Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

Shitty box art is shitty

Why not wait for the official announcement in 2018?

>Chapter 3 confirmed for Half-Life 3

Incidentally, this game sounds an awful lot like that """fake""" HL leak on reddit a while back

>two "big boss-es" on the cover
garbage an ending as it was, its not like theyre even trying to make it discreet

How nice, there's a spoiler on the cover of the fucking game

When your Boxart is the game's biggest spoiler.

no there isn't you literally autistic cucks

Can someone convince me not to buy MGS V? Finished Hitman and Deus ex and I'm jonesing for more spy stuff.

Only get it if you're a fan of the series.

It's fun gameplay, but there's not really any "spy stuff" in V and the story literally just stops at one point and leaves nothing answered after a major plot point. If you wanna be a spy try any MGS mainline game except 4 and V. Not saying 4 is bad, but it's less spy than the others.

why not call it Metal Gear Solid V: Existence, or some other pretentious subtitle to fit in with Substance or Subsistence?

If you're looking for an operator sim that isn't as autistic as ArmA, then go for it. It's basically Hitman with more mobility and shooty

if you get the PC version get the infinite heaven mod. It makes the free roam a bit more active and gives you options to make the game harder

>definitive edition/experience
i swear its like the shittiest name you can give to a rebrand/repackage
it's basically the company saying "the more expensive version you bought is shit compared to this. this is the DEFINITIVE one."
as much hate as bethesda gets, "special edition" is a nice name for a repackage. its a special edition, not the DEFINITIVE hinting the other editions are fucking garbage. fuck publishers who do this.

If you cared at all about the story in MGS, MGSV takes a huge runny dump on the Big Boss saga. I mean, play it if you want, but go in with incredibly low expectations.

I think the opposite is the case, only get it, if you're not a fan, because it will only infuriate fans.

yeah """fan"""

>"the more expensive version you bought is shit compared to this. this is the DEFINITIVE one."
That statement it true, though.

>trust nobody, not even yourself

I'm glad I decided to play through the rest of MGS before playing MGSV, now I get all the DLC too. Just started MGS3 today.

The best thing about 4 is that won't miss out on anything important if you can't play it.

considering that was concept art by a ledditor...