I didn't realize you had to actively hunt for minor enemies.
Its a shame this masterpiece of a game had to suffer from Sup Forums being contrarian assholes.
Yes, you just don't think about it when you do that. You don't actively try to be evil.
Anons, I'm going to make a weird request:
Does anyone know where you can download the Game Maker Studio filed that this was made with? I know you can do it yourself but I am not 7331 enough to do so without fucking shit up.
Any help would be much appreciated
Source is kys.
Nah, perfection should be well left alone.
You cant deny that Sup Forums was shitting on it because their """sworn enemy"""" tumblr also liked it.
Sup Forums had nothing but praise for the game before tumblr latched onto it.
Or maybe Sup Forums isn't a singular entity, and those who like it and those who hate it are different people.
I want a Doggo one.
Nigga what?
Not him but if you are seriously denying the fact that Sup Forums was shitting on this game for nearly 80% of it's existence after "Tumblr" was associated with it, you are either lying, ignorant, or a gigantic newfag
thanks i will keep myself safe.
Or, again, Sup Forums isn't a singular entity. I to this day see people who like it here.
are you fucking retarded?
>Sup Forums had nothing but praise for the game before tumblr latched onto it.
implies the exact same "Sup Forums people" liked the game then switched sides because tumblr
>Or maybe Sup Forums isn't a singular entity, and those who like it and those who hate it are different people.
is saying that Sup Forums is multiple people and nobody switched sides
but tumblr was always associated with it. its made by the guy who made homestuck, isnt it?
>implies the exact same "Sup Forums people" liked the game then switched sides because tumblr
Yes. They did. They do. They still do. Where the fuck have you been
>Or maybe Sup Forums isn't a singular entity, and those who like it and those who hate it are different people.
>is saying that Sup Forums is multiple people and nobody switched sides
There is a hivemind here worse than Reddit and you know it. This game went through A Cycle of Sup Forums where it got praised, shat and memed on, and now that it has died down a bit, people are actually able to talk about it outside of /vg/
Worked with Homestuck maker. Do your basic research before you post.
Doesn't change the fact it is a good game that got shat on because of memes
>matpat gave the pope a steam code for undertale
>implying Asgore's buildup, fight and theme aren't all fucking perfect
Yeah, but what about Undertale?
What's his name again?
Asgore "Put the tykes on a pike" Dremurr
But hey, that's just a theory...
Don't bother. You can point it out to them over and over, but they just won't listen. They'll perform so many mental gymnastics and delude themselves into believing they and they alone are objectively right. Let the fools be.
are you part of the hivemind then? are you speaking from experience? did the hive queen of Sup Forums spoke out to you and told you to hate a game before?
no? youre not? wow. i cant believe it. you are the only unique individual on Sup Forums to not be part of a hivemind. wow. amazing. what is it like to be a free thinker?
That's a pretty shit radskelly
>meeting him, completely chill nice guy
>the barrier
>his intro music
>ok so how am I gonna spare this fucker
>harpoons the mercy button
honestly asgore was probably the best fight, thematically, except maybe photo flower
Most undertalefags are probably fedora tippers
burger truck king
Asgore "You have to be this tall to live" Dremurr
Should be well left alone, sequels would ruin it.
>yfw "A little Flower told me"
>be me
>see people talk about thing
>see more and more people talk about thing everyday
>thing has now gone viral
>wonder what thing is
>look it up
>thing is something im not interested in and dont care about
>ask why so many people like thing in the first place
>realize people who like thing are easy to troll
>pick on them forever
welcome to Sup Forums
this is a good image
Generally when it comes to Sup Forums you have one side posting all the cringe and nasty shit that comes from Undertale while the other half has slow and nice threads like this one discussing the game, it's merits and flaws as well as posting memes.
However a lot of other places on the web will shun you for even saying the game isn't perfect.
Ironic really.
Undertale is the embodiment of everything that's wrong with indie games. Pretentious hipster crap full of "meaningful" mumbo jumbo.
I think it says something about games when something this fucking cloying and manipulative can have such massive success
As much as I hate Undertale, I actually do like Asgore.
hard mode when
*tips fedora*
he doesn't try to avenge his brother because he knows it won't matter anyways.
he knows someone will just rese the timeline anyways, so why bother?
That isn't limited to Undertale though. People these days perceive any negative comment as "hate".
>still no hard mode
>still no comic
>still no alarm clock app
>still can't have a robot husband
>still can't SAVE everyone
>still can't kill Alphys through direct means
>Everyone in the game said that Asgore was a nice person to just about everyone
>Assumed it was either a big lie or just that it'd be different for me because Im human
>He actually did turn out to be nice
I won't lie, I found this far more surprising than anything else in the game.
I enjoyed the mother series and I also enjoyed undertale, the music is top tier, but the best character was the fan-made spider
the pacifism gimmick is full retard, and thats the only reason the game got the 9.5s, without that gimmick it would have been given 8s
the entire western world is in love with the whole 'if it makes me feel bad it's bad' horseshit, so the fantasy of resolving conflict without violence was a way for them to rally behind something that confirmed their fantasies
>undertale is new
>Sup Forums talk about it all the time and seems to love it
>a series of coincidences leads to it getting a terrible fanbase
>Sup Forums pretends like they never liked it in the first place
I thought it was a fun, memorable experience with fantastic music.
That's almost like saying "Yeah, your brother got murdered, but everyone is gonna die eventually, so who cares?"
And again, the pacifist route would be fine if most of the boss characters didn't arguably deserve to get killed.
>Wanting to SAVE Asriel
>Wanting to some an omnicidal maniac
I loved the game but I loved LISA more.
oh I found these the other day, I thought you goat loving faggots might enjoy them
I guess it depends.
Sans seems to have a deeper understanding of the timeline fuckery, so to him, it'll be like losing your best soldier in non-ironman X-com. it may sting a bit, but it'll be back to normale eventually.
the only reason he tries to stop you in Genocide is because he knows that this is the VERY LAST timeline. he knows that you will literally end time as we know it if he lets you past him.
and he knows that he can't possibly win.
Funny, I was thinking about this game yesterday.
>Asgore "My kids an heroed so I went 6/0" Dreemur
I hear you.
Plus funny thing is Sup Forums looks at something like No Man Sky for instance and is careful about what it's setting up to be, this means you get people who shitpost about it, some who hype and others who just don't care.
Meanwhile everyone else is hyping it till it comes out and then becomes a hate mob when things go sour.
I still honestly think Sup Forums is one of the best places to talk about vidya since people are actual honest and can BE honest.
>sort of confirmed
are you almost certain?